diff --git a/AsbCloudApp/Data/AutogeneratedDailyReport/AutoGeneratedDailyReportDto.cs b/AsbCloudApp/Data/AutogeneratedDailyReport/AutoGeneratedDailyReportDto.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index ec87e260..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudApp/Data/AutogeneratedDailyReport/AutoGeneratedDailyReportDto.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-namespace AsbCloudApp.Data.AutogeneratedDailyReport;
-/// DTO авто-сгенерированного суточного отчёта
-public class AutoGeneratedDailyReportDto : AutoGeneratedDailyReportInfoDto
- ///
- /// Блок заголовка
- ///
- public HeadBlockDto Head { get; set; } = null!;
- ///
- /// Блок подсистем
- ///
- public IEnumerable Subsystems { get; set; } = null!;
- ///
- /// Блок ограничивающих параметров
- ///
- public IEnumerable LimitingParameters { get; set; } = null!;
- ///
- /// Баланс времени
- ///
- public IEnumerable TimeBalance { get; set; } = null!;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsbCloudApp/Data/AutogeneratedDailyReport/AutoGeneratedDailyReportInfoDto.cs b/AsbCloudApp/Data/AutogeneratedDailyReport/AutoGeneratedDailyReportInfoDto.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 22e34cf2..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudApp/Data/AutogeneratedDailyReport/AutoGeneratedDailyReportInfoDto.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-namespace AsbCloudApp.Data.AutogeneratedDailyReport;
-/// Базовая информация о суточном отчёте
-public class AutoGeneratedDailyReportInfoDto : ReportInfoDto
- ///
- /// Дата формирования отчёта
- ///
- public DateOnly ReportDate { get; set; }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsbCloudApp/Data/AutogeneratedDailyReport/HeadBlockDto.cs b/AsbCloudApp/Data/AutogeneratedDailyReport/HeadBlockDto.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 43ff5246..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudApp/Data/AutogeneratedDailyReport/HeadBlockDto.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-namespace AsbCloudApp.Data.AutogeneratedDailyReport;
-/// Блок заголовка
-public class HeadBlockDto
- ///
- /// Название скважины
- ///
- public string Well { get; set; } = null!;
- ///
- /// Название куста
- ///
- public string Cluster { get; set; } = null!;
- ///
- /// Заказчик
- ///
- public string Customer { get; set; } = null!;
- ///
- /// Месторождение
- ///
- public string Deposit { get; set; } = null!;
- ///
- /// Глубина забоя на дату начала интервала
- ///
- public double DepthFrom { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Глубина забоя на дату окончания интервала
- ///
- public double DepthTo { get; set; }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsbCloudApp/Data/AutogeneratedDailyReport/LimitingParameterRecordDto.cs b/AsbCloudApp/Data/AutogeneratedDailyReport/LimitingParameterRecordDto.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index e62b32d9..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudApp/Data/AutogeneratedDailyReport/LimitingParameterRecordDto.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-namespace AsbCloudApp.Data.AutogeneratedDailyReport;
-/// Блок ограничивающих параметров
-public class LimitingParameterRecordDto
- ///
- /// Время использования, мин
- ///
- public double Hours { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Проходка, м
- ///
- public double Depth { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Название ограничивающего параметра
- ///
- public string NameFeedRegulator { get; set; } = null!;
- ///
- /// Процент по проходке, %
- ///
- public double PercentDepth { get; set; }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsbCloudApp/Data/AutogeneratedDailyReport/SubsystemRecordDto.cs b/AsbCloudApp/Data/AutogeneratedDailyReport/SubsystemRecordDto.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 34b2e4a7..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudApp/Data/AutogeneratedDailyReport/SubsystemRecordDto.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-namespace AsbCloudApp.Data.AutogeneratedDailyReport;
-/// Блок подсистем
-public class SubsystemRecordDto
- ///
- /// Название подсистемы
- ///
- public string Name { get; set; } = null!;
- ///
- /// Использование, %
- ///
- public double KUsage { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Время работы, ч
- ///
- public double UsedTimeHours { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Проходка
- ///
- public double Depth { get; set; }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsbCloudApp/Data/AutogeneratedDailyReport/TimeBalanceRecordDto.cs b/AsbCloudApp/Data/AutogeneratedDailyReport/TimeBalanceRecordDto.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index a6ac9845..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudApp/Data/AutogeneratedDailyReport/TimeBalanceRecordDto.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-namespace AsbCloudApp.Data.AutogeneratedDailyReport;
-/// Баланс времени
-public class TimeBalanceRecordDto
- ///
- /// Название операции
- ///
- public string Name { get; set; } = null!;
- ///
- /// Продолжительность, часы
- ///
- public double DurationHours { get; set; }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsbCloudApp/Data/DailyReport/BhaDto.cs b/AsbCloudApp/Data/DailyReport/BhaDto.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index b39ba11c..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudApp/Data/DailyReport/BhaDto.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-namespace AsbCloudApp.Data.DailyReport
- ///
- /// блок КНБК
- ///
- public class BhaDto : ItemInfoDto
- {
- ///
- /// КНБК описание
- ///
- public string BHADescription { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Бурение с наращиваниями в инт. 2195-2763м. Время начала
- ///
- public string ExtensionDrillingOneBegin{ get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Бурение с наращиваниями в инт. 2195-2763м. Время окончания
- ///
- public string ExtensionDrillingOneFinish { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Промывка. Время начала
- ///
- public string SluiceBegin { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Промывка. Время окончания
- ///
- public string SluiceFinish { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Подъем КНБК. Время начала
- ///
- public string ClimbBegin { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Подъем КНБК. Время окончания
- ///
- public string ClimbFinish { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Спуск КНБК. Время начала
- ///
- public string DescentBegin { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Спуск КНБК. Время окончания
- ///
- public string DescentFinish { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Бурение с наращиваниями в инт. 2763-2850м. Время начала
- ///
- public string ExtensionDrillingTwoBegin { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Бурение с наращиваниями в инт. 2763-2850м. Время окончания
- ///
- public string ExtensionDrillingTwoFinish { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudApp/Data/DailyReport/HeadDto.cs b/AsbCloudApp/Data/DailyReport/HeadDto.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 173d4e63..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudApp/Data/DailyReport/HeadDto.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-namespace AsbCloudApp.Data.DailyReport
- ///
- /// блок заголовка
- ///
- public class HeadDto : ItemInfoDto
- {
- ///
- /// название скважины
- ///
- public string WellName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// название куста
- ///
- public string ClusterName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// заказчик
- ///
- public string Customer { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// подрядчик
- ///
- public string Contractor { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// дата рапорта
- ///
- public DateOnly ReportDate { get; set; }
- ///
- /// глубина забоя на дату начала интервала
- ///
- public double? WellDepthIntervalStartDate { get; set; }
- ///
- /// глубина забоя на дату окончания интервала
- ///
- public double? WellDepthIntervalFinishDate { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Глубина забоя по стволу на окончание отчетного периода
- ///
- public double? BottomholeDepth { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Глубина забоя по вертикали на дату окончания отчетного периода
- ///
- public double? VerticalDepth { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Зенитный угол на дату окончания отчетного периода
- ///
- public double? ZenithAngle { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Азимутальный угол на дату окончания отчетного периода
- ///
- public double? AzimuthAngle { get; set; }
- ///
- /// ФИО бурильщиков
- ///
- public string FirstDriller { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// ФИО бурильщиков
- ///
- public string SecondDriller { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Время работы АПД
- ///
- public double? WorkTimeSAUB { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Время работы спин мастер
- ///
- public double? WorkTimeSpinMaster { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Время работы torqueMaster
- ///
- public double? WorkTimeTorkMaster { get; set; }
- ///
- /// количество метров пробуренных с включенным АПД
- ///
- public double? PenetrationSAUB { get; set; }
- ///
- /// количество метров пробуренных с включенным Спин мастер
- ///
- public double? PenetrationSpinMaster { get; set; }
- ///
- /// количество метров пробуренных с включенным torqueMaster
- ///
- public double? PenetrationTorkMaster { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Количество запусков МСЕ
- ///
- public int CountLaunchesMSE { get; set; }
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudApp/Data/DailyReport/NoDrillingDto.cs b/AsbCloudApp/Data/DailyReport/NoDrillingDto.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index ff08eb2f..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudApp/Data/DailyReport/NoDrillingDto.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-namespace AsbCloudApp.Data.DailyReport
- ///
- /// блок безметражные работы
- ///
- public class NoDrillingDto : ItemInfoDto
- {
- ///
- /// Нормативное время на одну операцию по подготовке ствола скважины к наращиванию
- ///
- public double? StandardTimeBarrelPreparation { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Нормативное время на одну операцию по наращиванию
- ///
- public double? StandardTimeExtension { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Фактическое время проработок при подготовке ствола скважины к наращиванию.
- ///
- public double? ActualTimeBarrelPreparation { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Фактическое время наращиваний
- ///
- public double? ActualTimeExtension { get; set; }
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudApp/Data/DailyReport/SaubDto.cs b/AsbCloudApp/Data/DailyReport/SaubDto.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index b59ef9ff..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudApp/Data/DailyReport/SaubDto.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-namespace AsbCloudApp.Data.DailyReport
- ///
- /// блок САУБ
- ///
- public class SaubDto : ItemInfoDto
- {
- ///
- /// Режимы бурения в роторе
- ///
- public string RotorDrillingModes { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// режимы бурения в слайде
- ///
- public string SlideDrillingModes { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Количество метров пробуренных в роторе за отчетный период
- ///
- public double? PenetrationInRotor { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Количество часов бурения в роторе за отчетный период
- ///
- public double? NumberDrillingHours { get; set; }
- ///
- /// средний диф перепад в роторе за отчетный период
- ///
- public double? AVGDiffDropRotor { get; set; }
- ///
- /// количество метров пробуренных в слайде за отчетный период
- ///
- public double? PenetrationInSlide { get; set; }
- ///
- /// время бурения в роторе за отчетный период
- ///
- public double? DrillingTimeInRotor { get; set; }
- ///
- /// средний диф. перепад в слайде за отчетный период
- ///
- public double? AVGDiffPressureSlide { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Плановая МСП за секцию
- ///
- public double? SectionROPPlan { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Общее время бурения за секцию
- ///
- public double? SectionDrillingTimeTotal { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Общая проходка за секцию
- ///
- public double? SectionPenetrationTotal { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Количество наращиваний за отчетный период
- ///
- public int ExtensionsCount { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Отклонение относительно ГГД
- ///
- public double? DeviationFromTVD { get; set; }
- ///
- /// указываются все причины, которые влияют на снижение МСП.
- ///
- public string DeclinesReasonsROP { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Увеличение мех скорости за секцию %
- ///
- public string IncreaseSpeedSection { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Увеличение мех скорости за сутки %
- ///
- public string IncreaseSpeedDay { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Сокращение времени бурения за секцию, ч
- ///
- public string ReductionTimeDrilling { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Ротор/Слайд %
- ///
- public string RotorSlidePercent { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// МСП
- ///
- public string MspSection { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudApp/Data/DailyReport/SignDto.cs b/AsbCloudApp/Data/DailyReport/SignDto.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index f6726bb7..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudApp/Data/DailyReport/SignDto.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-namespace AsbCloudApp.Data.DailyReport
- ///
- /// блок подписи
- ///
- public class SignDto : ItemInfoDto
- {
- ///
- /// ФИО Мастера буровой
- ///
- public string DrillingMaster { get; set; } = null!;
- ///
- /// ФИО супервайзера
- ///
- public string Supervisor { get; set; } = null!;
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudApp/Data/DailyReport/TimeBalanceDto.cs b/AsbCloudApp/Data/DailyReport/TimeBalanceDto.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 855d5fd7..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudApp/Data/DailyReport/TimeBalanceDto.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-namespace AsbCloudApp.Data.DailyReport
- ///
- /// Блок баланса времени
- ///
- public class TimeBalanceDto : ItemInfoDto
- {
- ///
- /// Статистика по операциям
- ///
- public Dictionary OperationsStat { get; set; } = new Dictionary();
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudApp/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/IAutoGeneratedDailyReportService.cs b/AsbCloudApp/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/IAutoGeneratedDailyReportService.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 979f948c..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudApp/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/IAutoGeneratedDailyReportService.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using AsbCloudApp.Data;
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.AutogeneratedDailyReport;
-using AsbCloudApp.Requests;
-namespace AsbCloudApp.Services.AutoGeneratedDailyReports;
-/// Сервис для работы с авто-генерируемыми суточными отчётами
-public interface IAutoGeneratedDailyReportService
- ///
- /// Список файлов суточных отчётов
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- Task> GetListAsync(int idWell,
- FileReportRequest request,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken);
- ///
- /// Генерация файла с отчётом
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- Task<(string fileName, Stream stream)> GenerateAsync(int idWell, DateOnly reportDate,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken);
- ///
- /// Получение диапазона дат
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- Task GetDatesRangeAsync(int idWell, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsbCloudApp/Services/IDailyReportService.cs b/AsbCloudApp/Services/IDailyReportService.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 66e7bd71..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudApp/Services/IDailyReportService.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-using AsbCloudApp.Data;
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.DailyReport;
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-namespace AsbCloudApp.Services
- ///
- /// Суточный рапорт (сводка)
- ///
- public interface IDailyReportService
- {
- ///
- /// получить список сформированных рапортов по скважине за период времени
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- Task> GetListAsync(int idWell, DateOnly? begin, DateOnly? end, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
- ///
- /// Добавить новый рапорт
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- Task AddAsync(int idWell, DateOnly startDate, int idUser, CancellationToken token);
- ///
- /// Сформировать файл рапорта
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- Task MakeReportAsync(int idWell, DateOnly date, CancellationToken token);
- ///
- /// изменить блок данных для суточного рапорта
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- Task UpdateBlockAsync(int idWell, DateOnly startDate, ItemInfoDto dto, CancellationToken token);
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/Bha.cs b/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/Bha.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index b1765c19..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/Bha.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-namespace AsbCloudDb.Model.DailyReport
- public class Bha : ItemInfo
- {
- ///
- /// КНБК описание
- ///
- public string BHADescription { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Бурение с наращиваниями в инт. 2195-2763м. Время начала
- ///
- public string ExtensionDrillingOneBegin { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Бурение с наращиваниями в инт. 2195-2763м. Время окончания
- ///
- public string ExtensionDrillingOneFinish { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Промывка. Время начала
- ///
- public string SluiceBegin { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Промывка. Время окончания
- ///
- public string SluiceFinish { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Подьем КНБК. Время начала
- ///
- public string ClimbBegin { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Подьем КНБК. Время окончания
- ///
- public string ClimbFinish { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Спуск КНБК. Время начала
- ///
- public string DescentBegin { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Спуск КНБК. Время окончания
- ///
- public string DescentFinish { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Бурение с наращиваниями в инт. 2763-2850м. Время начала
- ///
- public string ExtensionDrillingTwoBegin { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Бурение с наращиваниями в инт. 2763-2850м. Время окончания
- ///
- public string ExtensionDrillingTwoFinish { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/DailyReport.cs b/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/DailyReport.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index f620221f..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/DailyReport.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
-using System;
-using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
-namespace AsbCloudDb.Model.DailyReport
- [Table("t_daily_report"), Comment("Ежедневные отчёты")]
- public class DailyReport
- {
- [Column("id_well"), Comment("ID скважины")]
- public int IdWell { get; set; }
- [Column("start_date", TypeName = "date"), Comment("Дата отчёта")]
- public DateOnly StartDate { get; set; }
- [Column("info", TypeName = "jsonb"), Comment("Список параметров для отчёта")]
- public DailyReportInfo Info { get; set; } = null!;
- [ForeignKey(nameof(IdWell))]
- public virtual Well Well { get; set; } = null!;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/DailyReportInfo.cs b/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/DailyReportInfo.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index d5a7bfd6..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/DailyReportInfo.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-using AsbCloudDb.Model.DailyReport;
-namespace AsbCloudDb.Model
- public class DailyReportInfo
- {
- public Head Head { get; set; } = null!;
- public Bha Bha { get; set; } = new();
- public NoDrilling NoDrilling { get; set; } = new();
- public Saub Saub { get; set; } = new();
- public Sign Sign { get; set; } = new();
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/Head.cs b/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/Head.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index fc5542e8..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/Head.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
-namespace AsbCloudDb.Model.DailyReport
- public class Head : ItemInfo
- {
- ///
- /// название скважины
- ///
- public string WellName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// название куста
- ///
- public string ClusterName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// заказчик
- ///
- public string Customer { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// подрядчик
- ///
- public string Contractor { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// дата рапорта
- ///
- [JsonConverter(typeof(DateOnlyJsonConverter))]
- public DateOnly ReportDate { get; set; }
- ///
- /// глубина забоя на дату начала интервала
- ///
- public double? WellDepthIntervalStartDate { get; set; }
- ///
- /// глубина забоя на дату окончания интервала
- ///
- public double? WellDepthIntervalFinishDate { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Глубина забоя по стволу на окончание отчетного периода
- ///
- public double? BottomholeDepth { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Глубина забоя по вертикали на дату окончания отчетного периода
- ///
- public double? VerticalDepth { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Зенитный угол на дату окончания отчетного периода
- ///
- public double? ZenithAngle { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Азимутальный угол на дату окончания отчетного периода
- ///
- public double? AzimuthAngle { get; set; }
- ///
- /// ФИО бурильщиков
- ///
- public string FirstDriller { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// ФИО бурильщиков
- ///
- public string SecondDriller { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Время работы АПД
- ///
- public double? WorkTimeSAUB { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Время работы спин мастер
- ///
- public double? WorkTimeSpinMaster { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Время работы torqueMaster
- ///
- public double? WorkTimeTorkMaster { get; set; }
- ///
- /// количество метров пробуренных с включенным АПД
- ///
- public double? PenetrationSAUB { get; set; }
- ///
- /// количество метров пробуренных с включенным Спин мастер
- ///
- public double? PenetrationSpinMaster { get; set; }
- ///
- /// количество метров пробуренных с включенным torqueMaster
- ///
- public double? PenetrationTorkMaster { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Количество запусков МСЕ
- ///
- public int CountLaunchesMSE { get; set; }
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/NoDrilling.cs b/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/NoDrilling.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index c1a3b604..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/NoDrilling.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-namespace AsbCloudDb.Model.DailyReport
- public class NoDrilling : ItemInfo
- {
- ///
- /// Нормативное время на одну операцию по подготовке ствола скважины к наращиванию
- ///
- public double? StandardTimeBarrelPreparation { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Нормативное время на одну операцию по наращиванию
- ///
- public double? StandardTimeExtension { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Фактическое время проработок при подготовке ствола скважины к наращиванию.
- ///
- public double? ActualTimeBarrelPreparation { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Фактическое время наращиваний
- ///
- public double? ActualTimeExtension { get; set; }
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/Saub.cs b/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/Saub.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 43202677..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/Saub.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-namespace AsbCloudDb.Model.DailyReport
- public class Saub : ItemInfo
- {
- ///
- /// Режимы бурения в роторе
- ///
- public string? RotorDrillingModes { get; set; }
- ///
- /// режимы бурения в слайде
- ///
- public string? SlideDrillingModes { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Количество метров пробуренных в роторе за отчетный период
- ///
- public double? PenetrationInRotor { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Количество часов бурения в роторе за отчетный период
- ///
- public double? NumberDrillingHours { get; set; }
- ///
- /// средний диф перепад в роторе за отчетный период
- ///
- public double? AVGDiffDropRotor { get; set; }
- ///
- /// количество метров пробуренных в слайде за отчетный период
- ///
- public double? PenetrationInSlide { get; set; }
- ///
- /// время бурения в роторе за отчетный период
- ///
- public double? DrillingTimeInRotor { get; set; }
- ///
- /// средний диф. перепад в слайде за отчетный период
- ///
- public double? AVGDiffPressureSlide { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Плановая МСП за секцию
- ///
- public double? SectionROPPlan { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Общее время бурения за секцию
- ///
- public double? SectionDrillingTimeTotal { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Общая проходка за секцию
- ///
- public double? SectionPenetrationTotal { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Количество наращиваний за отчетный период
- ///
- public int ExtensionsCount { get; set; }
- ///
- /// Отклонение относительно ГГД
- ///
- public double? DeviationFromTVD { get; set; }
- ///
- /// указываются все причины, которые влияют на снижение МСП.
- ///
- public string DeclinesReasonsROP { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Увеличение мех скорости за секцию %
- ///
- public string IncreaseSpeedSection { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Увеличение мех скорости за сутки %
- ///
- public string IncreaseSpeedDay { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Сокращение времени бурения за секцию, ч
- ///
- public string ReductionTimeDrilling { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// Ротор/Слайд %
- ///
- public string RotorSlidePercent { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// МСП
- ///
- public string MspSection { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/Sign.cs b/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/Sign.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b443348..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudDb/Model/DailyReport/Sign.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-namespace AsbCloudDb.Model.DailyReport
- public class Sign : ItemInfo
- {
- ///
- /// ФИО Мастера буровой
- ///
- public string DrillingMaster { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- ///
- /// ФИО супервайзера
- ///
- public string Supervisor { get; set; } = string.Empty;
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutoGeneratedDailyReportMakerService.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutoGeneratedDailyReportMakerService.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index cfc95753..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutoGeneratedDailyReportMakerService.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Reflection;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.AutogeneratedDailyReport;
-using AsbCloudApp.Services;
-using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.AutoGeneratedDailyReports.AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks;
-using ClosedXML.Excel;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.AutoGeneratedDailyReports;
-public class AutoGeneratedDailyReportMakerService : IReportMakerService
- private readonly string templateName = "AutogeneratedDailyReportTemplate.xlsx";
- private readonly IEnumerable blockWriters = new List()
- {
- new HeadExcelBlockWriter(),
- new SubsystemExcelBlockWriter(),
- new LimitingParameterExcelBlockWriter(),
- new TimeBalanceExcelBlockWriter()
- };
- public async Task MakeReportAsync(AutoGeneratedDailyReportDto report, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- using var excelTemplateStream = await Assembly
- .GetExecutingAssembly()
- .GetTemplateCopyStreamAsync(templateName, cancellationToken);
- using var workbook = new XLWorkbook(excelTemplateStream, XLEventTracking.Disabled);
- AddToWorkbook(workbook, report);
- MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
- workbook.SaveAs(memoryStream, new SaveOptions { });
- memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
- return memoryStream;
- }
- private void AddToWorkbook(XLWorkbook workbook, AutoGeneratedDailyReportDto report)
- {
- const string sheetName = "Рапорт";
- var sheet = workbook.Worksheets.FirstOrDefault(ws => ws.Name == sheetName)
- ?? throw new FileFormatException($"Книга excel не содержит листа {sheetName}.");
- foreach (var blockBuilder in blockWriters)
- {
- blockBuilder.Write(sheet, report);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutoGeneratedDailyReportService.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutoGeneratedDailyReportService.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ada2676..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutoGeneratedDailyReportService.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using AsbCloudApp.Data;
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.AutogeneratedDailyReport;
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.Subsystems;
-using AsbCloudApp.Exceptions;
-using AsbCloudApp.Repositories;
-using AsbCloudApp.Requests;
-using AsbCloudApp.Services;
-using AsbCloudApp.Services.AutoGeneratedDailyReports;
-using AsbCloudApp.Services.Subsystems;
-using AsbCloudDb.Model;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.AutoGeneratedDailyReports;
-public class AutoGeneratedDailyReportService : IAutoGeneratedDailyReportService
- private const string fileNameTemplate = "Суточный_отчёт_по_скважине_{0}_куст_{1}_от_{2}.xlsx";
- private readonly IWellService wellService;
- private readonly IWellOperationRepository wellOperationRepository;
- private readonly ISubsystemOperationTimeService subsystemOperationTimeService;
- private readonly ICrudRepository subsystemRepository;
- private readonly ILimitingParameterService limitingParameterService;
- private readonly IReportMakerService autoGeneratedDailyReportMakerService;
- public AutoGeneratedDailyReportService(IWellService wellService,
- IWellOperationRepository wellOperationRepository,
- ISubsystemOperationTimeService subsystemOperationTimeService,
- ICrudRepository subsystemRepository,
- ILimitingParameterService limitingParameterService,
- IReportMakerService autoGeneratedDailyReportMakerService)
- {
- this.wellOperationRepository = wellOperationRepository;
- this.wellService = wellService;
- this.subsystemOperationTimeService = subsystemOperationTimeService;
- this.subsystemRepository = subsystemRepository;
- this.limitingParameterService = limitingParameterService;
- this.autoGeneratedDailyReportMakerService = autoGeneratedDailyReportMakerService;
- }
- public async Task> GetListAsync(int idWell,
- FileReportRequest request,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- var result = new PaginationContainer
- {
- Skip = request.Skip ?? 0,
- Take = request.Take ?? 10,
- Items = Enumerable.Empty()
- };
- var reports = new List();
- var well = await wellService.GetOrDefaultAsync(idWell, cancellationToken)
- ?? throw new ArgumentInvalidException(nameof(idWell), "Скважина не найдена");
- if (!well.IdTelemetry.HasValue)
- throw new ArgumentInvalidException(nameof(idWell), "Телеметрия для скважины отсутствует");
- var datesRange = await GetDatesRangeAsync(idWell, cancellationToken);
- if (datesRange is null)
- return result;
- if (request.GeDate.HasValue)
- {
- var startDate = new DateTime(request.GeDate.Value.Year, request.GeDate.Value.Month,
- request.GeDate.Value.Day);
- if(startDate.Date >= datesRange.From.Date)
- datesRange.From = startDate;
- }
- if (request.LeDate.HasValue)
- {
- var finishDate = new DateTime(request.LeDate.Value.Year, request.LeDate.Value.Month,
- request.LeDate.Value.Day);
- if (finishDate.Date <= datesRange.To.Date)
- datesRange.To = finishDate;
- }
- if (datesRange.From.AddDays(result.Skip) <= datesRange.To)
- result.Count = (int)(Math.Ceiling((datesRange.To - DateTime.UnixEpoch).TotalDays) - Math.Floor((datesRange.From - DateTime.UnixEpoch).TotalDays));
- for (int day = result.Skip; (day - result.Skip) < result.Take && (datesRange.From.AddDays(day)) <= datesRange.To; day++)
- {
- var reportDate = DateOnly.FromDateTime(datesRange.From.AddDays(day));
- reports.Add(new AutoGeneratedDailyReportInfoDto
- {
- FileName = string.Format(fileNameTemplate, well.Caption, well.Cluster, reportDate),
- ReportDate = reportDate,
- FileSize = GetFileSize(reportDate, idWell),
- });
- }
- result.Items = reports;
- return result;
- }
- public async Task<(string fileName, Stream stream)> GenerateAsync(int idWell, DateOnly reportDate,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- var startDate = new DateTime(reportDate.Year, reportDate.Month, reportDate.Day);
- var finishDate = startDate.AddDays(1);
- var well = await wellService.GetOrDefaultAsync(idWell, cancellationToken)
- ?? throw new ArgumentInvalidException(nameof(idWell), "Скважина не найдена");
- if (!well.IdTelemetry.HasValue)
- throw new ArgumentInvalidException(nameof(idWell), "Телеметрия для скважины отсутствует");
- var factOperations = await GetFactOperationsAsync(well.Id, startDate, finishDate,
- cancellationToken);
- var report = new AutoGeneratedDailyReportDto
- {
- FileName = string.Format(fileNameTemplate, well.Caption, well.Cluster, reportDate),
- FileSize = GetFileSize(reportDate, idWell),
- ReportDate = reportDate,
- Head = CreateHeadBlock(well, factOperations),
- Subsystems = (await CreateSubsystemBlockAsync(idWell, startDate, finishDate, cancellationToken)).ToArray(),
- LimitingParameters = (await CreateLimitingParameterBlockAsync(idWell, startDate, finishDate, cancellationToken)).ToArray(),
- TimeBalance = factOperations.GroupBy(w => w.CategoryName).Select(x => new TimeBalanceRecordDto
- {
- Name = x.Key ?? "Название операции отсутствует",
- DurationHours = x.Sum(o => o.DurationHours)
- }).ToArray(),
- };
- var stream = await autoGeneratedDailyReportMakerService.MakeReportAsync(report, cancellationToken);
- return (report.FileName, stream);
- }
- public async Task GetDatesRangeAsync(int idWell, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- var factOperations = await GetFactOperationsAsync(idWell, null, null,
- cancellationToken);
- if (!factOperations.Any())
- return null;
- return new DatesRangeDto
- {
- From = factOperations.Min(o => o.DateStart).Date,
- To = factOperations.Max(o => o.DateStart).Date
- };
- }
- private HeadBlockDto CreateHeadBlock(WellDto well, IEnumerable factOperations)
- {
- var customer = well.Companies.FirstOrDefault(company => company.IdCompanyType == 1);
- var sortedFactOperations = factOperations.OrderBy(o => o.DateStart);
- return new HeadBlockDto
- {
- Customer = customer?.Caption ?? string.Empty,
- Deposit = well.Deposit ?? string.Empty,
- Cluster = well.Cluster ?? string.Empty,
- Well = well.Caption,
- DepthFrom = sortedFactOperations.FirstOrDefault()?.DepthStart ?? 0.00,
- DepthTo = sortedFactOperations.LastOrDefault()?.DepthEnd ?? 0.00
- };
- }
- private async Task> CreateSubsystemBlockAsync(int idWell, DateTime startDate,
- DateTime finishDate,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- var subsystems = await subsystemRepository.GetAllAsync(cancellationToken);
- var subsystemStats = await GetSubsystemStatsAsync(idWell, startDate, finishDate,
- cancellationToken);
- return subsystems.Select(subsystem =>
- {
- var subsytemStat = subsystemStats?.FirstOrDefault(s => s.IdSubsystem == subsystem.Id);
- return new SubsystemRecordDto
- {
- Name = subsystem.Name,
- KUsage = subsytemStat?.KUsage ?? 0.00,
- UsedTimeHours = subsytemStat?.UsedTimeHours ?? 0.00,
- Depth = subsytemStat?.SumDepthInterval ?? 0.00,
- };
- });
- }
- private async Task> CreateLimitingParameterBlockAsync(int idWell,
- DateTime startDate, DateTime finishDate, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- var limitingParameterStats = (await GetLimitingParameterStatsAsync(idWell,
- startDate, finishDate, cancellationToken)).ToArray();
- var sumDepths = limitingParameterStats.Sum(x => x.Depth);
- return limitingParameterStats.Select(l => new LimitingParameterRecordDto
- {
- NameFeedRegulator = l.NameFeedRegulator,
- Hours = l.TotalMinutes,
- PercentDepth = sumDepths != 0 ? l.Depth / sumDepths : 0,
- Depth = l.Depth,
- });
- }
- private async Task> GetFactOperationsAsync(int idWell, DateTime? startDate,
- DateTime? finishDate, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- var request = new WellOperationRequest
- {
- IdWell = idWell,
- OperationType = WellOperation.IdOperationTypeFact,
- GeDate = startDate,
- LtDate = finishDate,
- SortFields = new[] { "DateStart asc" },
- };
- return (await wellOperationRepository.GetAsync(request, cancellationToken))
- .OrderBy(w => w.DateStart);
- }
- private Task> GetSubsystemStatsAsync(int idWell, DateTime startDate,
- DateTime finishDate, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- var request = new SubsystemOperationTimeRequest
- {
- IdWell = idWell,
- GtDate = startDate,
- LtDate = finishDate,
- };
- return subsystemOperationTimeService.GetStatAsync(request, cancellationToken);
- }
- private Task> GetLimitingParameterStatsAsync(int idWell,
- DateTime startDate, DateTime finishDate, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- var request = new LimitingParameterRequest
- {
- IdWell = idWell,
- GtDate = startDate,
- LtDate = finishDate,
- };
- return limitingParameterService.GetStatAsync(request, cancellationToken);
- }
- private int GetFileSize(DateOnly reportDate, int idWell)
- {
- const int fileSizeTemplate = 10240;
- long ticks = 1L * reportDate.Year * reportDate.Month * reportDate.Day * idWell;
- int remainder = (int)(ticks % (fileSizeTemplate / 10));
- return fileSizeTemplate + remainder;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks/HeadExcelBlockWriter.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks/HeadExcelBlockWriter.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index dad6bf35..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks/HeadExcelBlockWriter.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.AutogeneratedDailyReport;
-using ClosedXML.Excel;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.AutoGeneratedDailyReports.AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks;
-public class HeadExcelBlockWriter : IExcelBlockWriter
- private static readonly (int, int) customerCell = (2, 2);
- private static readonly (int, int) depositCell = (4, 2);
- private static readonly (int, int) clusterCell = (5, 2);
- private static readonly (int, int) wellCell = (6, 2);
- private const int dateRow = 9;
- private const int dateFromColumn = 2;
- private const int dateFromToColumn = 3;
- private const int depthRow = 10;
- private const int depthFromColumn = 2;
- private const int depthToColumn = 3;
- public void Write(IXLWorksheet sheet, AutoGeneratedDailyReportDto report)
- {
- sheet.Cell(customerCell.Item1, customerCell.Item2).Value = report.Head.Customer;
- sheet.Cell(depositCell.Item1, depositCell.Item2).Value = report.Head.Deposit;
- sheet.Cell(clusterCell.Item1, clusterCell.Item2).Value = report.Head.Cluster;
- sheet.Cell(wellCell.Item1, wellCell.Item2).Value = report.Head.Well;
- sheet.Cell(dateRow, dateFromColumn).Value = report.ReportDate;
- sheet.Cell(dateRow, dateFromToColumn).Value = report.ReportDate.AddDays(1);
- sheet.Cell(depthRow, depthFromColumn).Value = report.Head.DepthFrom;
- sheet.Cell(depthRow, depthToColumn).Value = report.Head.DepthTo;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks/IExcelBlockWriter.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks/IExcelBlockWriter.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f83fe05..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks/IExcelBlockWriter.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.AutogeneratedDailyReport;
-using ClosedXML.Excel;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.AutoGeneratedDailyReports.AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks;
-public interface IExcelBlockWriter
- void Write(IXLWorksheet sheet, AutoGeneratedDailyReportDto report);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks/LimitingParameterExcelBlockWriter.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks/LimitingParameterExcelBlockWriter.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 30cf36f0..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks/LimitingParameterExcelBlockWriter.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-using System.Linq;
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.AutogeneratedDailyReport;
-using ClosedXML.Excel;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.AutoGeneratedDailyReports.AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks;
-public class LimitingParameterExcelBlockWriter : IExcelBlockWriter
- private const int rowHeaderBlock = 20;
- private const int columnNameFeedRegulator = 1;
- private const int columnDepth = 2;
- private const int columnTotalHours = 3;
- private const int columnPercentDepth = 4;
- public void Write(IXLWorksheet sheet, AutoGeneratedDailyReportDto report)
- {
- var i = 1;
- foreach (var limitingParameter in report.LimitingParameters)
- {
- var row = sheet.Row( i++ + rowHeaderBlock);
- row.Cell(columnNameFeedRegulator).Value = limitingParameter.NameFeedRegulator;
- row.Cell(columnDepth).Value = limitingParameter.Depth;
- row.Cell(columnTotalHours).Value = limitingParameter.Hours;
- row.Cell(columnPercentDepth).Value = limitingParameter.PercentDepth;
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks/SubsystemExcelBlockWriter.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks/SubsystemExcelBlockWriter.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index a1b25c88..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks/SubsystemExcelBlockWriter.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-using System.Linq;
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.AutogeneratedDailyReport;
-using ClosedXML.Excel;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.AutoGeneratedDailyReports.AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks;
-public class SubsystemExcelBlockWriter : IExcelBlockWriter
- private const int rowHeaderBlock = 13;
- private const int columnName = 1;
- private const int columnKUsage = 2;
- private const int columnDepth = 3;
- private const int columnUsedTimeHours = 4;
- public void Write(IXLWorksheet sheet, AutoGeneratedDailyReportDto report)
- {
- var i = 1;
- foreach( var subsystem in report.Subsystems )
- {
- var row = sheet.Row(i++ + rowHeaderBlock);
- row.Cell(columnName).Value = subsystem.Name;
- row.Cell(columnKUsage).Value = subsystem.KUsage;
- row.Cell(columnDepth).Value = subsystem.Depth;
- row.Cell(columnUsedTimeHours).Value = subsystem.UsedTimeHours;
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks/TimeBalanceExcelBlockWriter.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks/TimeBalanceExcelBlockWriter.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 51e4643e..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks/TimeBalanceExcelBlockWriter.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-using System.Linq;
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.AutogeneratedDailyReport;
-using ClosedXML.Excel;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.AutoGeneratedDailyReports.AutogeneratedDailyReportBlocks;
-public class TimeBalanceExcelBlockWriter : IExcelBlockWriter
- private const int rowHeaderBlock = 27;
- private const int columnName = 1;
- private const int columnDurationHours = 2;
- public void Write(IXLWorksheet sheet, AutoGeneratedDailyReportDto report)
- {
- var i = 1;
- foreach(var timeBalance in report.TimeBalance)
- {
- var row = sheet.Row(i++ + rowHeaderBlock);
- row.Cell(columnName).Value = timeBalance.Name;
- row.Cell(columnDurationHours).Value = timeBalance.DurationHours;
- AddBorderToCell(row.Cell(columnName));
- AddBorderToCell(row.Cell(columnDurationHours));
- }
- }
- private static void AddBorderToCell(IXLCell cell)
- {
- cell.Style.Border.TopBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
- cell.Style.Border.BottomBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
- cell.Style.Border.LeftBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
- cell.Style.Border.RightBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutogeneratedDailyReportTemplate.xlsx b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutogeneratedDailyReportTemplate.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a887a4e..00000000
Binary files a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/AutoGeneratedDailyReports/AutogeneratedDailyReportTemplate.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/BlockAbstract.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/BlockAbstract.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 92286ee6..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/BlockAbstract.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-using ClosedXML.Excel;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DailyReport
- abstract class BlockAbstract
- {
- public abstract CellAddress AddressBlockBegin { get; }
- public abstract CellAddress AddressBlockEnd { get; }
- public abstract void Draw(IXLWorksheet sheet);
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/CellAddress.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/CellAddress.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 10329a4c..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/CellAddress.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-using ClosedXML.Excel;
-using System;
-using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
-using System.Text;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DailyReport
- internal class CellAddress: IXLAddress
- {
- const int excelLettersCount = 'Z' - 'A' + 1;
- public int RowNumber { get; set; }
- public int ColumnNumber { get; set; }
- public string ColumnLetter
- {
- get { return CalcColumnLetter(); }
- }
- public bool FixedColumn { get; set; }
- public bool FixedRow { get; set; }
- public string UniqueId => ToString(XLReferenceStyle.A1, true);
- public IXLWorksheet? Worksheet { get; set; }
- public CellAddress(IXLWorksheet? worksheet, int row, int colunm)
- {
- Worksheet = worksheet;
- RowNumber = row;
- ColumnNumber = colunm;
- }
- public static CellAddress operator + (CellAddress a, CellAddress b)
- => new CellAddress(a.Worksheet, a.RowNumber + b.RowNumber, a.ColumnNumber + b.ColumnNumber);
- public static CellAddress operator +(CellAddress a, (int row, int column) b)
- => new CellAddress(a.Worksheet, a.RowNumber + b.row, a.ColumnNumber + b.column);
- public static CellAddress operator - (CellAddress a, CellAddress b)
- => new CellAddress(a.Worksheet, a.RowNumber - b.RowNumber, a.ColumnNumber - b.ColumnNumber);
- public static bool operator == (CellAddress a, CellAddress b)
- => a.RowNumber == b.RowNumber && a.ColumnNumber == b.ColumnNumber;
- public static bool operator !=(CellAddress a, CellAddress b)
- => !(a == b);
- private string CalcColumnLetter()
- {
- string letter = "";
- var columnNumber = ColumnNumber;
- while (columnNumber > 0)
- {
- int modulo = (columnNumber - 1) % excelLettersCount;
- letter = Convert.ToChar('A' + modulo) + letter;
- columnNumber = (columnNumber - modulo) / excelLettersCount;
- }
- return letter;
- }
- public CellAddress Copy()
- => new CellAddress(Worksheet, RowNumber, ColumnNumber)
- {
- FixedColumn = this.FixedColumn,
- FixedRow = this.FixedRow,
- };
- public override string ToString()
- => ToString(XLReferenceStyle.A1);
- public string ToString(XLReferenceStyle referenceStyle)
- => ToString(referenceStyle, false);
- public string ToString(XLReferenceStyle referenceStyle, bool includeSheet)
- {
- if (referenceStyle == XLReferenceStyle.R1C1)
- throw new NotImplementedException("R1C1 - style doesn't implemented");
- var sb = new StringBuilder();
- if (includeSheet && Worksheet is not null)
- sb.Append('$')
- .Append(Worksheet.Name)
- .Append('.');
- if (FixedColumn)
- sb.Append('$');
- sb.Append(ColumnLetter);
- if (FixedRow)
- sb.Append('$');
- sb.Append(RowNumber);
- return sb.ToString();
- }
- public string ToStringFixed()
- => ToStringFixed(XLReferenceStyle.A1);
- public string ToStringFixed(XLReferenceStyle referenceStyle)
- => ToStringFixed(referenceStyle, false);
- public string ToStringFixed(XLReferenceStyle referenceStyle, bool includeSheet)
- {
- if (referenceStyle == XLReferenceStyle.R1C1)
- throw new NotImplementedException("R1C1 - style doesn't implemented");
- var sb = new StringBuilder();
- if (includeSheet && Worksheet is not null)
- sb.Append('$')
- .Append(Worksheet.Name)
- .Append('.');
- sb.Append('$');
- sb.Append(ColumnLetter);
- sb.Append('$');
- sb.Append(RowNumber);
- return sb.ToString();
- }
- public string ToStringRelative()
- => ToStringRelative(false);
- public string ToStringRelative(bool includeSheet)
- {
- var sb = new StringBuilder();
- if (includeSheet && Worksheet is not null)
- sb.Append('$')
- .Append(Worksheet.Name)
- .Append('.');
- sb.Append(ColumnLetter);
- sb.Append(RowNumber);
- return sb.ToString();
- }
- public bool Equals(IXLAddress? x, IXLAddress? y)
- => x?.ColumnNumber == y?.ColumnNumber &&
- x?.RowNumber == y?.RowNumber &&
- x?.FixedColumn == y?.FixedColumn &&
- x?.FixedRow == y?.FixedRow &&
- x?.Worksheet == y?.Worksheet;
- public override int GetHashCode()
- => base.GetHashCode();
- public int GetHashCode([DisallowNull] IXLAddress obj)
- => obj.GetHashCode();
- public bool Equals(IXLAddress? other)
- => Equals(this, other);
- public override bool Equals(object? obj)
- {
- if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
- {
- return true;
- }
- if (obj is null)
- {
- return false;
- }
- if (obj is CellAddress address)
- return this == address;
- return false;
- }
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportBlocks/BhaBlock.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportBlocks/BhaBlock.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c3d1cdc..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportBlocks/BhaBlock.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.DailyReport;
-using ClosedXML.Excel;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DailyReport.DailyReportBlocks
- class BhaBlock : BlockAbstract
- {
- private readonly BhaDto blockDto;
- public CellAddress AddressBhaDescription { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressOperationTitle { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressDurationTitle { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressTotalTitle { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressOperationData { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressDurationDataStart { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressDurationDataFinish { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressTotaData { get; }
- public override CellAddress AddressBlockBegin { get; }
- public override CellAddress AddressBlockEnd { get; }
- public BhaBlock(CellAddress addressBlockBegin, BhaDto blockDto)
- {
- this.blockDto = blockDto;
- AddressBlockBegin = addressBlockBegin.Copy();
- AddressBhaDescription = addressBlockBegin + (1,0);
- AddressOperationTitle = addressBlockBegin + (3, 0);
- AddressDurationTitle = addressBlockBegin + (3, 5);
- AddressTotalTitle = addressBlockBegin + (3, 7);
- AddressOperationData = new CellAddress[5];
- AddressOperationData[0] = addressBlockBegin + (4, 0);
- AddressOperationData[1] = addressBlockBegin + (5, 0);
- AddressOperationData[2] = addressBlockBegin + (6, 0);
- AddressOperationData[3] = addressBlockBegin + (7, 0);
- AddressOperationData[4] = addressBlockBegin + (8, 0);
- AddressDurationDataStart = new CellAddress[5];
- AddressDurationDataStart[0] = addressBlockBegin + (4, 5);
- AddressDurationDataStart[1] = addressBlockBegin + (5, 5);
- AddressDurationDataStart[2] = addressBlockBegin + (6, 5);
- AddressDurationDataStart[3] = addressBlockBegin + (7, 5);
- AddressDurationDataStart[4] = addressBlockBegin + (8, 5);
- AddressDurationDataFinish = new CellAddress[5];
- AddressDurationDataFinish[0] = addressBlockBegin + (4, 6);
- AddressDurationDataFinish[1] = addressBlockBegin + (5, 6);
- AddressDurationDataFinish[2] = addressBlockBegin + (6, 6);
- AddressDurationDataFinish[3] = addressBlockBegin + (7, 6);
- AddressDurationDataFinish[4] = addressBlockBegin + (8, 6);
- AddressTotaData = new CellAddress[5];
- AddressTotaData[0] = addressBlockBegin + (4, 7);
- AddressTotaData[1] = addressBlockBegin + (5, 7);
- AddressTotaData[2] = addressBlockBegin + (6, 7);
- AddressTotaData[3] = addressBlockBegin + (7, 7);
- AddressTotaData[4] = addressBlockBegin + (8, 7);
- AddressBlockEnd = AddressTotaData[4];
- }
- private string FormulaBhaBlock(CellAddress beginTime, CellAddress endTime)
- {
- return string.Format("IF({0}>0,({0}-{1})*24, \"\")", endTime.ToString(), beginTime.ToString());
- }
- public override void Draw(IXLWorksheet sheet)
- {
- sheet._Range(AddressBhaDescription, AddressBhaDescription + (0, 7))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.BHADescription}");
- sheet._Range(AddressOperationTitle, AddressOperationTitle + (0, 4))
- ._SetValue("Выполняемые операции в отчетный период, комментарии:");
- sheet._Range(AddressDurationTitle, AddressDurationTitle + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Продолжительность, ч. ");
- sheet.Cell(AddressTotalTitle)
- ._SetValue("Итого");
- sheet._Range(AddressOperationData[0], AddressOperationData[0] + (0, 4))
- ._SetValue("Бурение с наращиваниями в инт. 2195-2763м.");
- sheet.Cell(AddressDurationDataStart[0])
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.ExtensionDrillingOneBegin}");
- sheet.Cell(AddressDurationDataFinish[0])
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.ExtensionDrillingOneFinish}");
- sheet.Cell(AddressTotaData[0])
- .SetFormulaA1($"{FormulaBhaBlock(AddressDurationDataStart[0], AddressDurationDataFinish[0])}").Style.SetAllBorders();
- sheet._Range(AddressOperationData[1], AddressOperationData[1] + (0, 4))
- ._SetValue("Промывка.");
- sheet.Cell(AddressDurationDataStart[1])
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.SluiceBegin}");
- sheet.Cell(AddressDurationDataFinish[1])
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.SluiceFinish}");
- sheet.Cell(AddressTotaData[1])
- .SetFormulaA1($"{FormulaBhaBlock(AddressDurationDataStart[1], AddressDurationDataFinish[1])}").Style.SetAllBorders();
- sheet._Range(AddressOperationData[2], AddressOperationData[2] + (0, 4))
- ._SetValue("Подъем КНБК в инт. 2763-2442м.");
- sheet.Cell(AddressDurationDataStart[2])
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.ClimbBegin}");
- sheet.Cell(AddressDurationDataFinish[2])
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.ClimbFinish}");
- sheet.Cell(AddressTotaData[2])
- .SetFormulaA1($"{FormulaBhaBlock(AddressDurationDataStart[2], AddressDurationDataFinish[2])}").Style.SetAllBorders();
- sheet._Range(AddressOperationData[3], AddressOperationData[3] + (0, 4))
- ._SetValue("Спуск КНБК в инт. 2442-2763м.");
- sheet.Cell(AddressDurationDataStart[3])
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.DescentBegin}");
- sheet.Cell(AddressDurationDataFinish[3])
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.DescentFinish}");
- sheet.Cell(AddressTotaData[3])
- .SetFormulaA1($"{FormulaBhaBlock(AddressDurationDataStart[3], AddressDurationDataFinish[3])}").Style.SetAllBorders();
- sheet._Range(AddressOperationData[4], AddressOperationData[4] + (0, 4))
- ._SetValue("Бурение с наращиваниями в инт. 2763-2850м.");
- sheet.Cell(AddressDurationDataStart[4])
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.ExtensionDrillingTwoBegin}");
- sheet.Cell(AddressDurationDataFinish[4])
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.ExtensionDrillingTwoFinish}");
- sheet.Cell(AddressTotaData[4])
- .SetFormulaA1($"{FormulaBhaBlock(AddressDurationDataStart[4], AddressDurationDataFinish[4])}").Style.SetAllBorders();
- }
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportBlocks/DimensionlessBlock.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportBlocks/DimensionlessBlock.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 18ee9fbc..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportBlocks/DimensionlessBlock.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.DailyReport;
-using ClosedXML.Excel;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DailyReport.DailyReportBlocks
- internal class DimensionlessBlock : BlockAbstract
- {
- private readonly NoDrillingDto blockDto;
- public SaubBlock SaubBlock { get; set; } = null!;
- public CellAddress AddressDimensionTitle { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressPreparationTitle { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressExtensionTitle { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressPreparationDescription { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressExtensionDescription { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressPreparationHead { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressPreparationValue { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressExtensionHead { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressExtensionValue { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressBlockFormula { get; } = null!;
- public override CellAddress AddressBlockBegin { get; }
- public override CellAddress AddressBlockEnd { get; }
- public DimensionlessBlock(CellAddress addressBlockBegin, NoDrillingDto blockDto)
- {
- AddressBlockBegin = addressBlockBegin.Copy();
- this.blockDto = blockDto;
- AddressDimensionTitle = addressBlockBegin + (2, 3);
- AddressPreparationTitle = addressBlockBegin + (3, 1);
- AddressExtensionTitle = addressBlockBegin + (3, 4);
- AddressPreparationHead = new CellAddress[4];
- AddressPreparationHead[0] = addressBlockBegin + (4, 1);
- AddressPreparationHead[1] = addressBlockBegin + (5, 1);
- AddressPreparationHead[2] = addressBlockBegin + (6, 1);
- AddressPreparationHead[3] = addressBlockBegin + (7, 1);
- AddressPreparationValue = new CellAddress[4];
- AddressPreparationValue[0] = addressBlockBegin + (4, 3);
- AddressPreparationValue[1] = addressBlockBegin + (5, 3);
- AddressPreparationValue[2] = addressBlockBegin + (6, 3);
- AddressPreparationValue[3] = addressBlockBegin + (7, 3);
- AddressPreparationDescription = addressBlockBegin + (8, 1);
- AddressExtensionHead = new CellAddress[4];
- AddressExtensionHead[0] = addressBlockBegin + (4, 4);
- AddressExtensionHead[1] = addressBlockBegin + (5, 4);
- AddressExtensionHead[2] = addressBlockBegin + (6, 4);
- AddressExtensionHead[3] = addressBlockBegin + (7, 4);
- AddressExtensionValue = new CellAddress[4];
- AddressExtensionValue[0] = addressBlockBegin + (4, 6);
- AddressExtensionValue[1] = addressBlockBegin + (5, 6);
- AddressExtensionValue[2] = addressBlockBegin + (6, 6);
- AddressExtensionValue[3] = addressBlockBegin + (7, 6);
- AddressExtensionDescription = addressBlockBegin + (8, 4);
- AddressBlockEnd = addressBlockBegin + (9,0);
- }
- private string FormulaBlockPlan(CellAddress cellTarget)
- {
- return $"={cellTarget}/60*{SaubBlock.AddressExtensionsCountValue}";
- }
- private string FormulaBlockExcess(CellAddress cellFact, CellAddress cellPlan)
- {
- return string.Format("={0}-{1}", cellFact.ToString(), cellPlan.ToString());
- }
- public override void Draw(IXLWorksheet sheet)
- {
- sheet.Range(AddressDimensionTitle.RowNumber, AddressDimensionTitle.ColumnNumber,
- AddressDimensionTitle.RowNumber, AddressDimensionTitle.ColumnNumber + 1)
- .Merge()
- .Style.Alignment.SetWrapText(true);
- sheet.Cell(AddressDimensionTitle.RowNumber, AddressDimensionTitle.ColumnNumber)._ValueNoBorder("БЕЗМЕТРАЖНЫЕ РАБОТЫ",true);
- sheet._Range(AddressPreparationTitle, AddressPreparationTitle + (0, 2))
- ._SetValue("Подготовка ствола скв. к наращиванию");
- sheet._Range(AddressExtensionTitle, AddressExtensionTitle + (0, 2))
- ._SetValue("Наращивание");
- sheet._Range(AddressPreparationHead[0], AddressPreparationHead[0] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Норматив на одну операцию, (мин):");
- sheet.Cell(AddressPreparationValue[0])
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.StandardTimeBarrelPreparation}");
- sheet._Range(AddressPreparationHead[1], AddressPreparationHead[1] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Проработка при бур, план (ч):");
- sheet.Cell(AddressPreparationValue[1])
- .SetFormulaA1($"{FormulaBlockPlan(AddressPreparationValue[0])}").Style.SetAllBorders();
- sheet._Range(AddressPreparationHead[2], AddressPreparationHead[2] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Проработка при бур, факт (ч):");
- sheet.Cell(AddressPreparationValue[2])
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.ActualTimeBarrelPreparation}");
- sheet._Range(AddressPreparationHead[3], AddressPreparationHead[3] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Превышение плановых норм, (ч):");
- sheet.Cell(AddressPreparationValue[3])
- .SetFormulaA1($"{FormulaBlockExcess(AddressPreparationValue[2], AddressPreparationValue[1])}").Style.SetAllBorders();
- sheet._Range(AddressExtensionHead[0], AddressExtensionHead[0] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Норматив на одну операцию, (мин):");
- sheet.Cell(AddressExtensionValue[0])
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.StandardTimeExtension}");
- sheet._Range(AddressExtensionHead[1], AddressExtensionHead[1] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Наращивание, план (ч):");
- sheet.Cell(AddressExtensionValue[1])
- .SetFormulaA1($"{FormulaBlockPlan(AddressExtensionValue[0])}").Style.SetAllBorders();
- sheet._Range(AddressExtensionHead[2], AddressExtensionHead[2] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Наращивание, факт (ч):");
- sheet.Cell(AddressExtensionValue[2])
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.ActualTimeExtension}");
- sheet._Range(AddressExtensionHead[3], AddressExtensionHead[3] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Превышение плановых норм, (ч):");
- sheet.Cell(AddressExtensionValue[3])
- .SetFormulaA1($"{FormulaBlockExcess(AddressExtensionValue[2], AddressExtensionValue[1])}").Style.SetAllBorders();
- sheet._Range(AddressPreparationDescription, AddressPreparationDescription + (1, 2))
- ._SetValue("Подготовка ствола скв. к наращиванию");
- sheet._Range(AddressExtensionDescription, AddressExtensionDescription + (1, 2))
- ._SetValue("Наращивание");
- }
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportBlocks/HeadBlock.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportBlocks/HeadBlock.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index b7ae4dfe..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportBlocks/HeadBlock.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.DailyReport;
-using ClosedXML.Excel;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DailyReport.DailyReportBlocks
- class HeadBlock : BlockAbstract
- {
- private readonly HeadDto blockDto;
- public CellAddress AddressTitle { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressCustomer { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressDriller { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressPeriod { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressSlaughter { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressTrajectoryTableTitle { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressDrillerOneTitle { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressDrillerOne { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressDrillerTwoTitle { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressDrillerTwo { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressWorkSaubTitle { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressWatchTitle { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressMetreTitle { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressWorkSaubData { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressWatchData { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressMetreData { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressPeriodTableHeadArray { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressPeriodTableDataArray { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressTrajectoryTableHeadArray { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressTrajectoryTableDataArray { get; }
- public override CellAddress AddressBlockBegin { get; }
- public override CellAddress AddressBlockEnd { get; }
- public HeadBlock(CellAddress addressBlockBegin, HeadDto blockDto)
- {
- AddressBlockBegin = addressBlockBegin.Copy();
- this.blockDto = blockDto;
- AddressTitle = addressBlockBegin + (0, 0);
- AddressCustomer = addressBlockBegin + (1, 0);
- AddressDriller = addressBlockBegin + (2, 0);
- AddressPeriod = addressBlockBegin + (4, 0);
- AddressSlaughter = addressBlockBegin + (4, 4);
- AddressPeriodTableHeadArray = new CellAddress[4];
- AddressPeriodTableHeadArray[0]= addressBlockBegin + (5, 0);
- AddressPeriodTableHeadArray[1] = addressBlockBegin + (5, 2);
- AddressPeriodTableHeadArray[2] = addressBlockBegin + (5, 4);
- AddressPeriodTableHeadArray[3] = addressBlockBegin + (5, 6);
- AddressPeriodTableDataArray = new CellAddress[4];
- AddressPeriodTableDataArray[0] = addressBlockBegin + (6, 0);
- AddressPeriodTableDataArray[1] = addressBlockBegin + (6, 2);
- AddressPeriodTableDataArray[2] = addressBlockBegin + (6, 4);
- AddressPeriodTableDataArray[3] = addressBlockBegin + (6, 6);
- AddressTrajectoryTableTitle = addressBlockBegin + (8,0);
- AddressTrajectoryTableHeadArray = new CellAddress[4];
- AddressTrajectoryTableHeadArray[0] = addressBlockBegin + (9, 0);
- AddressTrajectoryTableHeadArray[1] = addressBlockBegin + (9, 2);
- AddressTrajectoryTableHeadArray[2] = addressBlockBegin + (9, 4);
- AddressTrajectoryTableHeadArray[3] = addressBlockBegin + (9, 6);
- AddressTrajectoryTableDataArray = new CellAddress[4];
- AddressTrajectoryTableDataArray[0] = addressBlockBegin + (10, 0);
- AddressTrajectoryTableDataArray[1] = addressBlockBegin + (10, 2);
- AddressTrajectoryTableDataArray[2] = addressBlockBegin + (10, 4);
- AddressTrajectoryTableDataArray[3] = addressBlockBegin + (10, 6);
- AddressDrillerOneTitle = addressBlockBegin + (12, 0);
- AddressDrillerOne = addressBlockBegin + (12, 2);
- AddressDrillerTwoTitle = addressBlockBegin + (13, 0);
- AddressDrillerTwo = addressBlockBegin + (13, 2);
- AddressWorkSaubTitle = addressBlockBegin + (15, 0);
- AddressWatchTitle = addressBlockBegin + (15, 3);
- AddressMetreTitle = addressBlockBegin + (15, 4);
- AddressWorkSaubData = new CellAddress[4];
- AddressWorkSaubData[0] = addressBlockBegin + (16, 0);
- AddressWorkSaubData[1] = addressBlockBegin + (17, 0);
- AddressWorkSaubData[2] = addressBlockBegin + (18, 0);
- AddressWorkSaubData[3] = addressBlockBegin + (19, 0);
- AddressWatchData = new CellAddress[4];
- AddressWatchData[0] = addressBlockBegin + (16, 3);
- AddressWatchData[1] = addressBlockBegin + (17, 3);
- AddressWatchData[2] = addressBlockBegin + (18, 3);
- AddressWatchData[3] = addressBlockBegin + (19, 3);
- AddressMetreData = new CellAddress[4];
- AddressMetreData[0] = addressBlockBegin + (16, 4);
- AddressMetreData[1] = addressBlockBegin + (17, 4);
- AddressMetreData[2] = addressBlockBegin + (18, 4);
- AddressBlockEnd = AddressWatchData[3]+(0,1);
- }
- public override void Draw(IXLWorksheet sheet)
- {
- sheet._Range(AddressTitle, AddressTitle + (0, 7))
- ._SetValue($"Суточная сводка бурения скважины: {blockDto.WellName}, куст: {blockDto.ClusterName}")
- .Style.SetH1();
- sheet._Range(AddressCustomer, AddressCustomer + (0, 7))
- ._SetValue($"Заказчик: {blockDto.Customer}")
- .Style.SetH1();
- sheet._Range(AddressDriller, AddressDriller + (0, 7))
- ._SetValue($"Подрядчик: {blockDto.Contractor}")
- .Style.SetH1();
- sheet._Range(AddressPeriod, AddressPeriod + (0, 3))
- ._SetValue("Отчетный период");
- sheet._Range(AddressSlaughter, AddressSlaughter + (0, 3))
- ._SetValue("Забой за отчетный период, м");
- sheet._Range(AddressPeriodTableHeadArray[0], AddressPeriodTableHeadArray[0] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("От (дата, время)");
- sheet._Range(AddressPeriodTableHeadArray[1], AddressPeriodTableHeadArray[1] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("До (дата, время)");
- sheet._Range(AddressPeriodTableHeadArray[2], AddressPeriodTableHeadArray[2] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("От");
- sheet._Range(AddressPeriodTableHeadArray[3], AddressPeriodTableHeadArray[3] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("До");
- sheet._Range(AddressPeriodTableDataArray[0], AddressPeriodTableDataArray[0] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.ReportDate}");
- sheet._Range(AddressPeriodTableDataArray[1], AddressPeriodTableDataArray[1] + (0, 1))._SetValue("");
- sheet.Cell(AddressPeriodTableDataArray[1])
- .SetFormulaA1(string.Format("{0}-1", AddressPeriodTableDataArray[0].ToString()))
- .Style.DateFormat.Format= "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS";
- sheet._Range(AddressPeriodTableDataArray[2], AddressPeriodTableDataArray[2] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.WellDepthIntervalStartDate}");
- sheet._Range(AddressPeriodTableDataArray[3], AddressPeriodTableDataArray[3] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.WellDepthIntervalFinishDate}");
- sheet._Range(AddressTrajectoryTableTitle, AddressTrajectoryTableTitle + (0, 7))
- ._SetValue("Данные по траектории скважины на конец суток");
- sheet._Range(AddressTrajectoryTableHeadArray[0], AddressTrajectoryTableHeadArray[0] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Глубина по стволу");
- sheet._Range(AddressTrajectoryTableHeadArray[1], AddressTrajectoryTableHeadArray[1] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Глубина по вертикали");
- sheet._Range(AddressTrajectoryTableHeadArray[2], AddressTrajectoryTableHeadArray[2] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Зенитный угол");
- sheet._Range(AddressTrajectoryTableHeadArray[3], AddressTrajectoryTableHeadArray[3] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Азимут");
- sheet._Range(AddressTrajectoryTableDataArray[0], AddressTrajectoryTableDataArray[0] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.BottomholeDepth}");
- sheet._Range(AddressTrajectoryTableDataArray[1], AddressTrajectoryTableDataArray[1] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.VerticalDepth}");
- sheet._Range(AddressTrajectoryTableDataArray[2], AddressTrajectoryTableDataArray[2] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.ZenithAngle}");
- sheet._Range(AddressTrajectoryTableDataArray[3], AddressTrajectoryTableDataArray[3] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.AzimuthAngle}");
- sheet._Range(AddressDrillerOneTitle, AddressDrillerOneTitle + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Бурильщик 1 смена");
- sheet._Range(AddressDrillerOne, AddressDrillerOne + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.FirstDriller}");
- sheet._Range(AddressDrillerTwoTitle, AddressDrillerTwoTitle + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Бурильщик 2 смена");
- sheet._Range(AddressDrillerTwo, AddressDrillerTwo + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.SecondDriller}");
- sheet._Range(AddressWorkSaubTitle, AddressWorkSaubTitle + (0, 2))
- ._SetValue("Работа модулей САУБ:");
- sheet.Cell(AddressWatchTitle)
- ._SetValue("Часов:");
- sheet.Cell(AddressMetreTitle)
- ._SetValue("Метров:");
- sheet._Range(AddressWorkSaubData[0], AddressWorkSaubData[0] + (0, 2))
- ._SetValue("АПД (автоматическая подача долота), ч/м:");
- sheet.Cell(AddressWatchData[0])
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.WorkTimeSAUB}");
- sheet.Cell(AddressMetreData[0])
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.PenetrationSAUB}");
- sheet._Range(AddressWorkSaubData[1], AddressWorkSaubData[1] + (0, 2))
- ._SetValue("Спин Мастер (осцилляция),ч/м:");
- sheet.Cell(AddressWatchData[1])
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.WorkTimeSpinMaster}");
- sheet.Cell(AddressMetreData[1])
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.PenetrationSpinMaster}");
- sheet._Range(AddressWorkSaubData[2], AddressWorkSaubData[2] + (0, 2))
- ._SetValue("Торк Мастер (демпфирование), ч/:");
- sheet.Cell(AddressWatchData[2])
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.WorkTimeTorkMaster}");
- sheet.Cell(AddressMetreData[2])
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.PenetrationTorkMaster}");
- sheet._Range(AddressWorkSaubData[3], AddressWorkSaubData[3] + (0, 2))
- ._SetValue("МСЕ, колличество запусков, раз:");
- sheet._Range(AddressWatchData[3], AddressWatchData[3] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.CountLaunchesMSE}");
- }
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportBlocks/SaubBlock.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportBlocks/SaubBlock.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index f6f4791f..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportBlocks/SaubBlock.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.DailyReport;
-using ClosedXML.Excel;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DailyReport.DailyReportBlocks
- internal class SaubBlock : BlockAbstract
- {
- private readonly SaubDto blockDto;
- private readonly HeadBlock headBlock;
- public CellAddress AddressRotorDrilling { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressSlideDrilling { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressDrillingTableTitle { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressDrillingTableHead { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressDrillingTableData { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressSlideTableTitle { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressSlideTableHead { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressSlideTableData { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressTotalTableMechanicalSpeed { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressTotalTableTitle { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressTotalTableHead { get; }
- public CellAddress[] AddressTotalTableData { get; }
- public CellAddress IncreaseSpeedSection { get; }
- public CellAddress IncreaseSpeedDay { get; }
- public CellAddress ReductionTimeDrilling { get; }
- public CellAddress RotorSlidePercent { get; }
- public CellAddress MspSection { get; }
- public CellAddress SectionDrillingTimeTotal { get; }
- public CellAddress SectionPenetrationTotal { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressExtensionsCount { get; }
- public CellAddress DeviationFromTVD { get; }
- public CellAddress DeclinesReasonsROP { get; }
- public CellAddress IncreaseSpeedSectionValue { get; }
- public CellAddress IncreaseSpeedDayValue { get; }
- public CellAddress ReductionTimeDrillingValue { get; }
- public CellAddress RotorSlidePercentValue { get; }
- public CellAddress MspSectionValue { get; }
- public CellAddress SectionDrillingTimeTotalValue { get; }
- public CellAddress SectionPenetrationTotalValue { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressExtensionsCountValue { get; }
- public CellAddress DeviationFromTVDValue { get; }
- public override CellAddress AddressBlockBegin { get; }
- public override CellAddress AddressBlockEnd { get; }
- public SaubBlock(CellAddress addressBlockBegin, SaubDto blockDto, HeadBlock headBlock)
- {
- this.headBlock = headBlock;
- AddressBlockBegin = addressBlockBegin.Copy();
- this.blockDto = blockDto;
- AddressRotorDrilling = addressBlockBegin + (1, 0);
- AddressSlideDrilling = addressBlockBegin + (2, 0);
- AddressDrillingTableTitle = addressBlockBegin + (4, 0);
- AddressDrillingTableHead = new CellAddress[4];
- AddressDrillingTableHead[0] = addressBlockBegin + (5, 0);
- AddressDrillingTableHead[1] = addressBlockBegin + (5, 2);
- AddressDrillingTableHead[2] = addressBlockBegin + (5, 4);
- AddressDrillingTableHead[3] = addressBlockBegin + (5, 6);
- AddressDrillingTableData = new CellAddress[4];
- AddressDrillingTableData[0] = addressBlockBegin + (6, 0);
- AddressDrillingTableData[1] = addressBlockBegin + (6, 2);
- AddressDrillingTableData[2] = addressBlockBegin + (6, 4);
- AddressDrillingTableData[3] = addressBlockBegin + (6, 6);
- AddressSlideTableTitle = addressBlockBegin + (8, 0);
- AddressSlideTableHead = new CellAddress[4];
- AddressSlideTableHead[0] = addressBlockBegin + (9, 0);
- AddressSlideTableHead[1] = addressBlockBegin + (9, 2);
- AddressSlideTableHead[2] = addressBlockBegin + (9, 4);
- AddressSlideTableHead[3] = addressBlockBegin + (9, 6);
- AddressSlideTableData = new CellAddress[4];
- AddressSlideTableData[0] = addressBlockBegin + (10, 0);
- AddressSlideTableData[1] = addressBlockBegin + (10, 2);
- AddressSlideTableData[2] = addressBlockBegin + (10, 4);
- AddressSlideTableData[3] = addressBlockBegin + (10, 6);
- AddressTotalTableTitle = addressBlockBegin + (12, 0);
- AddressTotalTableMechanicalSpeed = addressBlockBegin + (12, 6);
- AddressTotalTableHead = new CellAddress[4];
- AddressTotalTableHead[0] = addressBlockBegin + (13, 0);
- AddressTotalTableHead[1] = addressBlockBegin + (13, 2);
- AddressTotalTableHead[2] = addressBlockBegin + (13, 4);
- AddressTotalTableData = new CellAddress[4];
- AddressTotalTableData[0] = addressBlockBegin + (14, 0);
- AddressTotalTableData[1] = addressBlockBegin + (14, 2);
- AddressTotalTableData[2] = addressBlockBegin + (14, 4);
- AddressTotalTableData[3] = addressBlockBegin + (14, 6);
- IncreaseSpeedSection = addressBlockBegin + (16, 0);
- IncreaseSpeedSectionValue = addressBlockBegin + (16, 4);
- IncreaseSpeedDay = addressBlockBegin + (17, 0);
- IncreaseSpeedDayValue = addressBlockBegin + (17, 4);
- ReductionTimeDrilling = addressBlockBegin + (18, 0);
- ReductionTimeDrillingValue = addressBlockBegin + (18, 4);
- RotorSlidePercent = addressBlockBegin + (19, 0);
- RotorSlidePercentValue = addressBlockBegin + (19, 4);
- MspSection = addressBlockBegin + (20, 0);
- MspSectionValue = addressBlockBegin + (20, 4);
- SectionDrillingTimeTotal = addressBlockBegin + (21, 0);
- SectionDrillingTimeTotalValue = addressBlockBegin + (21, 4);
- SectionPenetrationTotal = addressBlockBegin + (22, 0);
- SectionPenetrationTotalValue = addressBlockBegin + (22, 4);
- AddressExtensionsCount = addressBlockBegin + (23, 0);
- AddressExtensionsCountValue = addressBlockBegin + (23, 4);
- DeviationFromTVD = addressBlockBegin + (24, 0);
- DeviationFromTVDValue = addressBlockBegin + (24, 4);
- DeclinesReasonsROP = addressBlockBegin + (25, 0);
- AddressBlockEnd = DeclinesReasonsROP + (1,7) ;
- }
- private string FormulaMechanicalSpeed(CellAddress cellSinking, CellAddress cellWatch )
- {
- return string.Format("=IF({0}>0,{1}/{2},0)", cellWatch.ToString(), cellSinking.ToString(), cellWatch.ToString());
- }
- private string FormulaSinking(CellAddress sinkingDrilling, CellAddress sinkingSlide, CellAddress slaughterEnd, CellAddress slaughterBegin)
- {
- return string.Format("=IF(({0}+{1})<>({2}-{3}),\"ОШИБКА\",({0}+{1}))", sinkingSlide.ToString(), sinkingDrilling.ToString(),
- slaughterEnd.ToString(), slaughterBegin.ToString());
- }
- private string FormulaWatch(CellAddress cellSinkingDrill, CellAddress cellSinkingSlide)
- {
- return string.Format("={0}+{1}",
- cellSinkingDrill.ToString(), cellSinkingSlide.ToString());
- }
- public override void Draw(IXLWorksheet sheet)
- {
- sheet._Range(AddressRotorDrilling, AddressRotorDrilling + (0, 7))
- ._SetValue($"Бурение в роторе : {blockDto.RotorDrillingModes}");
- sheet._Range(AddressSlideDrilling, AddressSlideDrilling + (0, 7))
- ._SetValue($"Бурение в слайде : {blockDto.SlideDrillingModes}");
- sheet._Range(AddressDrillingTableTitle, AddressDrillingTableTitle + (0, 7))
- ._SetValue("Бурение в роторе(за отчетный период) с использование САУБ - 1");
- sheet._Range(AddressDrillingTableHead[0], AddressDrillingTableHead[0] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Проходка");
- sheet._Range(AddressDrillingTableHead[1], AddressDrillingTableHead[1] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Часы бурения");
- sheet._Range(AddressDrillingTableHead[2], AddressDrillingTableHead[2] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Мех. скорость");
- sheet._Range(AddressDrillingTableHead[3], AddressDrillingTableHead[3] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Среднее диф. Давление");
- sheet._Range(AddressDrillingTableData[0], AddressDrillingTableData[0] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.PenetrationInRotor}");
- sheet._Range(AddressDrillingTableData[1], AddressDrillingTableData[1] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.NumberDrillingHours}");
- sheet._Range(AddressDrillingTableData[2], AddressDrillingTableData[2] + (0, 1))._SetValue("");
- sheet.Cell(AddressDrillingTableData[2])
- .SetFormulaA1(FormulaMechanicalSpeed(AddressDrillingTableData[0], AddressDrillingTableData[1])).Style.SetAllBorders();
- sheet._Range(AddressDrillingTableData[3], AddressDrillingTableData[3] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.AVGDiffDropRotor}");
- sheet._Range(AddressSlideTableTitle, AddressSlideTableTitle + (0, 7))
- ._SetValue("Бурение в слайде (за отчетный период) с использование САУБ-1");
- sheet._Range(AddressSlideTableHead[0], AddressSlideTableHead[0] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Проходка");
- sheet._Range(AddressSlideTableHead[1], AddressSlideTableHead[1] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Часы бурения");
- sheet._Range(AddressSlideTableHead[2], AddressSlideTableHead[2] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Мех. скорость");
- sheet._Range(AddressSlideTableHead[3], AddressSlideTableHead[3] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Среднее диф. Давление");
- sheet._Range(AddressSlideTableData[0], AddressSlideTableData[0] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.PenetrationInSlide}");
- sheet._Range(AddressSlideTableData[1], AddressSlideTableData[1] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.DrillingTimeInRotor}");
- sheet._Range(AddressSlideTableData[2], AddressSlideTableData[2] + (0, 1))._SetValue("");
- sheet.Cell(AddressSlideTableData[2])
- .SetFormulaA1(FormulaMechanicalSpeed(AddressSlideTableData[0], AddressSlideTableData[1])).Style.SetAllBorders();
- sheet._Range(AddressSlideTableData[3], AddressSlideTableData[3] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.AVGDiffPressureSlide}");
- sheet._Range(AddressTotalTableTitle, AddressTotalTableTitle + (0, 5))
- ._SetValue("Итого за отчетный период, использование САУБ-1");
- sheet._Range(AddressTotalTableMechanicalSpeed, AddressTotalTableMechanicalSpeed + (1, 1))
- ._SetValue("Плановая мех скорость");
- sheet._Range(AddressTotalTableHead[0], AddressTotalTableHead[0] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Проходка");
- sheet._Range(AddressTotalTableHead[1], AddressTotalTableHead[1] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Часы бурения");
- sheet._Range(AddressTotalTableHead[2], AddressTotalTableHead[2] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("Мех. скорость");
- sheet._Range(AddressTotalTableData[0], AddressTotalTableData[0] + (0, 1))._SetValue("");
- sheet.Cell(AddressTotalTableData[0])
- .SetFormulaA1(FormulaSinking(AddressDrillingTableData[0], AddressSlideTableData[0], headBlock.AddressPeriodTableDataArray[3], headBlock.AddressPeriodTableDataArray[2]));
- sheet._Range(AddressTotalTableData[1], AddressTotalTableData[1] + (0, 1))._SetValue("");
- sheet.Cell(AddressTotalTableData[1])
- .SetFormulaA1(FormulaWatch(AddressDrillingTableData[1], AddressSlideTableData[1]));
- sheet._Range(AddressTotalTableData[2], AddressTotalTableData[2] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue("");
- sheet._Range(AddressTotalTableData[3], AddressTotalTableData[3] + (0, 1))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.SectionROPPlan}");
- sheet._Range(IncreaseSpeedSection, IncreaseSpeedSection + (0, 3))
- ._SetValue("Увеличение мех скорости за секцию %");
- sheet._Range(IncreaseSpeedSectionValue, IncreaseSpeedSectionValue + (0, 3))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.IncreaseSpeedSection}");
- sheet._Range(IncreaseSpeedDay, IncreaseSpeedDay + (0, 3))
- ._SetValue("Увеличение мех скорости за сутки %");
- sheet._Range(IncreaseSpeedDayValue, IncreaseSpeedDayValue + (0, 3))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.IncreaseSpeedDay}");
- sheet._Range(ReductionTimeDrilling, ReductionTimeDrilling + (0, 3))
- ._SetValue("Сокращение времени бурения за секцию, ч");
- sheet._Range(ReductionTimeDrillingValue, ReductionTimeDrillingValue + (0, 3))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.ReductionTimeDrilling}");
- sheet._Range(RotorSlidePercent, RotorSlidePercent + (0, 3))
- ._SetValue("Ротор / слайд, %");
- sheet._Range(RotorSlidePercentValue, RotorSlidePercentValue + (0, 3))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.RotorSlidePercent}");
- sheet._Range(MspSection, MspSection + (0, 3))
- ._SetValue("МСП за секцию м/ч.");
- sheet._Range(MspSectionValue, MspSectionValue + (0, 3))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.MspSection}");
- sheet._Range(SectionDrillingTimeTotal, SectionDrillingTimeTotal + (0, 3))
- ._SetValue("Время бурения за секцию");
- sheet._Range(SectionDrillingTimeTotalValue, SectionDrillingTimeTotalValue + (0, 3))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.SectionDrillingTimeTotal}");
- sheet._Range(SectionPenetrationTotal, SectionPenetrationTotal + (0, 3))
- ._SetValue("Проходка за секцию");
- sheet._Range(SectionPenetrationTotalValue, SectionPenetrationTotalValue + (0, 3))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.SectionPenetrationTotal}");
- sheet._Range(AddressExtensionsCount, AddressExtensionsCount + (0, 3))
- ._SetValue("Кол- во наращиваний");
- sheet._Range(AddressExtensionsCountValue, AddressExtensionsCountValue + (0, 3))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.ExtensionsCount}");
- sheet._Range(DeviationFromTVD, DeviationFromTVD + (0, 3))
- ._SetValue("Отклонение от ГГД +/-, сут");
- sheet._Range(DeviationFromTVDValue, DeviationFromTVDValue + (0, 3))
- ._SetValue($"{blockDto.DeviationFromTVD}");
- sheet._Range(DeclinesReasonsROP, DeclinesReasonsROP + (1, 7))
- ._SetValue($"Примечание: {blockDto.DeclinesReasonsROP}");
- }
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportBlocks/SignBlock.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportBlocks/SignBlock.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index b7e5eb60..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportBlocks/SignBlock.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.DailyReport;
-using ClosedXML.Excel;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DailyReport.DailyReportBlocks
- internal class SignBlock : BlockAbstract
- {
- private readonly SignDto blockDto;
- public CellAddress AddressDrillMasterHead { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressDrillMaster { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressSupervisorHead { get; }
- public CellAddress AddressSupervisor { get; }
- public override CellAddress AddressBlockBegin { get; }
- public override CellAddress AddressBlockEnd { get; }
- public SignBlock(CellAddress addressBlockBegin, SignDto blockDto)
- {
- AddressBlockBegin = addressBlockBegin.Copy();
- this.blockDto = blockDto;
- AddressDrillMasterHead = addressBlockBegin + (3, 0);
- AddressDrillMaster = AddressDrillMasterHead + (0, 5);
- AddressSupervisorHead = AddressDrillMasterHead + (2, 0);
- AddressSupervisor = AddressSupervisorHead + (0, 5);
- AddressBlockEnd = AddressSupervisor + (0,1);
- }
- public override void Draw(IXLWorksheet sheet)
- {
- sheet.Range(AddressDrillMasterHead.RowNumber, AddressDrillMasterHead.ColumnNumber
- , AddressDrillMasterHead.RowNumber, AddressDrillMasterHead.ColumnNumber + 2)
- .Merge()
- .SetValue("Мастер буровой ");
- sheet.Range(AddressDrillMaster.RowNumber, AddressDrillMaster.ColumnNumber
- , AddressDrillMaster.RowNumber, AddressDrillMaster.ColumnNumber + 2)
- .Merge()
- .SetValue($"{blockDto.DrillingMaster}");
- sheet.Range(AddressSupervisorHead.RowNumber, AddressSupervisorHead.ColumnNumber
- , AddressSupervisorHead.RowNumber, AddressSupervisorHead.ColumnNumber + 2)
- .Merge()
- .SetValue("Супервайзер ");
- sheet.Range(AddressSupervisor.RowNumber, AddressSupervisor.ColumnNumber
- , AddressSupervisor.RowNumber, AddressSupervisor.ColumnNumber + 2)
- .Merge()
- .SetValue($"{blockDto.Supervisor}");
- }
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportBlocks/TimeBalanceBlock.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportBlocks/TimeBalanceBlock.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fe13a72..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportBlocks/TimeBalanceBlock.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-using AsbCloudApp.Data;
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.DailyReport;
-using ClosedXML.Excel;
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DailyReport.DailyReportBlocks
- ///
- /// Построение баланса времени
- ///
- class TimeBalanceBlock : BlockAbstract
- {
- ///
- /// Начальная ячейка
- ///
- public override CellAddress AddressBlockBegin { get; }
- ///
- /// Конечная ячейка
- ///
- public override CellAddress AddressBlockEnd { get; }
- ///
- /// Ячейка с заголовком
- ///
- private CellAddress Title { get { return AddressBlockBegin + (1, 3); } }
- ///
- /// Статистика по операциям
- ///
- private Dictionary OperationsStatistics { get; }
- ///
- /// Категории операций
- ///
- private IEnumerable OperationCategories { get; }
- ///
- /// количество столбцов в таблице
- ///
- private const int countColumns = 3;
- ///
- /// количество категорий операций
- ///
- private int OperationCategoriesCount { get { return OperationCategories.Count(); } }
- public TimeBalanceBlock(CellAddress addressBlockBegin, TimeBalanceDto blockDto, IEnumerable operationCategories)
- {
- AddressBlockBegin = addressBlockBegin.Copy();
- OperationsStatistics = blockDto.OperationsStat;
- OperationCategories = operationCategories;
- var rowsCount = (int)Math.Ceiling( 1d * OperationCategoriesCount / countColumns);
- var colsCount = (1 + 1) * countColumns;
- AddressBlockEnd = Title + (rowsCount, colsCount);
- }
- public override void Draw(IXLWorksheet sheet)
- {
- sheet.Range(Title.RowNumber, Title.ColumnNumber, Title.RowNumber, Title.ColumnNumber + 1)
- .Merge()
- .SetValue("БАЛАНС ВРЕМЕНИ");
- var i = 0;
- foreach (var operationCategory in OperationCategories)
- {
- var row = 2 + (int)Math.Floor(1d * i / countColumns);
- var col = 1 + 2 *(i % countColumns);
- i++;
- sheet.Cell(AddressBlockBegin + (row, col))
- ._SetValue(operationCategory.Name, true);
- sheet.Cell(AddressBlockBegin + (row, col + 1))
- ._SetValue(GetValue(operationCategory.Id), true);
- }
- }
- private string GetValue(int categoryId)
- {
- if (OperationsStatistics.TryGetValue(categoryId, out double duration))
- return $"{duration}";
- return "0";
- }
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportMakerExcel.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportMakerExcel.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 56b68c30..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportMakerExcel.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-using AsbCloudApp.Data;
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.DailyReport;
-using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DailyReport.DailyReportBlocks;
-using ClosedXML.Excel;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.IO;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DailyReport
- public class DailyReportMakerExcel
- {
- private IEnumerable OperationCategories = null!;
- public Stream MakeReportFromBlocks(DailyReportDto dto, IEnumerable operationCategories)
- {
- OperationCategories = operationCategories;
- using var workbook = new XLWorkbook();
- FillExampleBlocks(workbook, dto);
- MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
- workbook.SaveAs(memoryStream, new SaveOptions { });
- memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
- return memoryStream;
- }
- private void FillExampleBlocks(XLWorkbook workbook, DailyReportDto dto)
- {
- var sheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add(dto.Head.ReportDate.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy"));
- var addressStart = new CellAddress(sheet, 2, 2);
- var blockHeader = new HeadBlock(addressStart, dto.Head);
- addressStart = blockHeader.AddressBlockEnd + (1, 0);
- addressStart.ColumnNumber = 2;
- var blockBha = new BhaBlock(addressStart, dto.Bha);
- addressStart = blockBha.AddressBlockEnd + (1, 0);
- addressStart.ColumnNumber = 2;
- var timeBalance = new TimeBalanceBlock(addressStart, dto.TimeBalance, OperationCategories);
- addressStart = timeBalance.AddressBlockEnd + (1, 0);
- addressStart.ColumnNumber = 2;
- var blockDimensionless = new DimensionlessBlock(addressStart, dto.NoDrilling);
- addressStart = blockDimensionless.AddressBlockEnd + (1, 0);
- addressStart.ColumnNumber = 2;
- var blockSaub = new SaubBlock(addressStart, dto.Saub, blockHeader);
- addressStart = blockSaub.AddressBlockEnd + (1, 0);
- blockDimensionless.SaubBlock = blockSaub;
- addressStart.ColumnNumber = 2;
- var blockSign = new SignBlock(addressStart, dto.Sign);
- addressStart = blockSign.AddressBlockEnd + (1, 0);
- addressStart.ColumnNumber = 2;
- blockHeader.Draw(sheet);
- blockBha.Draw(sheet);
- timeBalance.Draw(sheet);
- blockDimensionless.Draw(sheet);
- blockSaub.Draw(sheet);
- blockSign.Draw(sheet);
- //sheet.Columns().AdjustToContents(); // Adjust column width
- sheet.Rows().AdjustToContents();
- }
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportTemplate.xlsx b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportTemplate.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 640f481b..00000000
Binary files a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DailyReport/DailyReportTemplate.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/AsbCloudWebApi/Controllers/AutoGeneratedDailyReportController.cs b/AsbCloudWebApi/Controllers/AutoGeneratedDailyReportController.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index a392bf51..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudWebApi/Controllers/AutoGeneratedDailyReportController.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
-using System.Net;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using AsbCloudApp.Data;
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.AutogeneratedDailyReport;
-using AsbCloudApp.Requests;
-using AsbCloudApp.Services;
-using AsbCloudApp.Services.AutoGeneratedDailyReports;
-using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
-using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
-using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
-namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers;
-/// Контроллер для авто-генерируемых суточных отчётов
-public class AutoGeneratedDailyReportController : ControllerBase
- private readonly IAutoGeneratedDailyReportService autoGeneratedDailyReportService;
- private readonly IWellService wellService;
- public AutoGeneratedDailyReportController(
- IAutoGeneratedDailyReportService autoGeneratedDailyReportService,
- IWellService wellService)
- {
- this.autoGeneratedDailyReportService = autoGeneratedDailyReportService;
- this.wellService = wellService;
- }
- ///
- /// Формирование отчёта
- ///
- /// Id скважины
- /// Дата отчёта
- ///
- ///
- [HttpGet]
- [ProducesResponseType(typeof(PhysicalFileResult), (int)HttpStatusCode.OK, "application/octet-stream")]
- [ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status204NoContent)]
- public async Task GenerateReportAsync([FromRoute] int idWell,
- [Required] DateOnly reportDate,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- if (!await CanUserAccessToWellAsync(idWell, cancellationToken))
- return Forbid();
- var reportFile = await autoGeneratedDailyReportService.GenerateAsync(idWell,
- reportDate,
- cancellationToken);
- return File(reportFile.stream, "application/octet-stream", reportFile.fileName);
- }
- ///
- /// Список файлов суточных отчётов
- ///
- /// Id скважины
- /// Параметры запроса
- ///
- ///
- [HttpGet("all")]
- [ProducesResponseType(typeof(PaginationContainer), (int)HttpStatusCode.OK)]
- public async Task GetListAsync([FromRoute][Required] int idWell,
- [FromQuery] FileReportRequest request,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- if (!await CanUserAccessToWellAsync(idWell, cancellationToken))
- return Forbid();
- var reports = await autoGeneratedDailyReportService.GetListAsync(idWell,
- request,
- cancellationToken);
- return Ok(reports);
- }
- ///
- /// Диапазон дат для формирования суточных отчётов
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- [HttpGet("datesRange")]
- [ProducesResponseType(typeof(DatesRangeDto), (int)HttpStatusCode.OK)]
- public async Task GetDatesRangeAsync(int idWell, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- if (!await CanUserAccessToWellAsync(idWell, cancellationToken))
- return Forbid();
- return Ok(await autoGeneratedDailyReportService.GetDatesRangeAsync(idWell, cancellationToken));
- }
- private async Task CanUserAccessToWellAsync(int idWell, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- int? idCompany = User.GetCompanyId();
- return idCompany is not null && await wellService.IsCompanyInvolvedInWellAsync((int)idCompany,
- idWell, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
\ No newline at end of file