2021-10-26 17:22:32 +05:00
using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2;
using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2.Flows;
using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2.Responses;
using Google.Apis.Drive.v3;
using Google.Apis.Services;
using Google.Apis.Util.Store;
using Google.Apis.Drive.v3.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
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using System.Linq;
2021-10-26 17:22:32 +05:00
// usage example at the very bottom
namespace ConsoleApp1
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public class GoogleDriveService
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2021-10-27 17:00:27 +05:00
private readonly DriveService service;
public GoogleDriveService()
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{ // ключи для почты asbautodrilling@gmail.com.
var tokenResponse = new TokenResponse
AccessToken = "ya29.a0ARrdaM-lM7q0TIC_DXixR4oW63QUftjSPHl-8nIdvZwtqA8Z1bXtlYpDrQXj9UFTjW8FW8uqPMrdamUSp4kO4a9JX7FddkBWxaJ_omSJpqzDfnHTHA_7-zGMUohaAsmPLsQtFz_GUmB5ZoVLmA8xWdbJxVxU",
RefreshToken = "1//04FeDguc19IfgCgYIARAAGAQSNwF-L9Ir8U7wX2seanUzsxXXGgFzOYQqjbtN9O27ZZybbOobZjVAo_4_eFNLMX1ElPKOFVWsrJQ"
var applicationName = "Files"; // Use the name of the project in Google Cloud
var username = "asbautodrilling@gmail.com"; // Use your email
var apiCodeFlow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer
ClientSecrets = new ClientSecrets
ClientId = "1020584579240-f7amqg35qg7j94ta1ntgitajq27cgh49.apps.googleusercontent.com",
ClientSecret = "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"
Scopes = new[] {DriveService.Scope.Drive},
DataStore = new FileDataStore(applicationName)
var credential = new UserCredential(apiCodeFlow, username, tokenResponse);
2021-10-27 17:00:27 +05:00
var newService = new DriveService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
2021-10-26 17:22:32 +05:00
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = applicationName
2021-10-27 17:00:27 +05:00
this.service = newService;
2021-10-26 17:22:32 +05:00
2021-10-27 17:00:27 +05:00
// public IEnumerable<Google.Apis.Drive.v3.Data.File> GetAllFiles() // get file names
// {
// var fileList = service.Files.List();
// fileList.Fields = "files(id, webViewLink, size)";
// //fileList.Q =$"mimeType!='application/vnd.google-apps.folder' and '{folder}' in parents";
// //fileList.Fields = "nextPageToken, files(id, name, size, mimeType)";
// var result = new List<Google.Apis.Drive.v3.Data.File>();
// string pageToken = null;
// do
// {
// fileList.PageToken = pageToken;
// var filesResult = fileList.Execute();
// var files = filesResult.Files;
// pageToken = filesResult.NextPageToken;
// result.AddRange(files);
// } while (pageToken != null);
// return result;
// }
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2021-10-27 17:00:27 +05:00
public string GetFileWebLink(string idFile)
var fileList = service.Files.List();
fileList.Fields = "files(id, webViewLink, size)";
var filesResult = fileList.Execute();
var file = filesResult.Files.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == idFile);
return file?.WebViewLink ?? string.Empty;
// У Гугла почему-то folder это и папка, и файл.
public string CreateFolder(string folderName)
2021-10-26 17:22:32 +05:00
var driveFolder = new Google.Apis.Drive.v3.Data.File();
driveFolder.Name = folderName;
driveFolder.MimeType = "application/vnd.google-apps.folder";
//driveFolder.Parents = new string[] { parent };
var command = service.Files.Create(driveFolder);
var file = command.Execute();
return file.Id;
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public void CreatePublicPermissionForFile(string idFile)
var permission = new Permission() { Type = "anyone", Role = "reader"};
var addPermissionRequest = service.Permissions.Create(permission, idFile);
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public string UploadFile(Stream file, string fileName, string fileMime, string fileDescription)
var driveFile = new Google.Apis.Drive.v3.Data.File();
driveFile.Name = fileName;
driveFile.Description = fileDescription;
driveFile.MimeType = fileMime;
//driveFile.Parents = new [] {folder};
var request = service.Files.Create(driveFile, file, fileMime);
request.Fields = "id";
var response = request.Upload();
if (response.Status != Google.Apis.Upload.UploadStatus.Completed)
throw response.Exception;
return request.ResponseBody.Id;
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2021-10-26 17:22:32 +05:00
public void DeleteFile(string fileId)
var command = service.Files.Delete(fileId);
var result = command.Execute();
// usage example:
2021-10-27 17:00:27 +05:00
// var service = new GoogleDriveService();
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2021-10-27 15:00:58 +05:00
// //var files = serviceWrapper.GetAllFiles();
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2021-10-27 15:00:58 +05:00
// // foreach (var file in files)
// // {
// // var permission = new Permission() { Type = "anyone", Role = "reader"};
// // var createRequest = service.Permissions.Create(permission, file.Id);
// // createRequest.Execute();
// // Console.WriteLine(file.WebViewLink);
// // }
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2021-10-27 15:00:58 +05:00
// var path = "/home/cult/First.xlsx";
2021-10-26 17:22:32 +05:00
// var fileInfo = new FileInfo(path);
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// var fileStream = System.IO.File.Open(path, FileMode.Open);
2021-10-28 15:08:06 +05:00
// var uploadedFileId = service.UploadFileAsync(fileStream, fileInfo.Name, "", "uploaded");
// service.CreatePublicPermissionForFileAsync(uploadedFileId);
// var webLink = service.GetFileWebLinkAsync(uploadedFileId);
2021-10-27 17:00:27 +05:00
// Console.WriteLine(webLink);