diff --git a/AsbCloudApp/Services/IFileService.cs b/AsbCloudApp/Services/IFileService.cs
index 18d0829d..6b1a171f 100644
--- a/AsbCloudApp/Services/IFileService.cs
+++ b/AsbCloudApp/Services/IFileService.cs
@@ -31,23 +31,6 @@ namespace AsbCloudApp.Services
Task SaveAsync(int idWell, int? idUser, int idCategory, string fileFullName, Stream fileStream, CancellationToken token = default);
- ///
- /// Получить список файлов в контейнере
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- Task> GetInfosAsync(int idWell,
- int idCategory, string companyName = default, string fileName = default, DateTime begin = default, DateTime end = default,
- int skip = 0, int take = 32, CancellationToken token = default);
/// Инфо о файле
@@ -57,24 +40,6 @@ namespace AsbCloudApp.Services
Task GetInfoAsync(int idFile,
CancellationToken token);
- ///
- /// Пометить файл как удаленный
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- Task MarkAsDeletedAsync(int idFile,
- CancellationToken token = default);
- ///
- /// Получить файлы определенной категории
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- Task> GetInfosByCategoryAsync(int idWell, int idCategory, CancellationToken token = default);
/// удалить файл
@@ -103,7 +68,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudApp.Services
- string GetUrl(int idFile);
+ Task GetUrl(int idFile);
/// получить путь для скачивания
@@ -115,15 +80,6 @@ namespace AsbCloudApp.Services
string GetUrl(int idWell, int idCategory, int idFile, string dotExtention);
- ///
- /// добавить метку на файл
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- Task CreateFileMarkAsync(FileMarkDto fileMarkDto, int idUser, CancellationToken token);
/// пометить метку файла как удаленную
@@ -143,22 +99,6 @@ namespace AsbCloudApp.Services
Task MoveAsync(int idWell, int? idUser, int idCategory, string destinationFileName, string srcFileFullName, CancellationToken token = default);
- ///
- /// получить инфо о файле по метке
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- Task GetByMarkId(int idMark, CancellationToken token);
- ///
- /// пометить метки файлов как удаленные
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- Task MarkFileMarkAsDeletedAsync(IEnumerable idsMarks, CancellationToken token);
/// Инфо о файле
@@ -166,14 +106,6 @@ namespace AsbCloudApp.Services
- Task> GetInfoByIdsAsync(List idsFile, CancellationToken token);
- ///
- /// Получение файлов по скважине
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- Task> GetInfosByWellIdAsync(int idWell, CancellationToken token);
+ Task> GetInfoByIdsAsync(IEnumerable idsFile, CancellationToken token);
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/DependencyInjection.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/DependencyInjection.cs
index 04e707f6..e86a314b 100644
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/DependencyInjection.cs
+++ b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/DependencyInjection.cs
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure
+ services.AddTransient();
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Repository/FileRepository.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Repository/FileRepository.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..efa6296a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Repository/FileRepository.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+using AsbCloudApp.Data;
+using AsbCloudDb.Model;
+using Mapster;
+using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Repository
+ public class FileRepository : IFileRepository
+ {
+ private readonly IQueryable dbSetConfigured;
+ private readonly IAsbCloudDbContext db;
+ public FileRepository(IAsbCloudDbContext db)
+ {
+ this.db = db;
+ this.dbSetConfigured = db.Files
+ .Include(f => f.Author)
+ .ThenInclude(u => u.Company)
+ .ThenInclude(c => c.CompanyType)
+ .Include(f => f.FileMarks)
+ .ThenInclude(m => m.User)
+ .Include(f => f.Well);
+ }
+ public async Task AddAsync(int idWell, int? idUser, int idCategory,
+ string destinationFileName, long fileSize, CancellationToken token = default)
+ {
+ var fileInfo = new AsbCloudDb.Model.FileInfo()
+ {
+ IdWell = idWell,
+ IdAuthor = idUser,
+ IdCategory = idCategory,
+ Name = destinationFileName,
+ UploadDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
+ IsDeleted = false,
+ Size = fileSize,
+ };
+ var entry = db.Files.Add(fileInfo);
+ await db.SaveChangesAsync(token).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ return entry.Entity.Id;
+ }
+ public async Task> GetInfosByCategoryAsync(int idWell, int idCategory, CancellationToken token)
+ {
+ var entities = await dbSetConfigured
+ .Where(e => e.IdWell == idWell && e.IdCategory == idCategory && e.IsDeleted == false)
+ .AsNoTracking()
+ .ToListAsync(token)
+ .ConfigureAwait(false);
+ var dtos = entities.Select(e => Convert(e));
+ return dtos;
+ }
+ public async Task> GetInfosAsync(int idWell,
+ int idCategory, string companyName = default, string fileName = default, DateTime begin = default,
+ DateTime end = default, int skip = 0, int take = 32, CancellationToken token = default)
+ {
+ var query = dbSetConfigured
+ .Where(e => e.IdWell == idWell &&
+ e.IdCategory == idCategory &&
+ !e.IsDeleted);
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(companyName))
+ query = query.Where(e => (e.Author == null) ||
+ (e.Author.Company == null) ||
+ e.Author.Company.Caption.Contains(companyName));
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
+ query = query.Where(e => e.Name.ToLower().Contains(fileName.ToLower()));
+ var firstFile = await query.FirstOrDefaultAsync(token);
+ if (firstFile is null)
+ return new PaginationContainer()
+ {
+ Skip = skip,
+ Take = take,
+ Count = 0,
+ };
+ var timezoneOffset = firstFile.Well.Timezone?.Hours ?? 5;
+ if (begin != default)
+ {
+ var beginUtc = begin.ToUtcDateTimeOffset(timezoneOffset);
+ query = query.Where(e => e.UploadDate >= beginUtc);
+ }
+ if (end != default)
+ {
+ var endUtc = end.ToUtcDateTimeOffset(timezoneOffset);
+ query = query.Where(e => e.UploadDate <= endUtc);
+ }
+ var count = await query.CountAsync(token).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ var result = new PaginationContainer(count)
+ {
+ Skip = skip,
+ Take = take,
+ Count = count,
+ };
+ if (count <= skip)
+ return result;
+ query = query.OrderBy(e => e.UploadDate);
+ if (skip > 0)
+ query = query.Skip(skip);
+ query = query.Take(take);
+ var entities = await query
+ .Take(take).AsNoTracking().ToListAsync(token)
+ .ConfigureAwait(false);
+ var dtos = entities.Select(e => Convert(e, timezoneOffset));
+ result.Items.AddRange(dtos);
+ return result;
+ }
+ public async Task GetInfoAsync(int idFile, CancellationToken token)
+ {
+ var entity = await dbSetConfigured
+ .AsNoTracking()
+ .FirstOrDefaultAsync(f => f.Id == idFile, token)
+ .ConfigureAwait(false);
+ if (entity is null)
+ {
+ throw new FileNotFoundException($"fileId:{idFile} not found");
+ }
+ var dto = Convert(entity);
+ return dto;
+ }
+ public async Task> GetInfoByIdsAsync(IEnumerable idsFile, CancellationToken token)
+ {
+ var result = new List();
+ var entities = await dbSetConfigured
+ .AsNoTracking()
+ .Where(f => idsFile.Contains(f.Id))
+ .ToListAsync(token)
+ .ConfigureAwait(false);
+ foreach (var entity in entities)
+ {
+ if (entity is null)
+ {
+ throw new FileNotFoundException($"fileId:{entity.Id} not found");
+ }
+ result.Add(Convert(entity));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ public async Task MarkAsDeletedAsync(int idFile, CancellationToken token = default)
+ {
+ var fileInfo = await db.Files.FirstOrDefaultAsync(f => f.Id == idFile, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ if (fileInfo is null)
+ return 0;
+ fileInfo.IsDeleted = true;
+ return await db.SaveChangesAsync(token).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ }
+ public async Task> DeleteAsync(IEnumerable ids, CancellationToken token)
+ {
+ var filesQuery = db.Files
+ .Where(f => ids.Contains(f.Id));
+ var files = await filesQuery.ToListAsync(token);
+ var filesDtos = files.Select(x => new FileInfoDto {
+ Id = x.Id,
+ IdWell = x.Id,
+ IdCategory = x.IdCategory,
+ Name = x.Name
+ });
+ db.Files.RemoveRange(filesQuery);
+ await db.SaveChangesAsync(token).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ return filesDtos;
+ }
+ public async Task GetByMarkId(int idMark,
+ CancellationToken token)
+ {
+ var entity = await dbSetConfigured
+ .FirstOrDefaultAsync(f => f.FileMarks.Any(m => m.Id == idMark), token)
+ .ConfigureAwait(false);
+ FileInfoDto dto = Convert(entity);
+ return dto;
+ }
+ public async Task CreateFileMarkAsync(FileMarkDto fileMarkDto, int idUser, CancellationToken token)
+ {
+ var fileMark = await db.FileMarks
+ .FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.IdFile == fileMarkDto.IdFile &&
+ m.IdMarkType == fileMarkDto.IdMarkType &&
+ m.IdUser == idUser &&
+ m.IsDeleted == false,
+ token)
+ .ConfigureAwait(false);
+ if (fileMark is not null)
+ return 0;
+ var newFileMark = fileMarkDto.Adapt();
+ newFileMark.Id = default;
+ newFileMark.DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow;
+ newFileMark.IdUser = idUser;
+ newFileMark.User = null;
+ db.FileMarks.Add(newFileMark);
+ return await db.SaveChangesAsync(token);
+ }
+ public async Task MarkFileMarkAsDeletedAsync(IEnumerable idsMarks, CancellationToken token)
+ {
+ var fileMarkQuery = db.FileMarks
+ .Where(m => idsMarks.Contains(m.Id));
+ foreach (var fileMark in fileMarkQuery)
+ fileMark.IsDeleted = true;
+ return await db.SaveChangesAsync(token);
+ }
+ public async Task> GetInfosByWellIdAsync(int idWell, CancellationToken token)
+ {
+ var entities = await dbSetConfigured
+ .Where(e => e.IdWell == idWell && e.IsDeleted == false)
+ .AsNoTracking()
+ .ToListAsync(token)
+ .ConfigureAwait(false);
+ var dtos = entities.Select(e => Convert(e));
+ return dtos;
+ }
+ private static FileInfoDto Convert(AsbCloudDb.Model.FileInfo entity)
+ {
+ var timezoneOffset = entity.Well.Timezone?.Hours ?? 5;
+ return Convert(entity, timezoneOffset);
+ }
+ private static FileInfoDto Convert(AsbCloudDb.Model.FileInfo entity, double timezoneOffset)
+ {
+ var dto = entity.Adapt();
+ dto.UploadDate = entity.UploadDate.ToRemoteDateTime(timezoneOffset);
+ dto.FileMarks = entity.FileMarks.Select(m =>
+ {
+ var mark = m.Adapt();
+ mark.DateCreated = m.DateCreated.ToRemoteDateTime(timezoneOffset);
+ return mark;
+ });
+ return dto;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Repository/IFileRepository.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Repository/IFileRepository.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73ae9b86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Repository/IFileRepository.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+using AsbCloudApp.Data;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Repository
+ ///
+ /// Сервис доступа к файлам
+ ///
+ public interface IFileRepository
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Добавление, в БД, информации о файле
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ Task AddAsync(int idWell, int? idUser, int idCategory,
+ string destinationFileName, long fileSize, CancellationToken token = default);
+ ///
+ /// Получить файлы определенной категории
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ Task> GetInfosByCategoryAsync(int idWell, int idCategory, CancellationToken token);
+ ///
+ /// Получить список файлов в контейнере
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ Task> GetInfosAsync(int idWell,
+ int idCategory, string companyName = default, string fileName = default, DateTime begin = default,
+ DateTime end = default, int skip = 0, int take = 32, CancellationToken token = default);
+ ///
+ /// Инфо о файле
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ Task GetInfoAsync(int idFile, CancellationToken token);
+ ///
+ /// Пометить файл как удаленный
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ Task MarkAsDeletedAsync(int idFile, CancellationToken token = default);
+ ///
+ /// удалить файлы
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ Task> DeleteAsync(IEnumerable ids, CancellationToken token);
+ ///
+ /// получить инфо о файле по метке
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ Task GetByMarkId(int idMark, CancellationToken token);
+ ///
+ /// добавить метку на файл
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ Task CreateFileMarkAsync(FileMarkDto fileMarkDto, int idUser, CancellationToken token);
+ ///
+ /// Инфо о файлах
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ Task> GetInfoByIdsAsync(IEnumerable idsFile, CancellationToken token);
+ ///
+ /// пометить метки файлов как удаленные
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ Task MarkFileMarkAsDeletedAsync(IEnumerable idsMarks, CancellationToken token);
+ ///
+ /// Получение файлов по скважине
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ Task> GetInfosByWellIdAsync(int idWell, CancellationToken token);
+ }
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DrillingProgram/DrillingProgramService.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DrillingProgram/DrillingProgramService.cs
index 5fbc7301..c1973c11 100644
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DrillingProgram/DrillingProgramService.cs
+++ b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/DrillingProgram/DrillingProgramService.cs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Exceptions;
using AsbCloudApp.Services;
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
+using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Repository;
using Mapster;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DrillingProgram
private readonly IFileService fileService;
private readonly IUserService userService;
private readonly IWellService wellService;
+ private readonly IFileRepository fileRepository;
private readonly IConfiguration configuration;
private readonly IBackgroundWorkerService backgroundWorker;
private readonly IEmailService emailService;
@@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DrillingProgram
IFileService fileService,
IUserService userService,
IWellService wellService,
+ IFileRepository fileRepository,
IConfiguration configuration,
IBackgroundWorkerService backgroundWorker,
IEmailService emailService)
@@ -60,6 +63,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DrillingProgram
this.fileService = fileService;
this.userService = userService;
this.wellService = wellService;
+ this.fileRepository = fileRepository;
this.configuration = configuration;
this.backgroundWorker = backgroundWorker;
this.connectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
@@ -308,9 +312,9 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DrillingProgram
.Select(m => m.Id);
if (oldMarksIds?.Any() == true)
- await fileService.MarkFileMarkAsDeletedAsync(oldMarksIds, token);
+ await fileRepository.MarkFileMarkAsDeletedAsync(oldMarksIds, token);
- var result = await fileService.CreateFileMarkAsync(fileMarkDto, idUser, token)
+ var result = await fileRepository.CreateFileMarkAsync(fileMarkDto, idUser, token)
if (fileMarkDto.IdMarkType == idMarkTypeReject)
@@ -340,7 +344,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DrillingProgram
public async Task MarkAsDeletedFileMarkAsync(int idMark,
CancellationToken token)
- var fileInfo = await fileService.GetByMarkId(idMark, token)
+ var fileInfo = await fileRepository.GetByMarkId(idMark, token)
if (fileInfo.IdCategory < idFileCategoryDrillingProgramPartsStart ||
@@ -479,7 +483,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DrillingProgram
using var context = new AsbCloudDbContext(contextOptions);
- var fileService = new FileService(context);
+ var fileService = new FileService(fileRepository);
var files = state.Parts.Select(p => fileService.GetUrl(p.File));
DrillingProgramMaker.UniteExcelFiles(files, tempResultFilePath, state.Parts, well);
await fileService.MoveAsync(idWell, null, idFileCategoryDrillingProgram, resultFileName, tempResultFilePath, token);
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/FileService.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/FileService.cs
index 947fd853..c30fd23b 100644
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/FileService.cs
+++ b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/FileService.cs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Exceptions;
using AsbCloudApp.Services;
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
+using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Repository;
using Mapster;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using System;
@@ -16,21 +17,12 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
public class FileService : IFileService
public string RootPath { get; private set; }
+ private readonly IFileRepository fileRepository;
- private readonly IQueryable dbSetConfigured;
- private readonly IAsbCloudDbContext db;
- public FileService(IAsbCloudDbContext db)
+ public FileService(IFileRepository fileRepository)
RootPath = "files";
- this.db = db;
- dbSetConfigured = db.Files
- .Include(f => f.Author)
- .ThenInclude(u => u.Company)
- .ThenInclude(c => c.CompanyType)
- .Include(f => f.FileMarks)
- .ThenInclude(m => m.User)
- .Include(f => f.Well);
+ this.fileRepository = fileRepository;
public async Task MoveAsync(int idWell, int? idUser, int idCategory,
@@ -44,45 +36,23 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
var sysFileInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(srcFilePath);
//save info to db
- var fileInfo = new AsbCloudDb.Model.FileInfo()
- {
- IdWell = idWell,
- IdAuthor = idUser,
- IdCategory = idCategory,
- Name = destinationFileName,
- UploadDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
- IsDeleted = false,
- Size = sysFileInfo.Length,
- };
- var entry = db.Files.Add(fileInfo);
- await db.SaveChangesAsync(token).ConfigureAwait(false);
- var fileId = entry.Entity.Id;
+ var fileId = await fileRepository.AddAsync(idWell, idUser, idCategory, destinationFileName, sysFileInfo.Length, token)
+ .ConfigureAwait(false);
string filePath = MakeFilePath(idWell, idCategory, destinationFileName, fileId);
File.Move(srcFilePath, filePath);
- return await GetInfoAsync(entry.Entity.Id, token);
+ return await GetInfoAsync(fileId, token);
public async Task SaveAsync(int idWell, int? idUser, int idCategory,
string fileFullName, Stream fileStream, CancellationToken token)
//save info to db
- var fileInfo = new AsbCloudDb.Model.FileInfo()
- {
- IdWell = idWell,
- IdAuthor = idUser,
- IdCategory = idCategory,
- Name = Path.GetFileName(fileFullName),
- UploadDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
- IsDeleted = false,
- Size = fileStream?.Length ?? 0
- };
+ var fileId = await fileRepository.AddAsync(idWell, idUser, idCategory, Path.GetFileName(fileFullName), fileStream?.Length ?? 0, token)
+ .ConfigureAwait(false);
- var entry = db.Files.Add(fileInfo);
- await db.SaveChangesAsync(token).ConfigureAwait(false);
- var fileId = entry.Entity.Id;
//save stream to disk
string filePath = MakeFilePath(idWell, idCategory, fileFullName, fileId);
@@ -91,7 +61,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
using var newfileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create);
await fileStream.CopyToAsync(newfileStream, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
- return await GetInfoAsync(entry.Entity.Id, token);
+ return await GetInfoAsync(fileId, token);
private string MakeFilePath(int idWell, int idCategory, string fileFullName, int fileId)
@@ -100,125 +70,23 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
$"{idCategory}", $"{fileId}" + $"{Path.GetExtension(fileFullName)}");
- public async Task> GetInfosByCategoryAsync(int idWell,
- int idCategory, CancellationToken token)
- {
- var entities = await dbSetConfigured
- .Where(e => e.IdWell == idWell && e.IdCategory == idCategory && e.IsDeleted == false)
- .AsNoTracking()
- .ToListAsync(token)
- .ConfigureAwait(false);
- var dtos = entities.Select(e => Convert(e));
- return dtos;
- }
- public async Task> GetInfosAsync(int idWell,
- int idCategory, string companyName = default, string fileName = default, DateTime begin = default,
- DateTime end = default, int skip = 0, int take = 32, CancellationToken token = default)
- {
- var query = dbSetConfigured
- .Where(e => e.IdWell == idWell &&
- e.IdCategory == idCategory &&
- !e.IsDeleted);
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(companyName))
- query = query.Where(e => (e.Author == null) ||
- (e.Author.Company == null) ||
- e.Author.Company.Caption.Contains(companyName));
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
- query = query.Where(e => e.Name.ToLower().Contains(fileName.ToLower()));
- var firstFile = await query.FirstOrDefaultAsync(token);
- if (firstFile is null)
- return new PaginationContainer()
- {
- Skip = skip,
- Take = take,
- Count = 0,
- };
- var timezoneOffset = firstFile.Well.Timezone?.Hours ?? 5;
- if (begin != default)
- {
- var beginUtc = begin.ToUtcDateTimeOffset(timezoneOffset);
- query = query.Where(e => e.UploadDate >= beginUtc);
- }
- if (end != default)
- {
- var endUtc = end.ToUtcDateTimeOffset(timezoneOffset);
- query = query.Where(e => e.UploadDate <= endUtc);
- }
- var count = await query.CountAsync(token).ConfigureAwait(false);
- var result = new PaginationContainer(count)
- {
- Skip = skip,
- Take = take,
- Count = count,
- };
- if (count <= skip)
- return result;
- query = query.OrderBy(e => e.UploadDate);
- if (skip > 0)
- query = query.Skip(skip);
- query = query.Take(take);
- var entities = await query
- .Take(take).AsNoTracking().ToListAsync(token)
- .ConfigureAwait(false);
- var dtos = entities.Select(e => Convert(e, timezoneOffset));
- result.Items.AddRange(dtos);
- return result;
- }
public async Task GetInfoAsync(int idFile,
CancellationToken token)
- var entity = await dbSetConfigured
- .AsNoTracking()
- .FirstOrDefaultAsync(f => f.Id == idFile, token)
- .ConfigureAwait(false);
+ var dto = await fileRepository.GetInfoAsync(idFile, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
- if (entity is null)
- {
- throw new FileNotFoundException($"fileId:{idFile} not found");
- }
+ var ext = Path.GetExtension(dto.Name);
- var ext = Path.GetExtension(entity.Name);
- var relativePath = GetUrl(entity.IdWell, entity.IdCategory, entity.Id, ext);
+ var relativePath = GetUrl(dto.IdWell, dto.IdCategory, dto.Id, ext);
var fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(relativePath);
if (!File.Exists(fullPath))
throw new FileNotFoundException("not found", relativePath);
- var dto = Convert(entity);
return dto;
- public async Task MarkAsDeletedAsync(int idFile,
- CancellationToken token = default)
- {
- var fileInfo = await db.Files.FirstOrDefaultAsync(f => f.Id == idFile, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
- if (fileInfo is null)
- return 0;
- fileInfo.IsDeleted = true;
- return await db.SaveChangesAsync(token).ConfigureAwait(false);
- }
public Task DeleteAsync(int idFile, CancellationToken token)
=> DeleteAsync(new int[] { idFile }, token);
@@ -227,10 +95,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
if (ids is null || !ids.Any())
return 0;
- var filesQuery = db.Files
- .Where(f => ids.Contains(f.Id));
- var files = await filesQuery.ToListAsync(token);
+ var files = await fileRepository.DeleteAsync(ids, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (files is null || !files.Any())
return 0;
@@ -242,18 +107,12 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
- db.Files.RemoveRange(filesQuery);
- return await db.SaveChangesAsync(token).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ return files.Any() ? 1 : 0;
- public string GetUrl(int idFile)
+ public async Task GetUrl(int idFile)
- var fileInfo = db.Files
- .FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == idFile);
- if (fileInfo is null)
- return null;
+ var fileInfo = await fileRepository.GetInfoAsync(idFile, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
return GetUrl(fileInfo.IdWell, fileInfo.IdCategory, fileInfo.Id, Path.GetExtension(fileInfo.Name));
@@ -264,116 +123,27 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
public string GetUrl(int idWell, int idCategory, int idFile, string dotExtention) =>
Path.Combine(RootPath, idWell.ToString(), idCategory.ToString(), $"{idFile}{dotExtention}");
- public async Task GetByMarkId(int idMark,
- CancellationToken token)
- {
- var entity = await dbSetConfigured
- .FirstOrDefaultAsync(f => f.FileMarks.Any(m => m.Id == idMark), token)
- .ConfigureAwait(false);
- FileInfoDto dto = Convert(entity);
- return dto;
- }
- private static FileInfoDto Convert(AsbCloudDb.Model.FileInfo entity)
- {
- var timezoneOffset = entity.Well.Timezone?.Hours ?? 5;
- return Convert(entity, timezoneOffset);
- }
- private static FileInfoDto Convert(AsbCloudDb.Model.FileInfo entity, double timezoneOffset)
- {
- var dto = entity.Adapt();
- dto.UploadDate = entity.UploadDate.ToRemoteDateTime(timezoneOffset);
- dto.FileMarks = entity.FileMarks.Select(m =>
- {
- var mark = m.Adapt();
- mark.DateCreated = m.DateCreated.ToRemoteDateTime(timezoneOffset);
- return mark;
- });
- return dto;
- }
- public async Task CreateFileMarkAsync(FileMarkDto fileMarkDto, int idUser, CancellationToken token)
- {
- var fileMark = await db.FileMarks
- .FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.IdFile == fileMarkDto.IdFile &&
- m.IdMarkType == fileMarkDto.IdMarkType &&
- m.IdUser == idUser &&
- m.IsDeleted == false,
- token)
- .ConfigureAwait(false);
- if (fileMark is not null)
- return 0;
- var newFileMark = fileMarkDto.Adapt();
- newFileMark.Id = default;
- newFileMark.DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow;
- newFileMark.IdUser = idUser;
- newFileMark.User = null;
- db.FileMarks.Add(newFileMark);
- return await db.SaveChangesAsync(token);
- }
public Task MarkFileMarkAsDeletedAsync(int idMark,
CancellationToken token)
- => MarkFileMarkAsDeletedAsync(new int[] { idMark }, token);
+ => fileRepository.MarkFileMarkAsDeletedAsync(new int[] { idMark }, token);
- public async Task MarkFileMarkAsDeletedAsync(IEnumerable idsMarks,
- CancellationToken token)
+ public async Task> GetInfoByIdsAsync(IEnumerable idsFile, CancellationToken token)
- var fileMarkQuery = db.FileMarks
- .Where(m => idsMarks.Contains(m.Id));
+ var result = await fileRepository.GetInfoByIdsAsync(idsFile, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
- foreach (var fileMark in fileMarkQuery)
- fileMark.IsDeleted = true;
- return await db.SaveChangesAsync(token);
- }
- public async Task> GetInfoByIdsAsync(List idsFile, CancellationToken token)
- {
- var result = new List();
- var entities = await dbSetConfigured
- .AsNoTracking()
- .Where(f => idsFile.Contains(f.Id))
- .ToListAsync(token)
- .ConfigureAwait(false);
- foreach (var entity in entities)
+ foreach (var entity in result)
- if (entity is null)
- {
- throw new FileNotFoundException($"fileId:{entity.Id} not found");
- }
var ext = Path.GetExtension(entity.Name);
var relativePath = GetUrl(entity.IdWell, entity.IdCategory, entity.Id, ext);
var fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(relativePath);
if (!File.Exists(fullPath))
throw new FileNotFoundException("not found", relativePath);
- result.Add(Convert(entity));
return result;
- public async Task> GetInfosByWellIdAsync(int idWell, CancellationToken token)
- {
- var entities = await dbSetConfigured
- .Where(e => e.IdWell == idWell && e.IsDeleted == false)
- .AsNoTracking()
- .ToListAsync(token)
- .ConfigureAwait(false);
- var dtos = entities.Select(e => Convert(e));
- return dtos;
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ReportService.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ReportService.cs
index 3c70915b..6265f6c6 100644
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ReportService.cs
+++ b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ReportService.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Data;
using AsbCloudApp.Services;
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
+using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Repository;
using AsbSaubReport;
using Mapster;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
@@ -21,15 +22,17 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
private readonly ITelemetryService telemetryService;
private readonly IWellService wellService;
private readonly IBackgroundWorkerService backgroundWorkerService;
+ private readonly IFileRepository fileRepository;
public ReportService(IAsbCloudDbContext db, IConfiguration configuration,
- ITelemetryService telemetryService, IWellService wellService, IBackgroundWorkerService backgroundWorkerService)
+ ITelemetryService telemetryService, IWellService wellService, IBackgroundWorkerService backgroundWorkerService, IFileRepository fileRepository)
this.db = db;
this.connectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
this.wellService = wellService;
this.backgroundWorkerService = backgroundWorkerService;
this.telemetryService = telemetryService;
+ this.fileRepository = fileRepository;
ReportCategoryId = db.FileCategories.AsNoTracking()
.FirstOrDefault(c =>
@@ -65,7 +68,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
- var fileService = new FileService(context);
+ var fileService = new FileService(fileRepository);
var fileInfo = await fileService.MoveAsync(idWell, idUser, ReportCategoryId, reportFileName, reportFileName, token);
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/WellFinalDocumentsService.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/WellFinalDocumentsService.cs
index 3885d0e3..dc90128c 100644
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/WellFinalDocumentsService.cs
+++ b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/WellFinalDocumentsService.cs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Exceptions;
using AsbCloudApp.Services;
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
+using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Repository;
using Mapster;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
private readonly IConfiguration configuration;
private readonly IEmailService emailService;
private readonly IFileCategoryService fileCategoryService;
+ private readonly IFileRepository fileRepository;
private const int FileServiceThrewException = -1;
@@ -36,7 +38,8 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
IWellService wellService,
IConfiguration configuration,
IEmailService emailService,
- IFileCategoryService fileCategoryService)
+ IFileCategoryService fileCategoryService,
+ IFileRepository fileRepository)
this.context = context;
this.fileService = fileService;
@@ -45,6 +48,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
this.configuration = configuration;
this.emailService = emailService;
this.fileCategoryService = fileCategoryService;
+ this.fileRepository = fileRepository;
public async Task UpdateRangeAsync(int idWell, IEnumerable? dtos, CancellationToken token)
@@ -94,7 +98,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
var categoriesIds = entitiesGroups
.Select(g => g.Key);
- var files = (await fileService
+ var files = (await fileRepository
.GetInfosByWellIdAsync(idWell, token)
.Where(f => categoriesIds.Contains(f.IdCategory))
@@ -161,7 +165,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
public async Task GetFilesHistoryByIdCategory(int idWell, int idCategory, CancellationToken token)
- var files = await fileService.GetInfosByCategoryAsync(idWell, idCategory, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ var files = await fileRepository.GetInfosByCategoryAsync(idWell, idCategory, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
return new WellFinalDocumentsHistoryDto {
IdWell = idWell,
diff --git a/AsbCloudWebApi/Controllers/FileController.cs b/AsbCloudWebApi/Controllers/FileController.cs
index 46f9d589..52b314f3 100644
--- a/AsbCloudWebApi/Controllers/FileController.cs
+++ b/AsbCloudWebApi/Controllers/FileController.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Data;
using AsbCloudApp.Services;
+using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Repository;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
@@ -20,11 +21,13 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers
private readonly IFileService fileService;
private readonly IWellService wellService;
+ private readonly IFileRepository fileRepository;
- public FileController(IFileService fileService, IWellService wellService)
+ public FileController(IFileService fileService, IWellService wellService, IFileRepository fileRepository)
this.fileService = fileService;
this.wellService = wellService;
+ this.fileRepository = fileRepository;
@@ -98,7 +101,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers
idWell, token).ConfigureAwait(false))
return Forbid();
- var filesInfo = await fileService.GetInfosAsync(idWell, idCategory,
+ var filesInfo = await fileRepository.GetInfosAsync(idWell, idCategory,
companyName, fileName, begin, end, skip, take, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
return Ok(filesInfo);
@@ -168,7 +171,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers
if (!userService.HasPermission((int)idUser, $"File.edit{file.IdCategory}"))
return Forbid();
- var result = await fileService.MarkAsDeletedAsync(idFile, token);
+ var result = await fileRepository.MarkAsDeletedAsync(idFile, token);
return Ok(result);
@@ -193,7 +196,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers
idWell, token).ConfigureAwait(false))
return Forbid();
- var result = await fileService.CreateFileMarkAsync(markDto, (int)idUser, token)
+ var result = await fileRepository.CreateFileMarkAsync(markDto, (int)idUser, token)
return Ok(result);
@@ -223,5 +226,33 @@ namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers
return Ok(result);
+ ///
+ /// Возвращает информацию о файле
+ ///
+ /// id запрашиваемого файла
+ /// Токен отмены задачи
+ /// Запрашиваемый файл
+ [HttpGet]
+ [Route("/api/files/{idFile}")]
+ [Permission]
+ [ProducesResponseType(typeof(PhysicalFileResult), (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)]
+ public async Task GetFileInfoByIdAsync([FromRoute] int idFile, CancellationToken token = default)
+ {
+ int? idCompany = User.GetCompanyId();
+ if (idCompany is null)
+ return Forbid();
+ try
+ {
+ var fileInfo = await fileRepository.GetInfoAsync(idFile, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
+ return Ok(fileInfo);
+ }
+ catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
+ {
+ return NotFound(ex.FileName);
+ }
+ }