import { Dispatch, SetStateAction } from "react" import notify from "./notify" export const RegExpIsFloat = /^[-+]?\d+\.?\d*$/ /* other - объект с дополнительными свойствами колонки поддерживаются все базовые свойства из описания плю дополнительные для колонок EditableTable: editable - редактируемая колонка, bool input - react компонента редактора (, , ...) isRequired - значение может быть пустым, formItemClass - css класс для , если требуется formItemRules - массив правил валидации значений, initialValue - дефолтное значение при добавлении новой строки */ export const makeColumn = (title:string, key:string, other?:any) => ({ title: title, key: key, dataIndex: key, ...other, }) export const makeColumnsPlanFact = (title:string, key:string|string[], columsOther?:any|any[], gruopOther?:any) => { let keyPlanLocal = key let keyFactLocal = key if(key instanceof Array){ keyPlanLocal = key[0] keyFactLocal = key[1] }else{ keyPlanLocal = key + 'Plan' keyFactLocal = key + 'Fact' } let columsOtherLoacl :any[2] if(columsOther instanceof Array) columsOtherLoacl = [columsOther[0], columsOther[1]] else columsOtherLoacl = [columsOther, columsOther] return { title: title, ...gruopOther, children: [ makeColumn('план', keyPlanLocal, columsOtherLoacl[0]), makeColumn('факт', keyFactLocal, columsOtherLoacl[1]), ] } } type PaginationContainer = { skip?: number; take?: number; count?: number; items?: any[] | null; } type asyncFunction = (...args:any) => Promise; export const makePaginationObject = (paginationContainer:PaginationContainer, ...other:any) => { let page = 1 + Math.floor((paginationContainer.skip??0) /(paginationContainer.take??1)); return { ...other, pageSize: paginationContainer.take, total: paginationContainer.count ?? paginationContainer.items?.length ?? 0, current: page, } } export const invokeWebApiWrapper = async (func: Function, setShowLoader: Dispatch>, errorNotifyText: string) => { if(setShowLoader) setShowLoader(true) try{ func() } catch (ex) { if(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') console.log(ex) if(errorNotifyText) notify(errorNotifyText, 'error') } finally{ if(setShowLoader) setShowLoader(false) } } export const invokeWebApiWrapperAsync = async (funcAsync: asyncFunction, setShowLoader: Dispatch>, errorNotifyText: string) => { if(setShowLoader) setShowLoader(true) try{ await funcAsync() } catch (ex) { if(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') console.log(ex) if(errorNotifyText) notify(errorNotifyText, 'error') } finally{ if(setShowLoader) setShowLoader(false) } } export const download = async (url:string, fileName?:string) => { const response = await fetch(url, { headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + localStorage['token'] }, method: 'Get' }) const requestFileName = decodeURI(fileName ??response.headers .get('content-disposition') ?.split(';') .splice(-1)[0] .split("'") .splice(-1)[0] ?? url.replace('\\','/') .split('/') .splice(-1)[0] ?? 'file') const blob = await response.blob() const reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsDataURL(blob); reader.onload = function (e) { let a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = ( ?? ''); = requestFileName; document.body.appendChild(a); // we need to append the element to the dom -> otherwise it will not work in firefox; a.remove(); }; } export const upload = async (url:string, formData: FormData) => { await fetch(url, { headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + localStorage['token'] }, method: 'Post', body: formData, }) }