forked from ddrilling/AsbCloudServer
128 lines
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128 lines
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using AsbCloudDb.Model;
using AsbCloudDb.Model.Subsystems;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.Subsystems;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Background.PeriodicWorks;
public class WorkSubsystemAbfOperationTimeCalc : WorkSubsystemOperationTimeCalcAbstract
public WorkSubsystemAbfOperationTimeCalc()
: base("Subsystem automated bit feeding operation time calc")
Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
protected override async Task<IEnumerable<SubsystemOperationTime>> OperationTimeAsync(int idTelemetry, DateTimeOffset geDate, IAsbCloudDbContext db, CancellationToken token)
static bool isSubsytemAkbRotor(short? mode) => mode == 1;
static bool isSubsytemAkbSlide(short? mode) => mode == 3;
static bool IsSubsystemMse(short? state) => (state & 1) > 0;
var query =
$"select, tt.mode, tt.well_depth, tt.mse_state " +
$"from ( " +
$" select " +
$" date, " +
$" mode, " +
$" mse_state, " +
$" well_depth, " +
$" lag(mode,1) over (order by date) as mode_lag, " +
$" lead(mode,1) over (order by date) as mode_lead " +
$" from t_telemetry_data_saub " +
$" where id_telemetry = {idTelemetry} and well_depth is not null and well_depth > 0 " +
$" order by date ) as tt " +
$"where (tt.mode_lag is null or (tt.mode != tt.mode_lag and tt.mode_lead != tt.mode_lag)) and >= '{geDate:u}' " +
$"order by;";
using var result = await ExecuteReaderAsync(db, query, token);
var subsystemsOperationTimes = new List<SubsystemOperationTime>();
var detectorRotor = new SubsystemDetector(idTelemetry, idSubsystemAPDRotor, isSubsytemAkbRotor, IsValid);
var detectorSlide = new SubsystemDetector(idTelemetry, idSubsystemAPDSlide, isSubsytemAkbSlide, IsValid);
var detectorMse = new SubsystemDetector(idTelemetry, idSubsystemMse, IsSubsystemMse, IsValid);
while (result.Read())
var mode = result.GetFieldValue<short?>(1);
var state = result.GetFieldValue<short?>(3);
var isAkbRotorEnable = isSubsytemAkbRotor(mode);
var isAkbSlideEnable = isSubsytemAkbSlide(mode);
var isMseEnable = IsSubsystemMse(state);
var date = result.GetFieldValue<DateTimeOffset>(0);
var depth = result.GetFieldValue<float>(2);
if (detectorRotor.TryDetect(mode, date, depth, out var detectedRotor))
if (detectorSlide.TryDetect(mode, date, depth, out var detectedSlide))
if (detectorMse.TryDetect(mode, date, depth, out var detectedMse))
return subsystemsOperationTimes;
private static async Task<DbDataReader> ExecuteReaderAsync(IAsbCloudDbContext db, string query, CancellationToken token)
var connection = db.Database.GetDbConnection();
if (
connection?.State is null ||
connection.State == ConnectionState.Broken ||
connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
await db.Database.OpenConnectionAsync(token);
connection = db.Database.GetDbConnection();
using var command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = query;
var result = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync(token);
return result;
private static bool IsValid(SubsystemOperationTime item)
var validateCode = GetValidateErrorCode(item);
if (validateCode != 0)
var str = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(item);
Trace.TraceWarning($"Wrong({validateCode}) SubsystemOperationTime: {str}");
return validateCode == 0;
private static int GetValidateErrorCode(SubsystemOperationTime item)
if (item.DateStart > item.DateEnd)
return -1;
if ((item.DateEnd - item.DateStart).TotalHours > 48)
return -2;
if (item.DepthEnd < item.DepthStart)
return -3;
if (item.DepthEnd - item.DepthStart > 2000d)
return -4;
if (item.DepthEnd < 0d)
return -5;
if (item.DepthStart < 0d)
return -6;
if (item.DepthEnd > 24_0000d)
return -7;
if (item.DepthStart > 24_0000d)
return -8;
return 0;