forked from ddrilling/AsbCloudServer
операции определяются правильнее и быстрее
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DetectOperations
#nullable enable
abstract class DetectorAbstract
public int StepLength { get; set; } = 3;
public int FragmentLength { get; set; } = 6;
public int IdCategory { get; }
// TODO: assert MaxDurationSeconds and MinDurationSeconds
public double MaxDurationSeconds { get; } = 24 * 60 * 60;
public double MinDurationSeconds { get; } = 3;
/// <summary>
/// Конструктор детектора.
/// Словарь с IdCategory в дефолтных данных AsbCloudDbContext для таблицы WellOperationCategory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="IdCategory">ключ названия/описания операции из таблицы WellOperationCategory</param>
public DetectorAbstract(int IdCategory)
this.IdCategory = IdCategory;
public virtual DetectedOperation? DetectOrDefault(DetectableTelemetry[] telemetry, ref int position)
if ((telemetry.Length > position + FragmentLength + StepLength) && DetectStart(telemetry, position))
var skip = position + StepLength;
while (telemetry.Length > skip + FragmentLength)
if (DetectEnd(telemetry, skip))
var dateStart = telemetry[position].DateTime;
var dateEnd = telemetry[skip].DateTime;
var durationSec = (dateEnd - dateStart).TotalSeconds;
if (durationSec < MinDurationSeconds || durationSec > MaxDurationSeconds)
return null;
var result = new DetectedOperation
IdCategory = IdCategory,
IdUsersAtStart = telemetry[position].IdUser ?? -1,
DateStart = dateStart,
DateEnd = dateEnd,
DepthStart = telemetry[position].WellDepth ?? -1d,
DepthEnd = telemetry[skip].WellDepth ?? -1d,
CalcValue(ref result);
position = skip + FragmentLength;
return result;
skip = skip + StepLength;
return null;
protected abstract void CalcValue(ref DetectedOperation result);
protected abstract bool DetectStart(DetectableTelemetry[] telemetry, int position);
protected abstract bool DetectEnd(DetectableTelemetry[] telemetry, int position);
#nullable disable
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
using System.Linq;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DetectOperations.Detectors
#nullable enable
class DetectorDrillingRotor : DetectorAbstract
const double minRop = 5; //м/час
const double minRotorSpeed = 5; //об/мин
const double ticksPerHour = 60 * 60 * 10_000_000d;
const double minPressure = 25;
const double minDeltaDepth = 0.02;
public DetectorDrillingRotor() : base(2)
FragmentLength = 15;
StepLength = 10;
protected override bool DetectStart(DetectableTelemetry[] telemetry, int position)
var firstItem = telemetry[position];
var deltaDepth = firstItem.WellDepth - firstItem.BitDepth;
if (deltaDepth is not null &&
System.Math.Abs((float)deltaDepth) > minDeltaDepth)
return false;
if(firstItem.RotorSpeed > minRotorSpeed)
return false;
if (firstItem.Pressure < minPressure)
return false;
var fragment = telemetry[position..(position + FragmentLength)];
var lineBlockPosition = new InterpolationLine(fragment.Select(d => (d.BlockPosition ?? 0d, d.DateTime.Ticks / ticksPerHour)));
if (!lineBlockPosition.IsYDecreases(minRop))
return false;
var lineWellDepth = new InterpolationLine(fragment.Select(d => (d.WellDepth ?? 0d, d.DateTime.Ticks / ticksPerHour)));
if (!lineWellDepth.IsYIncreases(minRop))
return false;
return true;
protected override bool DetectEnd(DetectableTelemetry[] telemetry, int position)
=> !DetectStart(telemetry, position);
/// <summary>
/// Рассчитываем МСП, м/час
/// </summary>
/// <param name="result"></param>
protected override void CalcValue(ref DetectedOperation result)
result.Value = (result.DepthEnd - result.DepthStart) / (result.DateEnd - result.DateStart).TotalHours;
#nullable disable
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
using System.Linq;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DetectOperations.Detectors
#nullable enable
class DetectorDrillingSlide : DetectorAbstract
const double minRop = 5; //м/час
const double minRotorSpeed = 5; //об/мин
const double ticksPerHour = 60 * 60 * 10_000_000d;
const double minPressure = 25;
const double minDeltaDepth = 0.02;
public DetectorDrillingSlide() : base(3)
FragmentLength = 10;
protected override bool DetectStart(DetectableTelemetry[] telemetry, int position)
var firstItem = telemetry[position];
var deltaDepth = firstItem.WellDepth - firstItem.BitDepth;
if (deltaDepth is not null &&
System.Math.Abs((float)deltaDepth) > minDeltaDepth)
return false;
if(firstItem.RotorSpeed < minRotorSpeed)
return false;
if (firstItem.Pressure < minPressure)
return false;
var fragment = telemetry[position..(position + FragmentLength)];
var lineBlockPosition = new InterpolationLine(fragment.Select(d => (d.BlockPosition ?? 0d, d.DateTime.Ticks / ticksPerHour)));
if (!lineBlockPosition.IsYDecreases(minRop))
return false;
var lineWellDepth = new InterpolationLine(fragment.Select(d => (d.WellDepth ?? 0d, d.DateTime.Ticks / ticksPerHour)));
if (!lineWellDepth.IsYIncreases(minRop))
return false;
return true;
protected override bool DetectEnd(DetectableTelemetry[] telemetry, int position)
=> !DetectStart(telemetry, position);
/// <summary>
/// Рассчитываем МСП, м/час
/// </summary>
/// <param name="result"></param>
protected override void CalcValue(ref DetectedOperation result)
result.Value = (result.DepthEnd - result.DepthStart) / (result.DateEnd - result.DateStart).TotalHours;
#nullable disable
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DetectOperations.Detectors
#nullable enable
class DetectorSlipsTime : DetectorAbstract
public DetectorSlipsTime() : base(14) { }
public double HookWeightSP { get; set; } = 20;
public double PressureSP { get; set; } = 15;
public double PosisionSP { get; set; } = 8;
public double DeltaWellDepthMax { get; set; } = 2.5;
protected override bool DetectStart(DetectableTelemetry[] telemetry, int position)
var item = telemetry[position];
var result =
item.HookWeight < HookWeightSP &&
item.Pressure < PressureSP &&
item.BlockPosition < PosisionSP &&
(item.WellDepth - item.BitDepth) < DeltaWellDepthMax;
return result;
protected override bool DetectEnd(DetectableTelemetry[] telemetry, int position)
var item = telemetry[position];
var result = item.Pressure > PressureSP &&
item.BlockPosition > PosisionSP;
return result;
protected override void CalcValue(ref DetectedOperation result)
result.Value = result.DurationMinutes;
#nullable disable
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DetectOperations.Detectors
#nullable enable
internal class FragmentDetector : IFragmentDetector
private int fragmentLength = 12;
private int stepLength = 3;
protected IEnumerable<IDetector> detectors = Enumerable.Empty<IDetector>();
protected Func<DetectableTelemetry[], int, bool> detectStart;
protected Func<DetectableTelemetry[], int, bool> detectEnd;
public string Name { get; set; }
public int FragmentLength { get => fragmentLength; set => fragmentLength = value; }
public int StepLength { get => stepLength; set => stepLength = value; }
public FragmentDetector(
string name,
Func<DetectableTelemetry[], int, bool> detectStart,
IFragmentDetector detector,
params IFragmentDetector[] detectors)
this.detectStart = detectStart;
this.detectors = JoinDetectors(detector, detectors);
detectEnd = (f, i) => !detectStart(f, i);
Name = name;
public FragmentDetector(
string name,
Func<DetectableTelemetry[], int, bool> detectStart,
Func<DetectableTelemetry[], int, bool> detectEnd,
IFragmentDetector detector,
params IFragmentDetector[] detectors)
this.detectStart = detectStart;
this.detectEnd = detectEnd;
this.detectors = JoinDetectors(detector, detectors);
Name = name;
public FragmentDetector(
string name,
Func<DetectableTelemetry[], int, bool> detectStart,
IOperationDetector operation)
this.detectStart = detectStart;
detectors = new IOperationDetector[] { operation };
detectEnd = (f, i) => !detectStart(f, i);
Name = name;
public FragmentDetector(
string name,
Func<DetectableTelemetry[], int, bool> detectStart,
Func<DetectableTelemetry[], int, bool> detectEnd,
IOperationDetector operation)
this.detectStart = detectStart;
this.detectEnd = detectEnd;
detectors = new IOperationDetector[] { operation };
Name = name;
private static IEnumerable<IFragmentDetector> JoinDetectors(IFragmentDetector detector, params IFragmentDetector[] detectors)
var joined = new IFragmentDetector[1 + detectors.Length];
joined[0] = detector;
if (detectors.Length > 0)
detectors.CopyTo(joined, 1);
return joined;
public static Func<DetectableTelemetry[], int, bool> MakeInstantDelegate(
Func<DetectableTelemetry, bool> instantValueCondition
var detect = (DetectableTelemetry[] telemetry, int position) =>
var firstItem = telemetry[position];
var result = instantValueCondition(firstItem);
return result;
return detect;
public static Func<DetectableTelemetry[], int, bool> MakeInterpolationDelegate(
Func<DetectableTelemetry, double> yGetter,
Func<InterpolationLine, bool> interpolationValueCondition,
int fragmentLength)
var detect = (DetectableTelemetry[] telemetry, int position) =>
DetectableTelemetry[] data;
if (fragmentLength > 0 && (position + fragmentLength) < telemetry.Length)
data = telemetry[position..(position + fragmentLength)];
data = telemetry[position..];
var line = new InterpolationLine(data.Select(d => (yGetter(d), (d.DateTime - telemetry[0].DateTime).TotalHours)));
var result = interpolationValueCondition(line);
return result;
return detect;
public bool TryDetect(int idTelemetry, DetectableTelemetry[] telemetry, int begin, int end, out IEnumerable<OperationDetectorResult> results)
List<OperationDetectorResult>? totaltResultList = null;
var positionBegin = begin;
// Поиск начала соответствия критерию начала операции
while (end > positionBegin + fragmentLength + stepLength)
if (detectStart(telemetry, positionBegin))
// Поиск окончания соответствия критерию
var positionEnd = positionBegin;
while (positionEnd < end)
positionEnd += stepLength;
if ((positionEnd > end))
positionEnd = end;
if ((positionEnd == end) || detectEnd(telemetry, positionEnd))
totaltResultList = totaltResultList ?? new List<OperationDetectorResult>();
var detectorsEnumerator = detectors.GetEnumerator();
while (detectorsEnumerator.MoveNext())
if (detectorsEnumerator.Current.TryDetect(idTelemetry, telemetry, positionBegin, positionEnd, out IEnumerable<OperationDetectorResult> innerResult))
positionBegin = positionEnd;
positionBegin += stepLength;
if(totaltResultList?.Any() == true)
results = totaltResultList!;
return true;
results = Enumerable.Empty<OperationDetectorResult>();
return false;
public override string ToString()
=> $"frame detector {Name}";
#nullable disable
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DetectOperations.Detectors
internal interface IDetector
bool TryDetect(int idTelemetry, DetectableTelemetry[] telemetryFragment, int begin, int end, out IEnumerable<OperationDetectorResult> operations);
internal interface IOperationDetector : IDetector
{ }
internal interface IFragmentDetector: IDetector
{ }
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DetectOperations.Detectors
class OperationDetectorResult
public int TelemetryBegin { get; set; }
public int TelemetryEnd { get; set; }
public DetectedOperation Operation { get; set; }
internal class OperationDetector : IOperationDetector
private readonly int idOperation;
protected Func<DetectableTelemetry[], int, int, bool> isValid = (_,_,_) => true;
protected Func<DetectableTelemetry[], int, int, double> calcValue = (_, _, _) => 0d;
public OperationDetector(int idOperation)
this.idOperation = idOperation;
public bool TryDetect(int idTelemetry, DetectableTelemetry[] telemetryFragment, int begin, int end, out IEnumerable<OperationDetectorResult> operations)
if(!telemetryFragment.Any() || !isValid(telemetryFragment, begin, end))
operations = Enumerable.Empty<OperationDetectorResult>();
return false;
var operation = MakeOperation(idTelemetry, telemetryFragment, begin, end);
operations = new List<OperationDetectorResult> { operation };
return true;
private OperationDetectorResult MakeOperation(int idTelemetry, DetectableTelemetry[] telemetryFragment, int begin, int end)
var pBegin = telemetryFragment[begin];
var pEnd = telemetryFragment[end];
var result = new OperationDetectorResult
TelemetryBegin = begin,
TelemetryEnd = end,
Operation = new DetectedOperation
IdTelemetry = idTelemetry,
IdCategory = idOperation,
IdUsersAtStart = pBegin.IdUser ?? -1,
DateStart = pBegin.DateTime,
DateEnd = pEnd.DateTime,
DepthStart = (double)pBegin.WellDepth,
DepthEnd = (double)pEnd.WellDepth,
Value = calcValue(telemetryFragment, begin, end),
return result;
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
using System.Linq;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DetectOperations.Detectors
internal class OperationDrilling : OperationDetector
public OperationDrilling(int idOperation)
isValid = (DetectableTelemetry[] fragment, int begin, int end) =>
var pBegin = fragment[begin];
var pEnd = fragment[end];
if (pBegin.WellDepth >= pEnd.WellDepth)
return false;
return true;
calcValue = (DetectableTelemetry[] fragment, int begin, int end) =>
var pBegin = fragment[begin];
var pEnd = fragment[end];
var result = (double)(pEnd.WellDepth - pBegin.WellDepth) / (pEnd.DateTime - pBegin.DateTime).TotalHours;
return result;
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DetectOperations.Detectors
internal class OperationSlipsTime : OperationDetector
public OperationSlipsTime()
: base(14)
isValid = (DetectableTelemetry[] fragment, int begin, int end) =>
var pBegin = fragment[begin];
var pEnd = fragment[end];
if (Math.Abs((double)(pBegin.WellDepth - pEnd.WellDepth)) > 0.01)
return false;
return true;
calcValue = (DetectableTelemetry[] fragment, int begin, int end) =>
var pBegin = fragment[begin];
var pEnd = fragment[end];
var result = (pEnd.DateTime - pBegin.DateTime).TotalHours;
return result;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DetectOperations
public bool IsYDecreases(double bound = 0d) =>
public bool IsYDecreases(double bound = 0d) =>
A < bound;
A < bound;
public bool IsAverageYLessThanBound(double bound) =>
public bool IsAverageYLessThan(double bound) =>
(ySum / count) < bound;
(ySum / count) < bound;
public bool IsAverageYMoreThanBound(double bound) =>
public bool IsAverageYGreaterThan(double bound) =>
(ySum / count) >= bound;
(ySum / count) >= bound;
@ -8,31 +8,48 @@ using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DetectOperations.Detectors;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DetectOperations
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DetectOperations
public class OperationDetectionBackgroundService : BackgroundService
public class OperationDetectionBackgroundService : BackgroundService
private readonly IEnumerable<DetectorAbstract> detectors = new List<DetectorAbstract>
private readonly int stepLength = 3;
private readonly int fragmentLength = 6;
new Detectors.DetectorSlipsTime(),
new Detectors.DetectorDrillingRotor(),
new Detectors.DetectorDrillingSlide(),
private readonly int minStepLength;
private readonly int minFragmentLength;
private readonly string connectionString;
private readonly string connectionString;
private readonly TimeSpan period = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
private readonly TimeSpan period = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
private static readonly Func<DetectableTelemetry[], int, bool> isBitLt0_03mToBottom = FragmentDetector.MakeInstantDelegate(d =>
(double)(d.WellDepth - d.BitDepth) < 0.03d);
private static readonly Func<DetectableTelemetry[], int, bool> isBitLt2_5mToBottom = FragmentDetector.MakeInstantDelegate(d =>
(double)(d.WellDepth - d.BitDepth) < 2.5d);
private static readonly Func<DetectableTelemetry[], int, bool> isPressureGt25 = FragmentDetector.MakeInstantDelegate(d =>
d.Pressure > 25);
private static readonly Func<DetectableTelemetry[], int, bool> isPressureLt15 = FragmentDetector.MakeInstantDelegate(d =>
d.Pressure < 15);
private static readonly Func<DetectableTelemetry[], int, bool> isBlockPositionLt8 = FragmentDetector.MakeInstantDelegate(d =>
d.BlockPosition < 8);
private static readonly Func<DetectableTelemetry[], int, bool> isHookWeightLt20 = FragmentDetector.MakeInstantDelegate(d =>
d.HookWeight < 20);
private static readonly Func<DetectableTelemetry[], int, bool> isRotorSpeedAvgGt5 = FragmentDetector.MakeInterpolationDelegate(d => (double)d.RotorSpeed, line =>
line.IsAverageYGreaterThan(5), 12);
private static readonly Func<DetectableTelemetry[], int, bool> isRotorSpeedAvgLt5 = FragmentDetector.MakeInterpolationDelegate(d => (double)d.RotorSpeed, line =>
line.IsAverageYLessThan(5), 12);
private static readonly List<IDetector> detectors = new List<IDetector>
new FragmentDetector("isBitLt2_5mToBottom", isBitLt2_5mToBottom,
new FragmentDetector("isBitLt0_03mToBottom", isBitLt0_03mToBottom,
new FragmentDetector("isPressureGt25", isPressureGt25,
new FragmentDetector("isRotorSpeedAvgGt5", isRotorSpeedAvgGt5, new OperationDrilling(2)),
new FragmentDetector("isRotorSpeedAvgLt5", isRotorSpeedAvgLt5, new OperationDrilling(3)))),
new FragmentDetector("isPressureLt15", isPressureLt15,
new FragmentDetector("isBlockPositionLt8", isBlockPositionLt8,
new FragmentDetector("isHookWeightLt20", isHookWeightLt20, new OperationSlipsTime())))),
public OperationDetectionBackgroundService(IConfiguration configuration)
public OperationDetectionBackgroundService(IConfiguration configuration)
minStepLength = detectors.Min(d => d.StepLength);
minStepLength = minStepLength > 0 ? minStepLength : 3;
minFragmentLength = detectors.Min(d => d.FragmentLength);
minFragmentLength = minFragmentLength > 0 ? minFragmentLength : 6;
connectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
connectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
@ -128,7 +145,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DetectOperations
.OrderBy(d => d.DateTime);
.OrderBy(d => d.DateTime);
var take = 4 * 86_400;
var take = 4 * 86_400; // 4 дня
var startDate = begin;
var startDate = begin;
var detectedOperations = new List<DetectedOperation>(8);
var detectedOperations = new List<DetectedOperation>(8);
@ -139,47 +156,42 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DetectOperations
if (data.Length < minFragmentLength)
if (data.Length < 2 * fragmentLength + stepLength)
var skip = 0;
var isDetected = false;
var isDetected = false;
var positionBegin = 0;
while (data.Length > skip + minFragmentLength)
var positionEnd = data.Length - fragmentLength;
var isDetected1 = false;
foreach (var detector in detectors)
foreach (var detector in detectors)
if (data.Length < skip + detector.StepLength + detector.FragmentLength)
if (detector is FragmentDetector fragmentDetector)
var minLengthToDetect = fragmentDetector.StepLength + fragmentDetector.FragmentLength;
if (data.Length < positionBegin + minLengthToDetect)
var detectedOperation = detector.DetectOrDefault(data, ref skip);
if (fragmentDetector.TryDetect(idTelemetry, data, positionBegin, positionEnd, out IEnumerable<OperationDetectorResult> results))
if (detectedOperation is not null)
isDetected1 = true;
isDetected = true;
isDetected = true;
detectedOperation.IdTelemetry = idTelemetry;
var operations = results.Select(r => r.Operation);
startDate = detectedOperation.DateEnd;
positionBegin = results.Max(r=>r.TelemetryEnd) + 1;
if (!isDetected1)
skip += minStepLength;
if (!isDetected)
if (isDetected)
var i = skip - minFragmentLength;
startDate = detectedOperations.Max(o => o.DateEnd);
i = i > data.Length
? data.Length - minStepLength
: i;
i = i < minFragmentLength
int i = positionEnd - (int)(data.Length * 0.8);
? minFragmentLength
if (i < 0)
: i;
startDate = data[i].DateTime;
startDate = data[i].DateTime;
@ -12,6 +12,26 @@ namespace ConsoleApp1
// use ServiceFactory to make services
// use ServiceFactory to make services
static void Main(/*string[] args*/)
static void Main(/*string[] args*/)
System.Collections.Generic.List<(double, double)> data = new() {
(22.52400016784668, 17715023.435277779) ,
(22.52400016784668, 17715023.435555555) ,
(22.52400016784668, 17715023.435833335) ,
(22.52400016784668, 17715023.436111111) ,
(22.547000885009766, 17715023.436388887) ,
(22.833000183105469, 17715023.436666667) ,
(23.063999176025391, 17715023.436944444) ,
(23.298999786376953, 17715023.437222224) ,
(23.5310001373291, 17715023.4375) ,
(23.763999938964844, 17715023.437777776) ,
(23.993999481201172, 17715023.438055556) ,
(24.229999542236328, 17715023.438333333) ,
(24.459999084472656, 17715023.438611113) ,
(24.694999694824219, 17715023.438888889) ,
(24.926000595092773, 17715023.439166665) ,
var il = new AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DetectOperations.InterpolationLine(data);
Console.WriteLine("hit keyboard to start");
Console.WriteLine("hit keyboard to start");
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
"profiles": {
"WSL": {
"commandName": "WSL2",
"distributionName": ""
Reference in New Issue
Block a user