forked from ddrilling/AsbCloudServer
Merge branch 'dev' into feature/WellFinalDocumentsRepository
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ namespace AsbCloudApp.Data
/// <summary>
/// Дата начала ограничения
/// </summary>
public DateTimeOffset DateStart { get; set; }
public DateTime DateStart { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Дата окончания ограничения
/// </summary>
public DateTimeOffset DateEnd { get; set; }
public DateTime DateEnd { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Глубина начала ограничения
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
using System;
namespace AsbCloudApp.Data
namespace AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMap
#nullable enable
/// <summary>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
using System;
namespace AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMap
#nullable enable
/// <summary>
/// Модель РТК
/// </summary>
public class ProcessMapReportDto
/// <summary>
/// Идентификатор скважины
/// </summary>
public int IdWell { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Глубина по стволу, м
/// <para>
/// на начало интервала
/// </para>
/// </summary>
public double DepthStart { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Дата/ время
/// <para>
/// на начало интервала
/// </para>
/// </summary>
public DateTime DateStart { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Время мех бурения, ч
/// </summary>
public double MechDrillingHours { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Слайд
/// </summary>
public ProcessMapReportRowDto Slide { get; set; } = null!;
/// <summary>
/// Ротор
/// </summary>
public ProcessMapReportRowDto Rotor { get; set; } = null!;
/// <summary>
/// название секции скважины
/// </summary>
public int IdWellSectionType { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// название секции скважины
/// </summary>
public string WellSectionTypeName { get; set; } = null!;
#nullable disable
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMap
#nullable enable
/// <summary>
/// Параметры РТК
/// </summary>
public class ProcessMapReportParamsDto
/// <summary>
/// Уставка план
/// </summary>
public double? SetpointPlan { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Уставка факт
/// </summary>
public double? SetpointFact { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Факт
/// </summary>
public double? Fact { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Ограничение
/// </summary>
public double? Limit { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Процент бурения по уставке ,%
/// </summary>
public double? PercDrillingSetpoint { get; set; }
#nullable disable
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
namespace AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMap
#nullable enable
/// <summary>
/// Строки РТК
/// </summary>
public class ProcessMapReportRowDto
/// <summary>
/// Проходка, м
/// </summary>
public double? DeltaDepth { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Перепад давления, атм
/// </summary>
public ProcessMapReportParamsDto PressureDiff { get; set; } = new();
/// <summary>
/// Нагрузка, т
/// </summary>
public ProcessMapReportParamsDto AxialLoad { get; set; } = new();
/// <summary>
/// Момент на ВСП, кНхМ
/// </summary>
public ProcessMapReportParamsDto TopDriveTorque { get; set; } = new();
/// <summary>
/// Ограничение скорости, м/ч
/// </summary>
public ProcessMapReportParamsDto SpeedLimit { get; set; } = new();
/// <summary>
/// Процент использования системы АПД, %
/// </summary>
public double Usage { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Фактическая механическая скорость, м/ч
/// </summary>
public double Rop { get; set; }
#nullable disable
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
using System;
namespace AsbCloudApp.Data.SAUB
#nullable enable
/// <summary>
/// Статистика телеметрии САУБ (усредненные значения) по интервалам глубины
/// </summary>
public class TelemetryDataSaubStatDto
/// <summary>
/// Кол-во записей в интервале
/// </summary>
public int Count { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Дата начала интервала
/// </summary>
public DateTime DateMin { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Дата окончания интервала
/// </summary>
public DateTime DateMax { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Глубина начала интервала
/// </summary>
public float WellDepthMin { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Глубина окончания интервала
/// </summary>
public float WellDepthMax { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Давление
/// </summary>
public float Pressure { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// действующее задание давления
/// </summary>
public float PressureSp { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Давление при холостом ходе.
/// </summary>
public float PressureIdle { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// задание давления для роторного режима
/// </summary>
public float PressureSpRotor { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// задание давления для режима слайда
/// </summary>
public float PressureSpSlide { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// ограничение макс перепада давления
/// </summary>
public float PressureDeltaLimitMax { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// осевая нагрузка
/// </summary>
public float AxialLoad { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// задание осевой нагрузки
/// </summary>
public float AxialLoadSp { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// ограничение макс. осевой нагрузки
/// </summary>
public float AxialLoadLimitMax { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// момент ротора
/// </summary>
public float RotorTorque { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// задание момента ротора
/// </summary>
public float RotorTorqueSp { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// момент ротора на х.х.
/// </summary>
public float RotorTorqueLimitMax { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Талевый блок. Скорость
/// </summary>
public float BlockSpeed { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Талевый блок. Задание скорости
/// </summary>
public float BlockSpeedSp { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Талевый блок. Задание скорости для роторного бурения
/// </summary>
public float BlockSpeedSpRotor { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Талевый блок. Задание скорости для режима слайда
/// </summary>
public float BlockSpeedSpSlide { get; set; }
#nullable disable
@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
namespace AsbCloudApp.Data.SAUB
#nullable enable
/// <summary>
/// DTO телеметрии наработки талевого каната
/// DTO телеметрии наработки талевого каната от панели бурильщика
/// </summary>
public class TelemetryWirelineRunOutDto
public class TelemetryWirelineRunOutBaseDto
/// <summary>
/// отметка времени
@ -32,6 +33,13 @@ namespace AsbCloudApp.Data.SAUB
/// Наработка талевого каната до сигнализации о необходимости замены, т*км
/// </summary>
public float ReplaceWarnSp { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// DTO телеметрии наработки талевого каната
/// </summary>
public class TelemetryWirelineRunOutDto : TelemetryWirelineRunOutBaseDto
/// <summary>
/// Информация по скважине
@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ namespace AsbCloudApp.Data
/// </summary>
public class WellDto : WellInfoDto, IMapPoint, IId
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int Id { get; set; }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public double? Latitude { get; set; }
@ -3,8 +3,11 @@
/// <summary>
/// базовая информация о скважине
/// </summary>
public class WellInfoDto
public class WellInfoDto: IId
/// <inheritdoc/>
public int Id { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Название
/// </summary>
@ -20,6 +20,16 @@ namespace AsbCloudApp.Repositories
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<IEnumerable<LimitingParameterDataDto>> GetLimitingParametersAsync(LimitingParameterRequest request, WellDto wellDto, CancellationToken token);
/// <summary>
/// Получение списка ограничивающих параметров по идентификатору скважины
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request"></param>
/// <param name="idTelemetry"></param>
/// <param name="timezoneHours"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<IEnumerable<LimitingParameterDataDto>> GetLimitingParametersAsync(LimitingParameterRequest request, int idTelemetry, double timezoneHours, CancellationToken token);
#nullable disable
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudApp.Repositories
/// <param name="dto"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<int> AddOrUpdateAsync(string uid, TelemetryWirelineRunOutDto dto, CancellationToken token);
Task<int> AddOrUpdateAsync(string uid, TelemetryWirelineRunOutBaseDto dto, CancellationToken token);
/// <summary>
/// Выдает данные по скважине
@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace AsbCloudApp.Services
namespace AsbCloudApp.Repositories
#nullable enable
/// <summary>
/// сервис операций по скважине
/// </summary>
public interface IWellOperationService
public interface IWellOperationRepository
/// <summary>
/// список названий операций
@ -19,61 +19,6 @@ namespace AsbCloudApp.Services
/// <returns></returns>
IEnumerable<WellOperationCategoryDto> GetCategories();
// TODO: объединить параметры в объект запроса
/// <summary>
/// Получить список операций
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<PaginationContainer<WellOperationDto>> GetOperationsAsync(
WellOperationRequest request,
CancellationToken token);
/// <summary>
/// Получить статистику операции по скважине с группировкой по категориям
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<IEnumerable<WellGroupOpertionDto>> GetGroupOperationsStatAsync(
WellOperationRequest request,
CancellationToken token);
/// <summary>
/// Получить операцию по id
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<WellOperationDto?> GetOrDefaultAsync(int id, CancellationToken token);
/// <summary>
/// Добавить несколько операций за один раз
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wellOperationDtos"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<int> InsertRangeAsync(
IEnumerable<WellOperationDto> wellOperationDtos, CancellationToken token);
/// <summary>
/// Обновить существующую операцию
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<int> UpdateAsync(WellOperationDto item,
CancellationToken token);
/// <summary>
/// Удалить операции по id
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ids"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<int> DeleteAsync(IEnumerable<int> ids, CancellationToken token);
/// <summary>
/// Список секций
/// </summary>
@ -86,6 +31,64 @@ namespace AsbCloudApp.Services
/// <param name="idWell"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
DateTimeOffset? FirstOperationDate(int idWell);
/// <summary>
/// Получить страницу списка операций
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<IEnumerable<WellOperationDto>> GetAsync(WellOperationRequest request, CancellationToken token);
/// <summary>
/// Получить страницу списка операций
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<PaginationContainer<WellOperationDto>> GetPageAsync(WellOperationRequest request, CancellationToken token);
/// <summary>
/// Получить операцию по id
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<WellOperationDto?> GetOrDefaultAsync(int id, CancellationToken token);
/// <summary>
/// Получить статистику операции по скважине с группировкой по категориям
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<IEnumerable<WellGroupOpertionDto>> GetGroupOperationsStatAsync(
WellOperationRequest request,
CancellationToken token);
/// <summary>
/// Добавить несколько операций за один раз
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wellOperationDtos"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<int> InsertRangeAsync(IEnumerable<WellOperationDto> wellOperationDtos, CancellationToken token);
/// <summary>
/// Обновить существующую операцию
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dto"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<int> UpdateAsync(WellOperationDto dto, CancellationToken token);
/// <summary>
/// Удалить операции по id
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ids"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<int> DeleteAsync(IEnumerable<int> ids, CancellationToken token);
#nullable disable
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace AsbCloudApp.Services
/// <summary>
/// Сервис формирования РТК.
/// </summary>
public interface IProcessMapReportService
/// <summary>
/// Сформировать.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="idWell"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<Stream> MakeReportAsync(int idWell, CancellationToken token = default);
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Data;
using AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMap;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMap;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace AsbCloudApp.Services
#nullable enable
/// <summary>
/// Сервис формирования РТК
/// </summary>
public interface IProcessMapService
/// <summary>
/// Получение моделей РТК
/// </summary>
/// <param name="idWell"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<IEnumerable<ProcessMapReportDto>> GetProcessMapAsync(int idWell, CancellationToken token);
#nullable disable
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Data.SAUB;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
#nullable enable
namespace AsbCloudApp.Services
/// <summary>
/// Телеметрия САУБ
/// </summary>
public interface ITelemetryDataSaubService : ITelemetryDataService<TelemetryDataSaubDto>
/// <summary>
/// усредненная статистика по 1м за весь период
/// <para>
/// </para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="idTelemetry"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<IEnumerable<TelemetryDataSaubStatDto>> GetTelemetryDataStatAsync(int idTelemetry, CancellationToken token);
#nullable disable
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
#nullable enable
namespace AsbCloudApp.Services
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudApp.Services
/// <param name="dtos"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<int> UpdateDataAsync(string uid, IEnumerable<TDto> dtos, CancellationToken token = default);
Task<int> UpdateDataAsync(string uid, IEnumerable<TDto> dtos, CancellationToken token);
#nullable disable
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;
#nullable disable
namespace AsbCloudDb.Migrations
public partial class AddPermissions_wireline_plannedTrajectory : Migration
protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
table: "t_permission",
columns: new[] { "id", "description", "name" },
values: new object[,]
{ 507, "Разрешение просматривать наработка талевого каната", "TelemetryWirelineRunOut.get" },
{ 510, "Разрешение просматривать плановая траектория", "TelemetryWirelineRunOut.get" },
{ 511, "Разрешение редактировать плановая траектория", "TelemetryWirelineRunOut.edit" },
{ 512, "Разрешение удалять плановая траектория", "TelemetryWirelineRunOut.delete" }
table: "t_relation_user_role_permission",
columns: new[] { "id_permission", "id_user_role" },
values: new object[,]
{ 510, 1 },
{ 511, 1 },
{ 512, 1 },
{ 507, 1500 },
{ 510, 1500 }
protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
table: "t_relation_user_role_permission",
keyColumns: new[] { "id_permission", "id_user_role" },
keyValues: new object[] { 510, 1 });
table: "t_relation_user_role_permission",
keyColumns: new[] { "id_permission", "id_user_role" },
keyValues: new object[] { 511, 1 });
table: "t_relation_user_role_permission",
keyColumns: new[] { "id_permission", "id_user_role" },
keyValues: new object[] { 512, 1 });
table: "t_relation_user_role_permission",
keyColumns: new[] { "id_permission", "id_user_role" },
keyValues: new object[] { 507, 1500 });
table: "t_relation_user_role_permission",
keyColumns: new[] { "id_permission", "id_user_role" },
keyValues: new object[] { 510, 1500 });
table: "t_permission",
keyColumn: "id",
keyValue: 507);
table: "t_permission",
keyColumn: "id",
keyValue: 510);
table: "t_permission",
keyColumn: "id",
keyValue: 511);
table: "t_permission",
keyColumn: "id",
keyValue: 512);
@ -1759,6 +1759,30 @@ namespace AsbCloudDb.Migrations
Id = 506,
Description = "Разрешение редактировать ответственных за загрузку файла Дело скважины",
Name = "WellFinalDocuments.editPublisher"
Id = 507,
Description = "Разрешение просматривать наработка талевого каната",
Name = "TelemetryWirelineRunOut.get"
Id = 510,
Description = "Разрешение просматривать плановая траектория",
Name = "TelemetryWirelineRunOut.get"
Id = 511,
Description = "Разрешение редактировать плановая траектория",
Name = "TelemetryWirelineRunOut.edit"
Id = 512,
Description = "Разрешение удалять плановая траектория",
Name = "TelemetryWirelineRunOut.delete"
@ -2451,6 +2475,16 @@ namespace AsbCloudDb.Migrations
IdPermission = 234
IdUserRole = 1500,
IdPermission = 507
IdUserRole = 1500,
IdPermission = 510
IdUserRole = 1501,
IdPermission = 214
@ -2629,6 +2663,26 @@ namespace AsbCloudDb.Migrations
IdUserRole = 1,
IdPermission = 505
IdUserRole = 1,
IdPermission = 506
IdUserRole = 1,
IdPermission = 510
IdUserRole = 1,
IdPermission = 511
IdUserRole = 1,
IdPermission = 512
@ -3670,7 +3724,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudDb.Migrations
.HasColumnType("timestamp with time zone")
.HasComment("Отметка времени");
@ -135,6 +135,12 @@
new (){ Id = 504, Name="WellFinalDocuments.edit", Description="Разрешение редактировать Дело скважины"},
new (){ Id = 505, Name="WellFinalDocuments.get", Description="Разрешение просматривать Дело скважины"},
new (){ Id = 506, Name="WellFinalDocuments.editPublisher", Description="Разрешение редактировать ответственных за загрузку файла Дело скважины"},
new (){ Id = 507, Name="TelemetryWirelineRunOut.get", Description="Разрешение просматривать наработка талевого каната"},
new (){ Id = 510, Name="TelemetryWirelineRunOut.get", Description="Разрешение просматривать плановая траектория"},
new (){ Id = 511, Name="TelemetryWirelineRunOut.edit", Description="Разрешение редактировать плановая траектория"},
new (){ Id = 512, Name="TelemetryWirelineRunOut.delete", Description="Разрешение удалять плановая траектория"},
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
new (){ IdUserRole = 1219, IdPermission = 203}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1219, IdPermission = 206}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1219, IdPermission = 230}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1219, IdPermission = 232},
new (){ IdUserRole = 1220, IdPermission = 203}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1220, IdPermission = 228},
new (){ IdUserRole = 1221, IdPermission = 202}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1221, IdPermission = 203}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1221, IdPermission = 220}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1221, IdPermission = 234},
new (){ IdUserRole = 1500, IdPermission = 507}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1500, IdPermission = 510},
new (){ IdUserRole = 1501, IdPermission = 214}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1501, IdPermission = 213},
new (){ IdUserRole = 1502, IdPermission = 207}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1502, IdPermission = 208},
new (){ IdUserRole = 2000, IdPermission = 205}, new (){ IdUserRole = 2000, IdPermission = 204}, new (){ IdUserRole = 2000, IdPermission = 245},
@ -53,7 +54,7 @@
new (){ IdUserRole = 2005, IdPermission = 247}, new (){ IdUserRole = 2005, IdPermission = 205}, new (){ IdUserRole = 2005, IdPermission = 204},
new (){ IdUserRole = 2006, IdPermission = 243}, new (){ IdUserRole = 2006, IdPermission = 205}, new (){ IdUserRole = 2006, IdPermission = 204},
new (){ IdUserRole = 2007, IdPermission = 241}, new (){ IdUserRole = 2007, IdPermission = 205}, new (){ IdUserRole = 2007, IdPermission = 204},
new (){ IdUserRole = 1, IdPermission = 500}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1, IdPermission = 501}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1, IdPermission = 502}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1, IdPermission = 503}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1, IdPermission = 504}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1, IdPermission = 505},
new (){ IdUserRole = 1, IdPermission = 500}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1, IdPermission = 501}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1, IdPermission = 502}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1, IdPermission = 503}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1, IdPermission = 504}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1, IdPermission = 505}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1, IdPermission = 506}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1, IdPermission = 510}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1, IdPermission = 511}, new (){ IdUserRole = 1, IdPermission = 512},
@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ namespace AsbCloudDb.Model
[Table("t_well_operation"), Comment("Данные по операциям на скважине")]
public class WellOperation : IId
public const int IdOperationTypePlan = 0;
public const int IdOperationTypeFact = 1;
public int Id { get; set; }
@ -23,6 +26,9 @@ namespace AsbCloudDb.Model
[Column("id_category"), Comment("Id категории операции")]
public int IdCategory { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Тип 0 = План или 1 = Факт
/// </summary>
[Column("id_type"), Comment("0 = План или 1 = Факт")]
public int IdType { get; set; }
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using System;
namespace AsbCloudDb.Model
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
<None Remove="CommonLibs\" />
<None Remove="Services\DailyReport\DailyReportTemplate.xlsx" />
<None Remove="Services\PlannedTrajectory\PlannedTrajectoryTemplate.xlsx" />
<None Remove="Services\ProcessMap\ProcessMapReportTemplate.xlsx" />
<None Remove="Services\WellOperationService\ScheduleReportTemplate.xlsx" />
<None Remove="Services\WellOperationService\WellOperationImportTemplate.xlsx" />
<None Remove="Services\DailyReport\DailyReportBlocks\" />
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@
<EmbeddedResource Include="Services\DailyReport\DailyReportTemplate.xlsx" />
<EmbeddedResource Include="Services\PlannedTrajectory\PlannedTrajectoryTemplate.xlsx" />
<EmbeddedResource Include="Services\ProcessMap\ProcessMapReportTemplate.xlsx" />
<EmbeddedResource Include="Services\WellOperationService\ScheduleReportTemplate.xlsx" />
<EmbeddedResource Include="Services\WellOperationService\WellOperationImportTemplate.xlsx" />
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DailyReport;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DetectOperations;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DrillingProgram;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.PlannedTrajectory;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.ProcessMap;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.SAUB;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.Subsystems;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationService;
@ -124,9 +125,9 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure
services.AddTransient<ITimezoneService, TimezoneService>();
services.AddTransient<IWellService, WellService>();
services.AddTransient<IWellOperationImportService, WellOperationImportService>();
services.AddTransient<IWellOperationService, WellOperationService>();
services.AddTransient<IPlannedTrajectoryImportService, PlannedTrajectoryImportService>();
services.AddTransient<IPlannedTrajectoryService, PlannedTrajectoryService>();
services.AddTransient<IWellOperationRepository, WellOperationRepository>();
services.AddTransient<IScheduleReportService, ScheduleReportService>();
services.AddTransient<IDailyReportService, DailyReportService>();
services.AddTransient<IDetectedOperationService, DetectedOperationService>();
@ -137,6 +138,8 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure
services.AddTransient<IWellFinalDocumentsService, WellFinalDocumentsService>();
services.AddTransient<IFileCategoryService, FileCategoryService>();
services.AddTransient<ILimitingParameterService, LimitingParameterService>();
services.AddTransient<IProcessMapReportService, ProcessMapReportService>();
services.AddTransient<IProcessMapService, ProcessMapService>();
// admin crud services:
services.AddTransient<ICrudRepository<TelemetryDto>, CrudCacheRepositoryBase<TelemetryDto, Telemetry>>(s =>
@ -182,7 +185,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure
services.AddTransient<ICrudRepository<PermissionDto>, CrudCacheRepositoryBase<PermissionDto, Permission>>();
// TelemetryData services
services.AddTransient<ITelemetryDataService<TelemetryDataSaubDto>, TelemetryDataSaubService>();
services.AddTransient<ITelemetryDataSaubService, TelemetryDataSaubService>();
services.AddTransient<ITelemetryDataService<TelemetryDataSpinDto>, TelemetryDataSpinService>();
// Wits
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ using AsbCloudApp.Repositories;
using AsbCloudApp.Requests;
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
@ -19,41 +20,49 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Repository
this.context = context;
public async Task<IEnumerable<LimitingParameterDataDto>> GetLimitingParametersAsync(LimitingParameterRequest request, WellDto wellDto, CancellationToken token)
var query = BuildQuery(request, wellDto);
var timezoneOffset = wellDto.Timezone.Hours;
var IdTelemetry = wellDto.IdTelemetry!.Value;
return await GetLimitingParametersAsync(request, IdTelemetry, timezoneOffset, token);
public async Task<IEnumerable<LimitingParameterDataDto>> GetLimitingParametersAsync(LimitingParameterRequest request, int idTelemetry, double timezoneHours, CancellationToken token)
var timezoneSpan = TimeSpan.FromHours(timezoneHours);
var query = BuildQuery(request, idTelemetry, timezoneHours);
var data = (await query.ToListAsync(token))
.Select(x => new LimitingParameterDataDto
IdWell = wellDto.Id,
IdWell = request.IdWell,
IdTelemetry = x.IdTelemetry,
IdFeedRegulator = x.IdFeedRegulator,
DateStart = x.DateStart,
DateEnd = x.DateEnd,
DateStart = DateTime.SpecifyKind(x.DateStart.UtcDateTime + timezoneSpan, DateTimeKind.Unspecified),
DateEnd = DateTime.SpecifyKind(x.DateEnd.UtcDateTime + timezoneSpan, DateTimeKind.Unspecified),
DepthStart = x.DepthStart,
DepthEnd = x.DepthEnd
return data;
private IQueryable<LimitingParameter> BuildQuery(LimitingParameterRequest request, WellDto wellDto)
private IQueryable<LimitingParameter> BuildQuery(LimitingParameterRequest request, int idTelemetry, double timezoneHours)
var query = context.LimitingParameter
.OrderBy(x => x.Id)
.Where(x => x.IdTelemetry == wellDto.IdTelemetry)
.Where(x => x.IdTelemetry == idTelemetry)
if (request.GtDate.HasValue)
var gtDate = request.GtDate.Value.ToUtcDateTimeOffset(wellDto.Timezone.Hours);
var gtDate = request.GtDate.Value.ToUtcDateTimeOffset(timezoneHours);
query = query.Where(x => x.DateEnd >= gtDate);
if (request.LtDate.HasValue)
var ltDate = request.LtDate.Value.ToUtcDateTimeOffset(wellDto.Timezone.Hours);
var ltDate = request.LtDate.Value.ToUtcDateTimeOffset(timezoneHours);
query = query.Where(x => x.DateStart <= ltDate);
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Data;
using AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMap;
using AsbCloudApp.Services;
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
using Mapster;
@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Data.SAUB;
using AsbCloudApp.Repositories;
using AsbCloudApp.Services;
using AsbCloudDb;
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.SAUB;
using Mapster;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using System.Collections.Generic;
@ -31,20 +29,16 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Repository
/// <inheritdoc/>
public async Task<int> AddOrUpdateAsync(string uid, TelemetryWirelineRunOutDto dto, CancellationToken token)
public async Task<int> AddOrUpdateAsync(string uid, TelemetryWirelineRunOutBaseDto dto, CancellationToken token)
var idTelemetry = telemetryService.GetOrCreateTelemetryIdByUid(uid);
var timezoneOffset = telemetryService.GetTimezone(idTelemetry).Hours;
var entity = Convert(idTelemetry, dto, timezoneOffset);
var updatingItem = context.TelemetryWirelineRunOut
.Where(x => x.IdTelemetry == idTelemetry)
if (updatingItem is null)
if (await context.TelemetryWirelineRunOut.AnyAsync(w => w.IdTelemetry == idTelemetry, token))
return await context.SaveChangesAsync(token);
@ -95,7 +89,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Repository
return result;
private static TelemetryWirelineRunOut Convert(int idTelemetry, TelemetryWirelineRunOutDto dto, double timezoneOffset)
private static TelemetryWirelineRunOut Convert(int idTelemetry, TelemetryWirelineRunOutBaseDto dto, double timezoneOffset)
var entity = dto.Adapt<TelemetryWirelineRunOut>();
entity.IdTelemetry = idTelemetry;
@ -9,35 +9,31 @@ using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;
using AsbCloudApp.Repositories;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationService
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Repository
#nullable enable
public class WellOperationService : IWellOperationService
/// <summary>
/// репозиторий операций по скважине
/// </summary>
public class WellOperationRepository : IWellOperationRepository
private readonly IAsbCloudDbContext db;
private readonly IMemoryCache memoryCache;
private readonly IWellService wellService;
private static Dictionary<int, DateTimeOffset?>? firstOperationsCache = null;
private Dictionary<int, DateTimeOffset?>? firstOperationsCache = null;
public const int idOperationTypePlan = 0;
public const int idOperationTypeFact = 1;
public WellOperationService(IAsbCloudDbContext db, IMemoryCache memoryCache, IWellService wellService)
public WellOperationRepository(IAsbCloudDbContext db, IMemoryCache memoryCache, IWellService wellService)
this.db = db;
this.memoryCache = memoryCache;
this.wellService = wellService;
public IDictionary<int, string> GetSectionTypes()
=> memoryCache
.ToDictionary(s => s.Id, s => s.Caption);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public IEnumerable<WellOperationCategoryDto> GetCategories()
var allCategories = memoryCache
@ -56,6 +52,13 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationService
return result;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public IDictionary<int, string> GetSectionTypes()
=> memoryCache
.ToDictionary(s => s.Id, s => s.Caption);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public DateTimeOffset? FirstOperationDate(int idWell)
if (firstOperationsCache is null)
@ -65,8 +68,8 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationService
.Select(g => new Tuple<int, DateTimeOffset?, DateTimeOffset?>
g.Where(o => o.IdType == idOperationTypePlan).Min(o => o.DateStart),
g.Where(o => o.IdType == idOperationTypeFact).Min(o => o.DateStart)
g.Where(o => o.IdType == WellOperation.IdOperationTypePlan).Min(o => o.DateStart),
g.Where(o => o.IdType == WellOperation.IdOperationTypeFact).Min(o => o.DateStart)
firstOperationsCache = query
@ -76,13 +79,24 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationService
return firstOperationsCache?.GetValueOrDefault(idWell);
public async Task<PaginationContainer<WellOperationDto>> GetOperationsAsync(
/// <inheritdoc/>
public async Task<IEnumerable<WellOperationDto>> GetAsync(
WellOperationRequest request,
CancellationToken token)
var timezone = wellService.GetTimezone(request.IdWell);
var query = BuildQuery(request)
var result = await query.ToArrayAsync(token);
return result;
var query = BuildQuery(request);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public async Task<PaginationContainer<WellOperationDto>> GetPageAsync(
WellOperationRequest request,
CancellationToken token)
var query = BuildQuery(request)
var result = new PaginationContainer<WellOperationDto>
@ -91,44 +105,45 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationService
Count = await query.CountAsync(token).ConfigureAwait(false),
if (result.Skip > 0)
query = query.Skip(result.Skip!);
query = query
var entities = await query.Take(result.Take).AsNoTracking()
if (!entities.Any())
result.Items = await query.ToListAsync(token);
return result;
var nptHours = 0d;
var dateStart = query.Min(o => o.DateStart);
foreach (var entity in entities)
/// <inheritdoc/>
public async Task<WellOperationDto?> GetOrDefaultAsync(int id,
CancellationToken token)
var entity = await db.WellOperations
.Include(s => s.WellSectionType)
.Include(s => s.OperationCategory)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(e => e.Id == id, token)
if (entity is null)
return null;
var timezone = wellService.GetTimezone(entity.IdWell);
var dto = entity.Adapt<WellOperationDto>();
dto.Day = (entity.DateStart - dateStart).TotalDays;
dto.WellSectionTypeName = entity.WellSectionType.Caption;
dto.DateStart = entity.DateStart.ToRemoteDateTime(timezone.Hours);
dto.CategoryName = entity.OperationCategory.Name;
if (entity.IdType == idOperationTypeFact)
if (WellOperationCategory.NonProductiveTimeSubIds.Contains(entity.IdCategory))
nptHours += entity.DurationHours;
dto.NptHours = nptHours;
return result;
return dto;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public async Task<IEnumerable<WellGroupOpertionDto>> GetGroupOperationsStatAsync(
WellOperationRequest request,
CancellationToken token)
var query = BuildQuery(request);
var entities = await query
.Select(o => new {
.Select(o => new
DurationMinutes = o.DurationHours * 60,
DurationDepth = o.DepthEnd - o.DepthStart
@ -163,7 +178,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationService
.GroupBy(o => o.IdParent)
.Select(g => new WellGroupOpertionDto
IdCategory = g.Key.HasValue ? g.Key.Value : defaultId,
IdCategory = g.Key ?? defaultId,
Category = g.Key.HasValue ? parentRelationDictionary[g.Key.Value].Name : "unknown",
Count = g.Sum(o => o.Count),
DeltaDepth = g.Sum(o => o.DeltaDepth),
@ -175,27 +190,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationService
return dtos;
public async Task<WellOperationDto?> GetOrDefaultAsync(int id,
CancellationToken token)
var entity = await db.WellOperations
.Include(s => s.WellSectionType)
.Include(s => s.OperationCategory)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(e => e.Id == id, token)
if (entity is null)
return null;
var timezone = wellService.GetTimezone(entity.IdWell);
var dto = entity.Adapt<WellOperationDto>();
dto.WellSectionTypeName = entity.WellSectionType.Caption;
dto.DateStart = entity.DateStart.ToRemoteDateTime(timezone.Hours);
dto.CategoryName = entity.OperationCategory.Name;
return dto;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public async Task<int> InsertRangeAsync(
IEnumerable<WellOperationDto> wellOperationDtos,
CancellationToken token)
@ -221,6 +216,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationService
/// <inheritdoc/>
public async Task<int> UpdateAsync(
WellOperationDto dto, CancellationToken token)
@ -232,6 +228,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationService
/// <inheritdoc/>
public async Task<int> DeleteAsync(IEnumerable<int> ids,
CancellationToken token)
@ -241,14 +238,53 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationService
private IQueryable<WellOperation> BuildQuery(WellOperationRequest request)
/// <summary>
/// В результате попрежнему требуется конвертировать дату
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private IQueryable<WellOperationDto> BuildQuery(WellOperationRequest request)
var timezone = wellService.GetTimezone(request.IdWell);
var timeZoneOffset = TimeSpan.FromHours(timezone.Hours);
var query = db.WellOperations
.Include(s => s.WellSectionType)
.Include(s => s.OperationCategory)
.Where(s => s.IdWell == request.IdWell);
.Where(o => o.IdWell == request.IdWell)
.Select(o => new WellOperationDto
Id = o.Id,
IdType = o.IdType,
IdWell = o.IdWell,
IdWellSectionType = o.IdWellSectionType,
IdCategory = o.IdCategory,
CategoryName = o.WellSectionType.Caption,
WellSectionTypeName = o.WellSectionType.Caption,
DateStart = DateTime.SpecifyKind( o.DateStart.UtcDateTime + timeZoneOffset, DateTimeKind.Unspecified),
DepthStart = o.DepthStart,
DepthEnd = o.DepthEnd,
DurationHours = o.DurationHours,
CategoryInfo = o.CategoryInfo,
Comment = o.Comment,
NptHours = db.WellOperations
.Where(subOp => subOp.IdWell == request.IdWell)
.Where(subOp => subOp.IdType == 1)
.Where(subOp => WellOperationCategory.NonProductiveTimeSubIds.Contains(subOp.IdCategory))
.Where(subOp => subOp.DateStart <= o.DateStart)
.Select(subOp => subOp.DurationHours)
Day = (o.DateStart - db.WellOperations
.Where(subOp => subOp.IdWell == request.IdWell)
.Where(subOp => subOp.IdType == o.IdType)
.Where(subOp => subOp.DateStart <= o.DateStart)
.Min(subOp => subOp.DateStart))
if (request.OperationType.HasValue)
query = query.Where(e => e.IdType == request.OperationType.Value);
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
var data = (await limitingParameterRepository.GetLimitingParametersAsync(request, well, token))
.GroupBy(x => x.IdFeedRegulator);
List<LimitingParameterDto> result = new List<LimitingParameterDto>(data.Count());
foreach (var item in data)
@ -107,7 +106,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
return (float)result;
private DateTimeOffset GetDate(double depth, LimitingParameterDataDto dto)
private DateTime GetDate(double depth, LimitingParameterDataDto dto)
var a = depth - dto.DepthStart;
var b = dto.DepthEnd - dto.DepthStart;
@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMap;
using AsbCloudApp.Services;
using ClosedXML.Excel;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.ProcessMap
#nullable enable
public class ProcessMapReportService : IProcessMapReportService
const int firstColumn = 2;
const int lastColumn = 27;
const int headerRowsCount = 3;
private readonly IProcessMapService processMapService;
public ProcessMapReportService(IProcessMapService processMapService)
this.processMapService = processMapService;
public async Task<Stream> MakeReportAsync(int idWell, CancellationToken token)
var stream = GetExcelTemplateStream();
using var workbook = new XLWorkbook(stream, XLEventTracking.Disabled);
var data = await processMapService.GetProcessMapAsync(idWell, token);
FillProcessMapToWorkbook(workbook, data);
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
workbook.SaveAs(memoryStream, new SaveOptions { });
memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return memoryStream;
private static void FillProcessMapToWorkbook(XLWorkbook workbook, IEnumerable<ProcessMapReportDto> data)
var sheet = workbook.Worksheets.FirstOrDefault();
if (sheet is null)
var dataBySections = data.GroupBy(p => p.IdWellSectionType);
FillSheet(sheet, dataBySections);
private static void FillSheet(IXLWorksheet sheet, IEnumerable<IGrouping<int, ProcessMapReportDto>> dataBySections)
var startRow = headerRowsCount + 1;
foreach (var sectionData in dataBySections)
startRow = FillSection(sheet, sectionData, startRow);
private static int FillSection(IXLWorksheet sheet, IGrouping<int, ProcessMapReportDto> sectionData, int row)
var rowStart = row;
var sectionName = sectionData.FirstOrDefault()?.WellSectionTypeName
?? sectionData.Key.ToString();
sheet.Range(row, firstColumn, row, lastColumn)
foreach (var interval in sectionData)
row = FillIntervalData(sheet, interval, row);
var sectionStyle = sheet.Range(rowStart, firstColumn, row - 1, lastColumn).Style;
return row;
private static int FillIntervalData(IXLWorksheet sheet, ProcessMapReportDto interval, int row)
const int columnDepth = firstColumn;
const int columnDate = firstColumn + 1;
const int columnRopTime = firstColumn + 2;
const int columnMode = firstColumn + 3;
int rowRotor = row;
int rowSlide = row + 1;
sheet.Range(rowRotor, columnDepth, rowSlide, columnDepth)
.SetVal(interval.DepthStart, "0.0");
sheet.Range(rowRotor, columnDate, rowSlide, columnDate)
sheet.Range(rowRotor, columnRopTime, rowSlide, columnRopTime)
row = FillIntervalModeData(sheet, "Ротор", interval.Rotor, columnMode, row);
row = FillIntervalModeData(sheet, "Слайд", interval.Rotor, columnMode, row);
return row;
private static int FillIntervalModeData(IXLWorksheet sheet, string modeName, ProcessMapReportRowDto modeData, int column, int row)
int columnDeltaDepth = column + 1;
int columnPressure = columnDeltaDepth + 1;
int columnLoad = columnPressure + 5;
int columnTorque = columnLoad + 5;
int columnSpeed = columnTorque + 5;
int columnUsage = columnSpeed + 4;
int columnRop = columnUsage + 1;
sheet.Cell(row, column)
sheet.Cell(row, columnDeltaDepth)
FillIntervalModeDataParam(sheet, modeData.PressureDiff, columnPressure, row);
FillIntervalModeDataParam(sheet, modeData.AxialLoad, columnLoad, row);
FillIntervalModeDataParam(sheet, modeData.TopDriveTorque, columnTorque, row);
FillIntervalModeDataSpeed(sheet, modeData.SpeedLimit, columnSpeed, row);
sheet.Cell(row, columnUsage)
sheet.Cell(row, columnRop)
return row + 1;
private static void FillIntervalModeDataParam(IXLWorksheet sheet, ProcessMapReportParamsDto dataParam, int column, int row)
const int columnOffsetSpPlan = 0;
const int columnOffsetSpFact = 1;
const int columnOffsetFact = 2;
const int columnOffsetLimit = 3;
const int columnOffsetPercent = 4;
sheet.Cell(row, column + columnOffsetSpPlan)
sheet.Cell(row, column + columnOffsetSpFact)
sheet.Cell(row, column + columnOffsetFact)
sheet.Cell(row, column + columnOffsetLimit)
sheet.Cell(row, column + columnOffsetPercent)
private static void FillIntervalModeDataSpeed(IXLWorksheet sheet, ProcessMapReportParamsDto dataParam, int column, int row)
const int columnOffsetSpPlan = 0;
const int columnOffsetSpFact = 1;
const int columnOffsetFact = 2;
const int columnOffsetPercent = 3;
sheet.Cell(row, column + columnOffsetSpPlan)
sheet.Cell(row, column + columnOffsetSpFact)
sheet.Cell(row, column + columnOffsetFact)
sheet.Cell(row, column + columnOffsetPercent)
private static Stream GetExcelTemplateStream()
var stream = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
return stream!;
private static IXLStyle SetBorders(IXLStyle style)
style.Border.RightBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin ;
style.Border.LeftBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
style.Border.TopBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin ;
style.Border.BottomBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin ;
style.Border.InsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin ;
return style;
#nullable disable
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Data;
using AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMap;
using AsbCloudApp.Data.SAUB;
using AsbCloudApp.Exceptions;
using AsbCloudApp.Repositories;
using AsbCloudApp.Requests;
using AsbCloudApp.Services;
using AsbCloudApp.Services.Subsystems;
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
using AsbCloudApp.Data.Subsystems;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.Subsystems;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.ProcessMap
#nullable enable
public partial class ProcessMapService : IProcessMapService
private readonly IWellService wellService;
private readonly IWellOperationRepository wellOperationRepository;
private readonly IProcessMapRepository processMapRepository;
private readonly ITelemetryDataSaubService telemetryDataSaubService;
private readonly ILimitingParameterRepository limitingParameterRepository;
private readonly ISubsystemOperationTimeService subsystemOperationTimeService;
public ProcessMapService(
IWellService wellService,
IWellOperationRepository wellOperationService,
IProcessMapRepository processMapRepository,
ITelemetryDataSaubService telemetryDataSaubService,
ILimitingParameterRepository limitingParameterRepository,
ISubsystemOperationTimeService subsystemOperationTimeService)
this.wellService = wellService;
this.wellOperationRepository = wellOperationService;
this.processMapRepository = processMapRepository;
this.telemetryDataSaubService = telemetryDataSaubService;
this.limitingParameterRepository = limitingParameterRepository;
this.subsystemOperationTimeService = subsystemOperationTimeService;
public async Task<IEnumerable<ProcessMapReportDto>> GetProcessMapAsync(int idWell, CancellationToken token)
var well = wellService.GetOrDefault(idWell)
?? throw new ArgumentInvalidException("idWell not found", nameof(idWell));
var idTelemetry = well.IdTelemetry
?? throw new ArgumentInvalidException("telemetry by well not found", nameof(idWell));
var processMap = (await processMapRepository.GetByIdWellAsync(idWell, token))!;
var factDrillingOperations = await GetFactDrillingOperationsAsync(idWell, token);
var telemetryDataStat = await telemetryDataSaubService.GetTelemetryDataStatAsync(idTelemetry, token);
var limitingParameters = await limitingParameterRepository.GetLimitingParametersAsync(new(), well, token);
var subsystemsOperationTime = await GetOperationTimeAsync(idWell, token);
var result = factDrillingOperations
.GroupBy(o => o.IdWellSectionType)
.SelectMany(sectionOperations =>
var sectionProcessMap = processMap.Where(p => p.IdWellSectionType == sectionOperations.Key);
return HandleSection(sectionOperations, sectionProcessMap, telemetryDataStat, limitingParameters, subsystemsOperationTime!);
return result;
private Task<IEnumerable<SubsystemOperationTimeDto>?> GetOperationTimeAsync(int idWell, CancellationToken token)
var request = new SubsystemOperationTimeRequest
IdWell = idWell,
IdsSubsystems = new int[] { SubsystemOperationTimeService.IdSubsystemAKB, SubsystemOperationTimeService.IdSubsystemSpin },
return subsystemOperationTimeService.GetOperationTimeAsync(request, token);
private async Task<IEnumerable<WellOperationDto>> GetFactDrillingOperationsAsync(int idWell, CancellationToken token)
var operationsRequest = new WellOperationRequest
IdWell = idWell,
OperationCategoryIds = WellOperationCategory.MechanicalDrillingSubIds,
OperationType = WellOperation.IdOperationTypeFact,
SortFields = new[] { nameof(WellOperation.DateStart) }
var allFactDrillingOperations = await wellOperationRepository.GetAsync(operationsRequest, token);
var factDrillingOperations = allFactDrillingOperations.Where(o => o.DepthEnd > o.DepthStart);
return factDrillingOperations;
private static IEnumerable<ProcessMapReportDto> HandleSection(
IEnumerable<WellOperationDto> sectionOperations,
IEnumerable<ProcessMapDto> sectionProcessMap,
IEnumerable<TelemetryDataSaubStatDto> telemetryDataStat,
IEnumerable<LimitingParameterDataDto> limitingParameters,
IEnumerable<SubsystemOperationTimeDto> subsystemsOperationTime)
var minDepth = sectionOperations.Min(o => o.DepthStart);
var maxDepth = sectionOperations.Max(o => o.DepthEnd);
var depthIntervals = SplitByIntervals(minDepth, maxDepth).ToArray();
var result = new ProcessMapReportDto[depthIntervals.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < depthIntervals.Length; i++ )
result[i] = MakeProcessMapReportDto(depthIntervals[i], sectionOperations, sectionProcessMap, telemetryDataStat, limitingParameters, subsystemsOperationTime);
return result;
private static ProcessMapReportDto MakeProcessMapReportDto(
(double min, double max) depthInterval,
IEnumerable<WellOperationDto> sectionOperations,
IEnumerable<ProcessMapDto> sectionProcessMap,
IEnumerable<TelemetryDataSaubStatDto> telemetryDataStat,
IEnumerable<LimitingParameterDataDto> limitingParameters,
IEnumerable<SubsystemOperationTimeDto> subsystemsOperationTime)
var dto = new ProcessMapReportDto{
DepthStart = depthInterval.min
// TODO: trim items by detpth intervals. Use linear interpolation.
var intervalOperations = sectionOperations.Where(o => o.DepthEnd >= depthInterval.min && o.DepthStart <= depthInterval.max);
var intervalProcessMap = sectionProcessMap.Where(map => map.DepthEnd >= depthInterval.min && map.DepthStart <= depthInterval.max);
var intervalTelemetryDataStat = CalcIntervalTelemetryDataStat(depthInterval, telemetryDataStat);
var intervalLimitingParametrs = limitingParameters.Where(l => l.DepthEnd >= depthInterval.min && l.DepthStart <= depthInterval.max);
var intervalSubsystemsOperationTime = subsystemsOperationTime.Where(o => o.DepthEnd >= depthInterval.min && o.DepthStart <= depthInterval.max);
var firstIntervalOperation = intervalOperations.FirstOrDefault();
if (firstIntervalOperation is not null)
dto.DateStart = GetInterpolatedDate(firstIntervalOperation, depthInterval.min);
dto.IdWell = firstIntervalOperation.IdWell;
dto.IdWellSectionType = firstIntervalOperation.IdWellSectionType;
dto.WellSectionTypeName = firstIntervalOperation.WellSectionTypeName;
dto.MechDrillingHours = CalcHours(depthInterval, intervalOperations);
// TODO: Разделить интервальные коллекции на ротор и слайд. Пока нет готовой методики.
var slideOperations = intervalOperations.Where(o => o.IdCategory == WellOperationCategory.IdSlide);
var rotorOperations = intervalOperations.Where(o => o.IdCategory == WellOperationCategory.IdRotor);
dto.Slide = CalcDrillModeStat(depthInterval, slideOperations, intervalProcessMap, intervalTelemetryDataStat, intervalLimitingParametrs, intervalSubsystemsOperationTime);
dto.Rotor = CalcDrillModeStat(depthInterval, rotorOperations, intervalProcessMap, intervalTelemetryDataStat, intervalLimitingParametrs, intervalSubsystemsOperationTime);
return dto;
private static TelemetryDataSaubStatDto? CalcIntervalTelemetryDataStat((double min, double max) depthInterval, IEnumerable<TelemetryDataSaubStatDto> telemetryDataStat)
TelemetryDataSaubStatDto[] data = telemetryDataStat
.Where(d => d.WellDepthMin <= depthInterval.max && d.WellDepthMax >= depthInterval.min)
if (!data.Any())
return null;
if (data.Length == 1)
return data.First();
var result = new TelemetryDataSaubStatDto
WellDepthMin = data.Min(d => d.WellDepthMin),
WellDepthMax = data.Max(d => d.WellDepthMax),
DateMin = data.Min(d => d.DateMin),
DateMax = data.Max(d => d.DateMax),
var intervalDeltaDepth = result.WellDepthMax - result.WellDepthMin;
foreach (var item in data)
var itemWeight = (item.WellDepthMax - item.WellDepthMin) / intervalDeltaDepth;
result.Pressure += item.Pressure * itemWeight;
result.PressureSp += item.PressureSp * itemWeight;
result.PressureSpRotor += item.PressureSpSlide * itemWeight;
result.PressureIdle += item.PressureIdle * itemWeight;
result.AxialLoad += item.AxialLoad * itemWeight;
result.AxialLoadSp += item.AxialLoadSp * itemWeight;
result.AxialLoadLimitMax += item.AxialLoadLimitMax * itemWeight;
result.RotorTorque += item.RotorTorque * itemWeight;
result.RotorTorqueSp += item.RotorTorqueSp * itemWeight;
result.RotorTorqueLimitMax += item.RotorTorqueLimitMax * itemWeight;
result.BlockSpeed += item.BlockSpeed * itemWeight;
result.BlockSpeedSp += item.BlockSpeedSp * itemWeight;
result.BlockSpeedSpRotor += item.BlockSpeedSpRotor * itemWeight;
result.BlockSpeedSpSlide += item.BlockSpeedSpSlide * itemWeight;
return result;
private static ProcessMapReportRowDto CalcDrillModeStat(
(double min, double max) depthInterval,
IEnumerable<WellOperationDto> intervalModeOperations,
IEnumerable<ProcessMapDto> intervalProcessMap,
TelemetryDataSaubStatDto? telemetryDataStat,
IEnumerable<LimitingParameterDataDto> intervalLimitingParametrs,
IEnumerable<SubsystemOperationTimeDto> intervalSubsystemsOperationTime)
var dto = new ProcessMapReportRowDto();
if (intervalModeOperations.Any())
var deltaDepth = CalcDeltaDepth(depthInterval, intervalModeOperations);
dto.DeltaDepth = deltaDepth;
dto.Rop = deltaDepth / CalcHours(depthInterval, intervalModeOperations);
if (intervalProcessMap.Any())
var processMapFirst = intervalProcessMap.First();
dto.PressureDiff.SetpointPlan = processMapFirst.Pressure.Plan;
dto.AxialLoad.SetpointPlan = processMapFirst.AxialLoad.Plan;
dto.TopDriveTorque.SetpointPlan = processMapFirst.TopDriveTorque.Plan;
//dto.SpeedLimit.SetpointPlan = null;
if (telemetryDataStat is not null)
dto.PressureDiff.SetpointFact = telemetryDataStat.PressureSp;
dto.PressureDiff.Fact = telemetryDataStat.Pressure;
dto.PressureDiff.Limit = telemetryDataStat.PressureDeltaLimitMax;
dto.AxialLoad.SetpointFact = telemetryDataStat.AxialLoadSp;
dto.AxialLoad.Fact = telemetryDataStat.AxialLoad;
dto.AxialLoad.Limit = telemetryDataStat.AxialLoadLimitMax;
dto.TopDriveTorque.SetpointFact = telemetryDataStat.RotorTorqueSp;
dto.TopDriveTorque.Fact = telemetryDataStat.RotorTorque;
dto.TopDriveTorque.Limit = telemetryDataStat.RotorTorqueLimitMax;
dto.SpeedLimit.SetpointFact = telemetryDataStat.BlockSpeedSp;
dto.SpeedLimit.Fact = telemetryDataStat.BlockSpeed;
//dto.SpeedLimit.Limit = mull;
const int idLimParamRop = 1;
const int idLimParamPressure = 2;
const int idLimParamAxialLoad = 3;
const int idLimParamTorque = 4;
var intervalLimitingParametrsStat = intervalLimitingParametrs
.GroupBy(p => p.IdFeedRegulator)
.Select(g => new
IdLimParam = g.Key,
SumDepth = g.Sum(p => p.DepthEnd - p.DepthStart),
var totalDepth = intervalLimitingParametrsStat
.Sum(s => s.SumDepth);
if (totalDepth > 0)
dto.AxialLoad.PercDrillingSetpoint = intervalLimitingParametrsStat
.FirstOrDefault(s => s.IdLimParam == idLimParamAxialLoad)?.SumDepth / totalDepth;
dto.PressureDiff.PercDrillingSetpoint = intervalLimitingParametrsStat
.FirstOrDefault(s => s.IdLimParam == idLimParamPressure)?.SumDepth / totalDepth;
dto.TopDriveTorque.PercDrillingSetpoint = intervalLimitingParametrsStat
.FirstOrDefault(s => s.IdLimParam == idLimParamTorque)?.SumDepth / totalDepth;
dto.SpeedLimit.PercDrillingSetpoint = intervalLimitingParametrsStat
.FirstOrDefault(s => s.IdLimParam == idLimParamRop)?.SumDepth / totalDepth;
if (intervalSubsystemsOperationTime.Any() && dto.DeltaDepth > 0)
dto.Usage = intervalSubsystemsOperationTime.Sum(t => t.DepthEnd - t.DepthStart) / dto.DeltaDepth.Value;
return dto;
private static double CalcDeltaDepth((double min, double max) depthInterval, IEnumerable<WellOperationDto> intervalOperations)
var ddepth = 0d;
foreach (var operation in intervalOperations)
var depthStart = operation.DepthStart > depthInterval.min
? operation.DepthStart
: depthInterval.min;
var depthEnd = operation.DepthEnd < depthInterval.max
? operation.DepthEnd
: depthInterval.max;
ddepth += (depthEnd - depthEnd);
return ddepth;
private static double CalcHours((double min, double max) depthInterval, IEnumerable<WellOperationDto> intervalOperations)
var hours = 0d;
foreach (var operation in intervalOperations)
var dateStart = operation.DepthStart > depthInterval.min
? operation.DateStart
: GetInterpolatedDate(operation, depthInterval.min);
var dateEnd = operation.DepthEnd < depthInterval.max
? operation.DateStart + TimeSpan.FromHours(operation.DurationHours)
: GetInterpolatedDate(operation, depthInterval.max);
hours += (dateEnd - dateStart).TotalHours;
return hours;
private static DateTime GetInterpolatedDate(WellOperationDto operation, double depth)
var ratio = (depth - operation.DepthStart) / (operation.DepthEnd - operation.DepthStart);
var deltaHours = operation.DurationHours * ratio;
var interpolatedDate = operation.DateStart + TimeSpan.FromHours(deltaHours);
return interpolatedDate;
private static IEnumerable<(double min, double max)> SplitByIntervals(double min, double max)
const double step = 100;
var iMin = min;
var iMax = (1 + (int)(min / step)) * step;
for (; iMax < max; iMax += step)
yield return (iMin, iMax);
iMin = iMax;
yield return (iMin, max);
#nullable disable
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
using ClosedXML.Excel;
using System;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.ProcessMap;
internal static class XLExtentions
public static IXLCell SetVal(this IXLCell cell, object value)
switch (value)
case DateTime dateTime:
case IFormattable formattable:
case string valueString:
cell.Value = value;
return cell;
public static IXLCell SetVal(this IXLCell cell, string value, bool adaptRowHeight = false)
cell.Value = value;
if (adaptRowHeight)
var colWidth = cell.WorksheetColumn().Width;
var maxCharsToWrap = colWidth / (0.1d * cell.Style.Font.FontSize);
if (value.Length > maxCharsToWrap)
var row = cell.WorksheetRow();
var baseHeight = row.Height;
row.Height = 0.5d * baseHeight * Math.Ceiling(1d + value.Length / maxCharsToWrap);
return cell;
public static IXLCell SetVal(this IXLCell cell, DateTime value, string dateFormat = "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS")
cell.Value = value;
cell.DataType = XLDataType.DateTime;
cell.Style.DateFormat.Format = dateFormat;
return cell;
public static IXLCell SetVal(this IXLCell cell, IFormattable value, string format = "0.00")
cell.Value = value;
cell.DataType = XLDataType.Number;
cell.Style.NumberFormat.Format = format;
return cell;
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.SAUB
where TEntity : class, ITelemetryData
protected readonly IAsbCloudDbContext db;
private readonly ITelemetryService telemetryService;
private readonly TelemetryDataCache<TDto> telemetryDataCache;
protected readonly ITelemetryService telemetryService;
protected readonly TelemetryDataCache<TDto> telemetryDataCache;
public TelemetryDataBaseService(
IAsbCloudDbContext db,
@ -2,12 +2,17 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Services;
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
using Mapster;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.SAUB
#nullable enable
public class TelemetryDataSaubService : TelemetryDataBaseService<TelemetryDataSaubDto, TelemetryDataSaub>
public class TelemetryDataSaubService : TelemetryDataBaseService<TelemetryDataSaubDto, TelemetryDataSaub>, ITelemetryDataSaubService
private readonly ITelemetryUserService telemetryUserService;
@ -21,6 +26,54 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.SAUB
this.telemetryUserService = telemetryUserService;
public async Task<IEnumerable<TelemetryDataSaubStatDto>> GetTelemetryDataStatAsync(int idTelemetry, CancellationToken token)
var timezone = telemetryService.GetTimezone(idTelemetry);
var timezoneOffset = TimeSpan.FromHours(timezone.Hours);
var query = db.Set<TelemetryDataSaub>()
.Where(t => t.IdTelemetry == idTelemetry)
.Where(t => t.BlockPosition > 0.0001)
.Where(t => t.WellDepth > 0.0001)
.Where(t => t.WellDepth - t.BitDepth < 0.01)
.GroupBy(t => new { H = t.DateTime.Hour, W = Math.Truncate(t.WellDepth!.Value) })
.Select(g => new TelemetryDataSaubStatDto
Count = g.Count(),
DateMin = DateTime.SpecifyKind(g.Min(t => t.DateTime.UtcDateTime) + timezoneOffset, DateTimeKind.Unspecified),
DateMax = DateTime.SpecifyKind(g.Max(t => t.DateTime.UtcDateTime) + timezoneOffset, DateTimeKind.Unspecified),
WellDepthMin = g.Min(t => t.WellDepth!.Value),
WellDepthMax = g.Max(t => t.WellDepth!.Value),
Pressure = g.Average(t => t.Pressure!.Value),
PressureSp = g.Average(t => t.PressureSp!.Value),
PressureSpRotor = g.Average(t => t.PressureSpRotor!.Value),
PressureSpSlide = g.Average(t => t.PressureSpSlide!.Value),
PressureIdle = g.Average(t => t.PressureIdle!.Value),
PressureDeltaLimitMax = g.Average(t => t.PressureDeltaLimitMax!.Value),
AxialLoad = g.Average(t => t.AxialLoad!.Value),
AxialLoadSp = g.Average(t => t.AxialLoadSp!.Value),
AxialLoadLimitMax = g.Average(t => t.AxialLoadLimitMax!.Value),
RotorTorque = g.Average(t => t.RotorTorque!.Value),
RotorTorqueSp = g.Average(t => t.RotorTorqueSp!.Value),
RotorTorqueLimitMax = g.Average(t => t.RotorTorqueLimitMax!.Value),
BlockSpeed = g.Average(t => t.BlockSpeed!.Value),
BlockSpeedSp = g.Average(t => t.BlockSpeedSp!.Value),
BlockSpeedSpRotor = g.Average(t => t.BlockSpeedSpRotor!.Value),
BlockSpeedSpSlide = g.Average(t => t.BlockSpeedSpSlide!.Value),
.Where(s => s.WellDepthMin != s.WellDepthMax)
.Where(s => s.Count > 3)
.OrderBy(t => t.DateMin);
return await query.ToArrayAsync(token);
public override TelemetryDataSaub Convert(TelemetryDataSaubDto src, double timezoneOffset)
var entity = src.Adapt<TelemetryDataSaub>();
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
throw new Exception("Нет такой категории, или в нее уже загружен документ");
throw new ArgumentInvalidException("Нет такой категории, или в нее уже загружен документ", nameof(idCategory));
var message = requester.MakeDisplayName() + " ожидает от Вас загрузку на портал документа «{{0}}»";
await GenerateMessageAsync(docs, message, token);
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationService
var wellType = (await memoryCache
.GetOrCreateBasicAsync<WellType>(db, token))
.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == well.IdWellType);
var statWellDto = new StatWellDto()
var statWellDto = new StatWellDto
Id = well.Id,
Caption = well.Caption,
@ -142,10 +142,9 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationService
IdState = well.IdState,
State = wellService.GetStateText(well.IdState),
LastTelemetryDate = wellService.GetLastTelemetryDate(well.Id).DateTime,
Companies = await wellService.GetCompaniesAsync(well.Id, token)
statWellDto.Companies = await wellService.GetCompaniesAsync(well.Id, token);
if (well.WellOperations is null)
return statWellDto;
@ -175,8 +174,8 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationService
.ToDictionary(s => s.Id);
var sections = new List<StatSectionDto>(sectionTypes.Count);
var operationsPlan = operations.Where(o => o.IdType == WellOperationService.idOperationTypePlan);
var operationsFact = operations.Where(o => o.IdType == WellOperationService.idOperationTypeFact);
var operationsPlan = operations.Where(o => o.IdType == WellOperation.IdOperationTypePlan);
var operationsFact = operations.Where(o => o.IdType == WellOperation.IdOperationTypeFact);
foreach ((var id, var sectionType) in sectionTypes)
@ -195,8 +194,8 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationService
private static PlanFactBase<StatOperationsDto> GetStatTotal(IEnumerable<WellOperation> operations,
int idWellState, double timezoneOffsetH)
var operationsPlan = operations.Where(o => o.IdType == WellOperationService.idOperationTypePlan);
var operationsFact = operations.Where(o => o.IdType == WellOperationService.idOperationTypeFact);
var operationsPlan = operations.Where(o => o.IdType == WellOperation.IdOperationTypePlan);
var operationsFact = operations.Where(o => o.IdType == WellOperation.IdOperationTypeFact);
var factEnd = CalcStat(operationsFact, timezoneOffsetH);
if (factEnd is not null && idWellState != 2)
factEnd.End = null;
@ -369,12 +368,12 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationService
var wellOperationsPlan = wellOperations
.Where(o => o.IdType == WellOperationService.idOperationTypePlan)
.Where(o => o.IdType == WellOperation.IdOperationTypePlan)
.OrderBy(o => o.DateStart)
.ThenBy(o => o.DepthEnd);
var wellOperationsFact = wellOperations
.Where(o => o.IdType == WellOperationService.idOperationTypeFact)
.Where(o => o.IdType == WellOperation.IdOperationTypeFact)
.OrderBy(o => o.DateStart)
.ThenBy(o => o.DepthEnd);
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationService
// TODO: use WellOperationRepository instead of DB
public WellOperationImportService(IAsbCloudDbContext db, IWellService wellService)
this.db = db;
@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Data;
using AsbCloudApp.Requests;
using AsbCloudApp.Services;
using AsbCloudDb;
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
using Mapster;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationService
#nullable enable
var opsQuery = db.WellOperations
.Where( o => o.IdWell == idWell )
.Where( o => o.IdType == idType )
.Select( o => new {
nptHours = db.WellOperations
.Where(subOp => subOp.IdWell == idWell)
.Where(subOp => subOp.IdType == idType)
.Where(subOp => nptCats.Contains( subOp.IdCategory ))
.Where(subOp => subOp.DateStart <= o.DateStart)
.Select(subOp => subOp.DurationHours)
Day = o.DateStart - db.WellOperations
.Where(subOp => subOp.IdWell == idWell)
.Where(subOp => subOp.IdType == idType)
.Where(subOp => subOp.DateStart <= o.DateStart)
.Min(subOp => subOp.DateStart),
.OrderBy(o => o.DateStart);
public class WellOperationRepository
private readonly IAsbCloudDbContext db;
private readonly IMemoryCache memoryCache;
private readonly IWellService wellService;
private static Dictionary<int, DateTimeOffset?>? firstOperationsCache = null;
public const int idOperationTypePlan = 0;
public const int idOperationTypeFact = 1;
public WellOperationRepository(IAsbCloudDbContext db, IMemoryCache memoryCache, IWellService wellService)
this.db = db;
this.memoryCache = memoryCache;
this.wellService = wellService;
public IDictionary<int, string> GetSectionTypes()
=> memoryCache
.ToDictionary(s => s.Id, s => s.Caption);
public IEnumerable<WellOperationCategoryDto> GetCategories()
var allCategories = memoryCache
var parentIds = allCategories
.Select(o => o.IdParent)
var operationCategories = allCategories
.Where(o => !parentIds.Contains(o.Id))
.OrderBy(o => o.IdParent)
.ThenBy(o => o.Name);
var result = operationCategories.Adapt<IEnumerable<WellOperationCategoryDto>>();
return result;
public DateTimeOffset? FirstOperationDate(int idWell)
if (firstOperationsCache is null)
var query = db.WellOperations
.GroupBy(o => o.IdWell)
.Select(g => new Tuple<int, DateTimeOffset?, DateTimeOffset?>
g.Where(o => o.IdType == idOperationTypePlan).Min(o => o.DateStart),
g.Where(o => o.IdType == idOperationTypeFact).Min(o => o.DateStart)
firstOperationsCache = query
.ToDictionary(f => f.Item1, f => f.Item3 ?? f.Item2);
return firstOperationsCache?.GetValueOrDefault(idWell);
public async Task<WellOperationDto?> GetOrDefaultAsync(int id,
CancellationToken token)
var entity = await db.WellOperations
.Include(s => s.WellSectionType)
.Include(s => s.OperationCategory)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(e => e.Id == id, token)
if (entity is null)
return null;
var timezone = wellService.GetTimezone(entity.IdWell);
var dto = entity.Adapt<WellOperationDto>();
dto.WellSectionTypeName = entity.WellSectionType.Caption;
dto.DateStart = entity.DateStart.ToRemoteDateTime(timezone.Hours);
dto.CategoryName = entity.OperationCategory.Name;
return dto;
public Task<IEnumerable<WellOperationDto>> GetAsync(WellOperationRequest request,
CancellationToken token)
return Task.FromResult(Enumerable.Empty<WellOperationDto>());
public async Task<int> InsertRangeAsync(
IEnumerable<WellOperationDto> wellOperationDtos,
CancellationToken token)
var firstOperation = wellOperationDtos
if (firstOperation is null)
return 0;
var idWell = firstOperation.IdWell;
var timezone = wellService.GetTimezone(idWell);
foreach (var dto in wellOperationDtos)
var entity = dto.Adapt<WellOperation>();
entity.Id = default;
entity.DateStart = dto.DateStart.ToUtcDateTimeOffset(timezone.Hours);
entity.IdWell = idWell;
return await db.SaveChangesAsync(token)
public async Task<int> UpdateAsync(
WellOperationDto dto, CancellationToken token)
var timezone = wellService.GetTimezone(dto.IdWell);
var entity = dto.Adapt<WellOperation>();
entity.DateStart = dto.DateStart.ToUtcDateTimeOffset(timezone.Hours);
return await db.SaveChangesAsync(token)
public async Task<int> DeleteAsync(IEnumerable<int> ids,
CancellationToken token)
var query = db.WellOperations.Where(e => ids.Contains(e.Id));
return await db.SaveChangesAsync(token)
private IQueryable<WellOperation> BuildQuery(WellOperationRequest request)
var timezone = wellService.GetTimezone(request.IdWell);
var query = db.WellOperations
.Include(s => s.WellSectionType)
.Include(s => s.OperationCategory)
.Where(s => s.IdWell == request.IdWell);
if (request.OperationType.HasValue)
query = query.Where(e => e.IdType == request.OperationType.Value);
if (request.SectionTypeIds?.Any() == true)
query = query.Where(e => request.SectionTypeIds.Contains(e.IdWellSectionType));
if (request.OperationCategoryIds?.Any() == true)
query = query.Where(e => request.OperationCategoryIds.Contains(e.IdCategory));
if (request.GeDepth.HasValue)
query = query.Where(e => e.DepthEnd >= request.GeDepth.Value);
if (request.LeDepth.HasValue)
query = query.Where(e => e.DepthEnd <= request.LeDepth.Value);
if (request.GeDate.HasValue)
var geDateOffset = request.GeDate.Value.ToUtcDateTimeOffset(timezone.Hours);
query = query.Where(e => e.DateStart >= geDateOffset);
if (request.LeDate.HasValue)
var leDateOffset = request.LeDate.Value.ToUtcDateTimeOffset(timezone.Hours);
query = query.Where(e => e.DateStart <= leDateOffset);
if (request.SortFields?.Any() == true)
query = query.SortBy(request.SortFields);
query = query
.OrderBy(e => e.DateStart)
.ThenBy(e => e.DepthEnd)
.ThenBy(e => e.Id);
return query;
#nullable disable
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Data;
using AsbCloudApp.Exceptions;
using AsbCloudApp.Repositories;
using AsbCloudApp.Services;
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.EfCache;
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
private readonly ITelemetryService telemetryService;
private readonly ICrudRepository<CompanyTypeDto> companyTypesService;
private readonly ITimezoneService timezoneService;
private readonly IWellOperationService wellOperationService;
private readonly IWellOperationRepository wellOperationRepository;
public ITelemetryService TelemetryService => telemetryService;
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
this.telemetryService = telemetryService;
this.timezoneService = timezoneService;
this.wellOperationService = new WellOperationService.WellOperationService(db, memoryCache, this);
this.wellOperationRepository = new WellOperationRepository(db, memoryCache, this);
companyTypesService = new CrudCacheRepositoryBase<CompanyTypeDto, CompanyType>(dbContext, memoryCache);
@ -216,7 +217,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
if (entity.Timezone is null)
dto.Timezone = GetTimezone(entity.Id);
dto.StartDate = wellOperationService.FirstOperationDate(entity.Id)?.ToRemoteDateTime(dto.Timezone.Hours);
dto.StartDate = wellOperationRepository.FirstOperationDate(entity.Id)?.ToRemoteDateTime(dto.Timezone.Hours);
dto.WellType = entity.WellType?.Caption;
dto.Cluster = entity.Cluster?.Caption;
dto.Deposit = entity.Cluster?.Deposit?.Caption;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Data;
using AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMap;
using FluentValidation;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Validators
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Data;
using AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMap;
using AsbCloudApp.Services;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
@ -20,12 +20,14 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers
public class ProcessMapController : CrudWellRelatedController<ProcessMapDto, IProcessMapRepository>
private readonly ITelemetryService telemetryService;
private readonly IProcessMapReportService processMapReportService;
public ProcessMapController(IWellService wellService, IProcessMapRepository service,
public ProcessMapController(IWellService wellService, IProcessMapRepository repository, IProcessMapReportService processMapReportService,
ITelemetryService telemetryService)
: base(wellService, service)
: base(wellService, repository)
this.telemetryService = telemetryService;
this.processMapReportService = processMapReportService;
/// <summary>
@ -77,14 +79,28 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers
/// Выгрузка расширенной РТК
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wellId"></param>
/// /// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="NotImplementedException"></exception>
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(PhysicalFileResult), (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)]
public Task<IActionResult> GetReportFileAsync(int wellId)
public async Task<IActionResult> GetReportFileAsync(int wellId, CancellationToken token)
throw new NotImplementedException();
var stream = await processMapReportService.MakeReportAsync(wellId, token);
if (stream != null)
var well = await wellService.GetOrDefaultAsync(wellId, token);
if (well is null)
return NoContent();
var fileName = $"РТК по скважине {well.Caption} куст {well.Cluster}.xlsx";
return File(stream, "application/octet-stream", fileName);
return NoContent();
/// <summary>
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers.SAUB
public TelemetryDataSaubController(
ITelemetryService telemetryService,
ITelemetryDataService<TelemetryDataSaubDto> telemetryDataService,
ITelemetryDataSaubService telemetryDataService,
IWellService wellService,
IHubContext<TelemetryHub> telemetryHubContext)
: base(
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers.SAUB
private readonly IWellService wellService;
private readonly IHubContext<TelemetryHub> telemetryHubContext;
private readonly ITelemetryWirelineRunOutRepository repository;
private string SirnalRMethodGetDataName => "ReceiveWirelineRunOut";
private static string SirnalRMethodGetDataName => "ReceiveWirelineRunOut";
public TelemetryWirelineRunOutController(
ITelemetryService telemetryService,
@ -48,12 +48,12 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers.SAUB
public IActionResult PostData(string uid, [FromBody] TelemetryWirelineRunOutDto dto, CancellationToken token)
public async Task<IActionResult> PostDataAsync(string uid, [FromBody] TelemetryWirelineRunOutBaseDto dto, CancellationToken token)
if (dto is null)
return BadRequest("Dto shouldn't be null");
var data = repository.AddOrUpdateAsync(uid, dto, token);
var data = await repository.AddOrUpdateAsync(uid, dto, token);
var idWell = telemetryService.GetIdWellByTelemetryUid(uid);
if (idWell is not null)
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers.SAUB
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<TelemetryWirelineRunOutDto>>> GetAllAsync(CancellationToken token)
int? idCompany = User.GetCompanyId();
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Data;
using AsbCloudApp.Repositories;
using AsbCloudApp.Requests;
using AsbCloudApp.Services;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
@ -20,13 +21,13 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers
public class WellOperationController : ControllerBase
private readonly IWellOperationService operationService;
private readonly IWellOperationRepository operationRepository;
private readonly IWellService wellService;
private readonly IWellOperationImportService wellOperationImportService;
public WellOperationController(IWellOperationService operationService, IWellService wellService, IWellOperationImportService wellOperationImportService)
public WellOperationController(IWellOperationRepository operationService, IWellService wellService, IWellOperationImportService wellOperationImportService)
this.operationService = operationService;
this.operationRepository = operationService;
this.wellService = wellService;
this.wellOperationImportService = wellOperationImportService;
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(IDictionary<int, string>), (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)]
public IActionResult GetSectionTypes()
var result = operationService.GetSectionTypes();
var result = operationRepository.GetSectionTypes();
return Ok(result);
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(IEnumerable<WellOperationCategoryDto>), (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)]
public IActionResult GetCategories()
var result = operationService.GetCategories();
var result = operationRepository.GetCategories();
return Ok(result);
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers
return Forbid();
var requestToService = new WellOperationRequest(request, idWell);
var result = await operationService.GetOperationsAsync(
var result = await operationRepository.GetPageAsync(
@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers
return Forbid();
var requestToService = new WellOperationRequest(request, idWell);
var result = await operationService.GetGroupOperationsStatAsync(
var result = await operationRepository.GetGroupOperationsStatAsync(
@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers
if (!await CanUserAccessToWellAsync(idWell, token).ConfigureAwait(false))
return Forbid();
var result = await operationService.GetOrDefaultAsync(idOperation, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
var result = await operationRepository.GetOrDefaultAsync(idOperation, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
return Ok(result);
@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers
foreach(var value in values)
value.IdWell= idWell;
var result = await operationService.InsertRangeAsync(values, token)
var result = await operationRepository.InsertRangeAsync(values, token)
return Ok(result);
@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers
value.IdWell= idWell;
value.Id = idOperation;
var result = await operationService.UpdateAsync(value, token)
var result = await operationRepository.UpdateAsync(value, token)
return Ok(result);
@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers
return Forbid();
var result = await operationService.DeleteAsync(new int[] { idOperation }, token)
var result = await operationRepository.DeleteAsync(new int[] { idOperation }, token)
return Ok(result);
@ -15,15 +15,15 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi
private static void EnshureRegisteredWirelineRunOutDto()
var type = typeof(TelemetryWirelineRunOutDto);
var type = typeof(TelemetryWirelineRunOutBaseDto);
if (RuntimeTypeModel.Default.IsDefined(type))
RuntimeTypeModel.Default.Add(type, false)
.Add(1, nameof(TelemetryWirelineRunOutDto.DateTime))
.Add(2, nameof(TelemetryWirelineRunOutDto.Hauling))
.Add(3, nameof(TelemetryWirelineRunOutDto.HaulingWarnSp))
.Add(4, nameof(TelemetryWirelineRunOutDto.Replace))
.Add(5, nameof(TelemetryWirelineRunOutDto.ReplaceWarnSp));
.Add(1, nameof(TelemetryWirelineRunOutBaseDto.DateTime))
.Add(2, nameof(TelemetryWirelineRunOutBaseDto.Hauling))
.Add(3, nameof(TelemetryWirelineRunOutBaseDto.HaulingWarnSp))
.Add(4, nameof(TelemetryWirelineRunOutBaseDto.Replace))
.Add(5, nameof(TelemetryWirelineRunOutBaseDto.ReplaceWarnSp));
private static void EnshureRegisteredWITS()
@ -1,21 +1,11 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Data;
using AsbCloudApp.Data.DailyReport;
using AsbCloudDb;
using AsbCloudApp.Requests;
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DailyReport;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.SAUB;
using ClosedXML.Excel;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Collections;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Repository;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApp1
@ -29,10 +19,51 @@ namespace ConsoleApp1
var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
var idTelemetry = 5;
var query = db.Set<TelemetryDataSaub>()
.Where(t => t.IdTelemetry == idTelemetry)
.Where(t => t.BlockPosition > 0.0001)
.Where(t => t.WellDepth > 0.0001)
.Where(t => t.WellDepth - t.BitDepth < 0.01)
.GroupBy(t => new { H = t.DateTime.Hour, W = Math.Truncate(t.WellDepth!.Value) })
.Select(g => new
Count = g.Count(),
DateMin = g.Min(t => t.DateTime),
DateMax = g.Max(t => t.DateTime),
WellDepthMin = g.Min(t => t.WellDepth),
WellDepthMax = g.Max(t => t.WellDepth),
Pressure = g.Average(t => t.Pressure),
PressureSp = g.Average(t => t.PressureSp),
PressureSpRotor = g.Average(t => t.PressureSpRotor),
PressureSpSlide = g.Average(t => t.PressureSpSlide),
PressureIdle = g.Average(t => t.PressureIdle),
PressureDeltaLimitMax = g.Average(t => t.PressureDeltaLimitMax),
AxialLoad = g.Average(t => t.AxialLoad),
AxialLoadSp = g.Average(t => t.AxialLoadSp),
AxialLoadLimitMax = g.Average(t => t.AxialLoadLimitMax),
RotorTorque = g.Average(t => t.RotorTorque),
RotorTorqueSp = g.Average(t => t.RotorTorqueSp),
RotorTorqueIdle = g.Average(t => t.RotorTorqueIdle),
BlockSpeed = g.Average(t => t.BlockSpeed),
BlockSpeedSp = g.Average(t => t.BlockSpeedSp),
BlockSpeedSpRotor = g.Average(t => t.BlockSpeedSpRotor),
BlockSpeedSpSlide = g.Average(t => t.BlockSpeedSpSlide),
.Where(s => s.WellDepthMin != s.WellDepthMax)
.Where(s => s.Count > 3)
.OrderBy(t => t.DateMin);
var data = query.ToArray();
Console.WriteLine($"total time: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
var count = data.Length;
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Repository;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.SAUB;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationService;
@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ namespace ConsoleApp1
public static WellService MakeWellService()
=> new (Context, memoryCache, MakeTelemetryService(), TimezoneService);
public static WellOperationService MakeWellOperationsService()
public static WellOperationRepository MakeWellOperationRepository()
=> new (Context, memoryCache, MakeWellService());
public static OperationsStatService MakeOperationsStatService()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user