import { Dispatch, SetStateAction } from "react" import { notification } from 'antd'; import { FileInfoDto } from '../services/api' const notificationTypeDictionary = new Map([ ['error', {notifyInstance: notification.error, caption: 'Ошибка'}], ['warning', {notifyInstance: notification.warning, caption: 'Предупреждение'}], ['info', {notifyInstance:, caption: 'Инфо'}], ['open', {notifyInstance:, caption: ''}], ]) /** * Вызов оповещений всплывающим окошком. * @param body string или ReactNode * @param notifyType для параметра типа. Допустимые значение 'error', 'warning', 'info' */ export const notify = (body: string|any, notifyType:string ='info', other?: any) => { if(!body) return const instance = notificationTypeDictionary.get(notifyType) ?? notificationTypeDictionary.get('open') instance?.notifyInstance({ description: body, message: instance.caption, placement: "bottomRight", duration: 10, ...other }) } type asyncFunction = (...args:any) => Promise; export const invokeWebApiWrapperAsync = async ( funcAsync: asyncFunction, setShowLoader: Dispatch>, errorNotifyText: (string | ((ex: unknown) => string)) ) => { if(setShowLoader) setShowLoader(true) try{ await funcAsync() } catch (ex) { if(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') console.error(ex) if(errorNotifyText) { if (typeof errorNotifyText === 'function') notify(errorNotifyText(ex), 'error') else notify(errorNotifyText, 'error') } } finally{ if(setShowLoader) setShowLoader(false) } } export const download = async (url:string, fileName?:string) => { const response = await fetch(url, { headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + localStorage['token'] }, method: 'Get' }) if(response.status !== 200) throw response const requestFileName = decodeURI(fileName ??response.headers .get('content-disposition') ?.split(';') .splice(-1)[0] .split("'") .splice(-1)[0] ?? url.replace('\\','/') .split('/') .splice(-1)[0] ?? 'file') const blob = await response.blob() const reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsDataURL(blob); reader.onload = function (e) { let a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = ( ?? ''); = requestFileName; document.body.appendChild(a); // we need to append the element to the dom -> otherwise it will not work in firefox; a.remove(); }; } export const upload = async (url:string, formData: FormData) => { let response = await fetch(url, { headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + localStorage['token'] }, method: 'Post', body: formData, }) return response } export const downloadFile = async (fileInfo: FileInfoDto) => { try { await download(`/api/well/${fileInfo.idWell}/files/${}`) } catch (error) { notify(`Не удалось скачать файл ${} по скважине (${fileInfo.idWell})`, 'error') console.log(error) } } export const formatBytes = (bytes:number) => { if(bytes < 1024) return `${bytes.toFixed(0)}b` if(bytes < 1024*1024) return `${(bytes/1024).toFixed(2)}kb` else return `${(bytes/1024/1024).toFixed(2)}Mb` } export const formatTimespan = (seconds:number) => { const days = Math.floor(seconds / 86400) seconds = seconds % 86400 const hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600) seconds = seconds % 3600 const minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60) seconds = seconds % 60 let formatedTimespan = '' if(days > 0) formatedTimespan += days + ' ' formatedTimespan += hours.toString().padStart(2,'0') + ':' + minutes.toString().padStart(2,'0') + ':' + seconds.toString().padStart(2,'0') return formatedTimespan }