diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/AsbCloudInfrastructure.csproj b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/AsbCloudInfrastructure.csproj
index e14fb012..955fcf7d 100644
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/AsbCloudInfrastructure.csproj
+++ b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/AsbCloudInfrastructure.csproj
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
@@ -32,14 +31,14 @@
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/DependencyInjection.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/DependencyInjection.cs
index 01eea5cc..bf6b3564 100644
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/DependencyInjection.cs
+++ b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/DependencyInjection.cs
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DailyReport;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DetectOperations;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DrillingProgram;
-using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.ProcessMap;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.SAUB;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.Subsystems;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.Trajectory;
@@ -24,15 +23,19 @@ using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using System;
using AsbCloudApp.Data.Manuals;
+using AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMaps;
using AsbCloudApp.Services.AutoGeneratedDailyReports;
using AsbCloudApp.Services.Notifications;
using AsbCloudDb.Model.Manuals;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.AutoGeneratedDailyReports;
using AsbCloudApp.Services.WellOperationImport;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationImport;
-using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.ProcessMap.ProcessMapWellboreDevelopment;
using AsbCloudApp.Data.WellOperationImport.Options;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.WellOperationImport.FileParser;
+using AsbCloudApp.Services.ProcessMaps.WellDrillingProcessMap;
+using AsbCloudApp.Services.ProcessMaps;
+using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.ProcessMaps.WellDrillingProcessMap;
+using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.ProcessMaps.WellDrillingProcessMap.Report;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure
@@ -122,10 +125,9 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure
services.AddSingleton(provider => ReduceSamplingService.GetInstance(configuration));
- services.AddTransient();
- services.AddTransient();
+ services.AddTransient();
+ services.AddTransient();
- services.AddTransient();
@@ -139,7 +141,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure
- services.AddTransient();
+ services.AddTransient();
@@ -152,8 +154,8 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure
- services.AddTransient();
- services.AddTransient();
+ services.AddTransient();
+ services.AddTransient();
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ProcessMap/ProcessMapPlanImportService.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ProcessMap/ProcessMapPlanImportService.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ff6ecf2..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ProcessMap/ProcessMapPlanImportService.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Reflection;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMap;
-using AsbCloudApp.Repositories;
-using AsbCloudApp.Services;
-using ClosedXML.Excel;
-using System;
-using AsbCloudApp.Data;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.ProcessMap;
-* password for ProcessMapImportTemplate.xlsx is ASB2020!
-public class ProcessMapPlanImportService : IProcessMapPlanImportService
- private readonly IProcessMapPlanRepository processMapPlanRepository;
- private readonly ICrudRepository wellSectionTypeRepository;
- private const string sheetNamePlan = "План";
- private const int headerRowsCount = 2;
- private const int columnWellSectionType = 1;
- private const int columnMode = 2;
- private const int columnDepthStart = 3;
- private const int columnDepthEnd = 4;
- private const int columnPressurePlan = 5;
- private const int columnPressureLimitMax = 6;
- private const int columnAxialLoadPlan = 7;
- private const int columnAxialLoadLimitMax = 8;
- private const int columnTopDriveTorquePlan = 9;
- private const int columnTopDriveTorqueLimitMax = 10;
- private const int columnTopDriveSpeedPlan = 11;
- private const int columnTopDriveSpeedLimitMax = 12;
- private const int columnFlowPlan = 13;
- private const int columnFlowLimitMax = 14;
- private const int columnRopPlan = 15;
- private const int columnUsageSaub = 16;
- private const int columnUsageSpin = 17;
- private WellSectionTypeDto[] sections = null!;
- public ProcessMapPlanImportService(IProcessMapPlanRepository processMapPlanRepository,
- ICrudRepository wellSectionTypeRepository)
- {
- this.processMapPlanRepository = processMapPlanRepository;
- this.wellSectionTypeRepository = wellSectionTypeRepository;
- }
- public async Task ImportAsync(int idWell, int idUser, bool deleteProcessMapPlansBeforeImport, Stream stream,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- sections = (await wellSectionTypeRepository.GetAllAsync(cancellationToken)).ToArray();
- using var workBook = new XLWorkbook(stream);
- var processPlanMaps = ParseWorkBook(workBook);
- if (deleteProcessMapPlansBeforeImport)
- await processMapPlanRepository.RemoveByWellAsync(idWell, cancellationToken);
- foreach (var processPlanMap in processPlanMaps)
- {
- processPlanMap.IdWell = idWell;
- processPlanMap.IdUser = idUser;
- }
- await processMapPlanRepository.InsertRangeAsync(processPlanMaps, cancellationToken);
- }
- public async Task ExportAsync(int idWell, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- sections = (await wellSectionTypeRepository.GetAllAsync(cancellationToken)).ToArray();
- var processMapPlans = (await processMapPlanRepository.GetByIdWellAsync(idWell,
- cancellationToken)).ToArray();
- return await GenerateExcelFileStreamAsync(processMapPlans,
- cancellationToken);
- }
- public async Task GetExcelTemplateStreamAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- var resourceName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
- .GetManifestResourceNames()
- .FirstOrDefault(n => n.EndsWith("ProcessMapPlanTemplate.xlsx"))!;
- using var stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
- .GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName)!;
- var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
- await stream.CopyToAsync(memoryStream, cancellationToken);
- memoryStream.Position = 0;
- return memoryStream;
- }
- private void AddToWorkbook(XLWorkbook workbook, ProcessMapPlanDto[] processMapPlans)
- {
- if (!processMapPlans.Any())
- return;
- var sheet = workbook.Worksheets.FirstOrDefault(ws => ws.Name == sheetNamePlan)
- ?? throw new FileFormatException($"Книга excel не содержит листа {sheetNamePlan}.");
- AddToSheet(sheet, processMapPlans);
- }
- private void AddToSheet(IXLWorksheet sheet, ProcessMapPlanDto[] processMapPlans)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < processMapPlans.Length; i++)
- {
- var row = sheet.Row(1 + i + headerRowsCount);
- AddToRow(row, processMapPlans[i]);
- }
- }
- private void AddToRow(IXLRow row, ProcessMapPlanDto processMap)
- {
- row.Cell(columnWellSectionType).Value = sections.First(x => x.Id == processMap.IdWellSectionType).Caption;
- row.Cell(columnMode).Value = GetModeCaption(processMap.IdMode);
- row.Cell(columnDepthStart).Value = processMap.DepthStart;
- row.Cell(columnDepthEnd).Value = processMap.DepthEnd;
- row.Cell(columnPressurePlan).Value = processMap.Pressure.Plan;
- row.Cell(columnPressureLimitMax).Value = processMap.Pressure.LimitMax;
- row.Cell(columnAxialLoadPlan).Value = processMap.AxialLoad.Plan;
- row.Cell(columnAxialLoadLimitMax).Value = processMap.AxialLoad.LimitMax;
- row.Cell(columnTopDriveTorquePlan).Value = processMap.TopDriveTorque.Plan;
- row.Cell(columnTopDriveTorqueLimitMax).Value = processMap.TopDriveTorque.LimitMax;
- row.Cell(columnTopDriveSpeedPlan).Value = processMap.TopDriveSpeed.Plan;
- row.Cell(columnTopDriveSpeedLimitMax).Value = processMap.TopDriveSpeed.LimitMax;
- row.Cell(columnFlowPlan).Value = processMap.Flow.Plan;
- row.Cell(columnFlowLimitMax).Value = processMap.Flow.LimitMax;
- row.Cell(columnRopPlan).Value = processMap.RopPlan;
- row.Cell(columnUsageSaub).Value = processMap.UsageSaub;
- row.Cell(columnUsageSpin).Value = processMap.UsageSpin;
- }
- private ProcessMapPlanDto[] ParseWorkBook(IXLWorkbook workbook)
- {
- var sheet = workbook.Worksheets.FirstOrDefault(ws => ws.Name == sheetNamePlan)
- ?? throw new FileFormatException($"Книга excel не содержит листа {sheetNamePlan}.");
- return ParseSheet(sheet);
- }
- private ProcessMapPlanDto[] ParseSheet(IXLWorksheet sheet)
- {
- const int columnsCount = 17;
- if (sheet.RangeUsed().RangeAddress.LastAddress.ColumnNumber < columnsCount)
- throw new FileFormatException($"Лист {sheet.Name} содержит меньшее количество столбцов.");
- var rowsCount = sheet.RowsUsed().Count() - headerRowsCount;
- if (rowsCount <= 0)
- return Array.Empty();
- var processMapPlans = new ProcessMapPlanDto[rowsCount];
- var parseErrors = new List();
- for (int i = 0; i < processMapPlans.Length; i++)
- {
- var row = sheet.Row(1 + i + headerRowsCount);
- try
- {
- processMapPlans[i] = ParseRow(row);
- }
- catch (FileFormatException ex)
- {
- parseErrors.Add(ex.Message);
- }
- }
- if (parseErrors.Any())
- throw new FileFormatException(string.Join("\r\n", parseErrors));
- return processMapPlans;
- }
- private ProcessMapPlanDto ParseRow(IXLRow row)
- {
- var wellSectionTypeCaption = row.Cell(columnWellSectionType).GetCellValue().Trim().ToLower();
- var modeName = row.Cell(columnMode).GetCellValue().Trim().ToLower();
- var depthStart = row.Cell(columnDepthStart).GetCellValue();
- var depthEnd = row.Cell(columnDepthEnd).GetCellValue();
- var pressurePlan = row.Cell(columnPressurePlan).GetCellValue();
- var pressureLimitMax = row.Cell(columnPressureLimitMax).GetCellValue();
- var axialLoadPlan = row.Cell(columnAxialLoadPlan).GetCellValue();
- var axialLoadLimitMax = row.Cell(columnAxialLoadLimitMax).GetCellValue();
- var topDriveTorquePlan = row.Cell(columnTopDriveTorquePlan).GetCellValue();
- var topDriveTorqueLimitMax = row.Cell(columnTopDriveTorqueLimitMax).GetCellValue();
- var topDriveSpeedPlan = row.Cell(columnTopDriveSpeedPlan).GetCellValue();
- var topDriveSpeedLimitMax = row.Cell(columnTopDriveSpeedLimitMax).GetCellValue();
- var flowPlan = row.Cell(columnFlowPlan).GetCellValue();
- var flowLimitMax = row.Cell(columnFlowLimitMax).GetCellValue();
- var ropPlan = row.Cell(columnRopPlan).GetCellValue();
- var usageSaub = row.Cell(columnUsageSaub).GetCellValue();
- var usageSpin = row.Cell(columnUsageSpin).GetCellValue();
- var wellSection = sections.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Caption.Trim().ToLower() == wellSectionTypeCaption)
- ?? throw new FileFormatException(
- $"Лист {row.Worksheet.Name}. В строке {row.RowNumber()} указана некорректная секция");
- var idMode = GetIdMode(modeName)
- ?? throw new FileFormatException(
- $"Лист {row.Worksheet.Name}. В строке {row.RowNumber()} указан некорректный режим");
- if (depthStart is < 0 or > 50000)
- throw new FileFormatException(
- $"Лист {row.Worksheet.Name}. В строке {row.RowNumber()} указана некорректная стартовая глубина");
- if (depthEnd is < 0 or > 50000)
- throw new FileFormatException(
- $"Лист {row.Worksheet.Name}. В строке {row.RowNumber()} указана некорректная конечная глубина");
- if (pressurePlan is < 0 or > 50000)
- throw new FileFormatException(
- $"Лист {row.Worksheet.Name}. В строке {row.RowNumber()} указано некорректное плановое значение перепада давления");
- if (pressureLimitMax is < 0 or > 50000)
- throw new FileFormatException(
- $"Лист {row.Worksheet.Name}. В строке {row.RowNumber()} указано некорректное ограничение перепада давления");
- if (axialLoadPlan is < 0 or > 50000)
- throw new FileFormatException(
- $"Лист {row.Worksheet.Name}. В строке {row.RowNumber()} указано некорректное плановое значение нагрузки");
- if (axialLoadLimitMax is < 0 or > 50000)
- throw new FileFormatException(
- $"Лист {row.Worksheet.Name}. В строке {row.RowNumber()} указано некорректное ограничение нагрузки");
- if (topDriveTorquePlan is < 0 or > 50000)
- throw new FileFormatException(
- $"Лист {row.Worksheet.Name}. В строке {row.RowNumber()} указано некорректное плановое значение момента на ВСП");
- if (topDriveTorqueLimitMax is < 0 or > 50000)
- throw new FileFormatException(
- $"Лист {row.Worksheet.Name}. В строке {row.RowNumber()} указано некорректное ограничение момента на ВСП");
- if (topDriveSpeedPlan is < 0 or > 50000)
- throw new FileFormatException(
- $"Лист {row.Worksheet.Name}. В строке {row.RowNumber()} указано некорректное плановое значение оборотов на ВСП");
- if (topDriveSpeedLimitMax is < 0 or > 50000)
- throw new FileFormatException(
- $"Лист {row.Worksheet.Name}. В строке {row.RowNumber()} указано некорректное ограничения оборота на ВСП");
- if (flowPlan is < 0 or > 50000)
- throw new FileFormatException(
- $"Лист {row.Worksheet.Name}. В строке {row.RowNumber()} указано некорректное плановое значение расхода");
- if (flowLimitMax is < 0 or > 50000)
- throw new FileFormatException(
- $"Лист {row.Worksheet.Name}. В строке {row.RowNumber()} указано некорректное ограничение расхода");
- if (ropPlan is < 0 or > 50000)
- throw new FileFormatException(
- $"Лист {row.Worksheet.Name}. В строке {row.RowNumber()} указано некорректное плановое значение механической скорости");
- if (usageSaub is < 0 or > 100)
- throw new FileFormatException(
- $"Лист {row.Worksheet.Name}. В строке {row.RowNumber()} указан некорректный плановый процент использования АКБ");
- if (usageSpin is < 0 or > 100)
- throw new FileFormatException(
- $"Лист {row.Worksheet.Name}. В строке {row.RowNumber()} указан некорректные плановый процент использования spin master");
- return new()
- {
- IdWellSectionType = wellSection.Id,
- IdMode = idMode,
- DepthStart = depthStart,
- LastUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow,
- DepthEnd = depthEnd,
- Pressure = new()
- {
- Plan = pressurePlan,
- LimitMax = pressureLimitMax
- },
- AxialLoad = new()
- {
- Plan = axialLoadPlan,
- LimitMax = axialLoadLimitMax
- },
- TopDriveTorque = new()
- {
- Plan = topDriveTorquePlan,
- LimitMax = topDriveTorqueLimitMax
- },
- TopDriveSpeed = new()
- {
- Plan = topDriveSpeedPlan,
- LimitMax = topDriveSpeedLimitMax
- },
- Flow = new()
- {
- Plan = flowPlan,
- LimitMax = flowLimitMax
- },
- RopPlan = ropPlan,
- UsageSaub = usageSaub,
- UsageSpin = usageSpin
- };
- }
- private async Task GenerateExcelFileStreamAsync(ProcessMapPlanDto[] processMapPlans,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- using var excelTemplateStream = await GetExcelTemplateStreamAsync(cancellationToken);
- using var workbook = new XLWorkbook(excelTemplateStream, XLEventTracking.Disabled);
- AddToWorkbook(workbook, processMapPlans);
- MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
- workbook.SaveAs(memoryStream, new SaveOptions { });
- memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
- return memoryStream;
- }
- private static int? GetIdMode(string modeName) =>
- modeName switch
- {
- "ручной" => 0,
- "ротор" => 1,
- "слайд" => 2,
- _ => null
- };
- private static string GetModeCaption(int idMode)
- => idMode switch
- {
- 1 => "Ротор",
- 2 => "Слайд",
- _ => "Ручной",
- };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ProcessMap/ProcessMapPlanTemplate.xlsx b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ProcessMap/ProcessMapPlanTemplate.xlsx
deleted file mode 100644
index be2c62e9..00000000
Binary files a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ProcessMap/ProcessMapPlanTemplate.xlsx and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ProcessMap/ProcessMapReportMakerService.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ProcessMap/ProcessMapReportMakerService.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index b33bef19..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ProcessMap/ProcessMapReportMakerService.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMap;
-using AsbCloudApp.Services;
-using ClosedXML.Excel;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.ProcessMap
- public class ProcessMapReportMakerService : IProcessMapReportMakerService
- {
- const int firstColumn = 2;
- const int lastColumn = 42;
- const int headerRowsCount = 5;
- private readonly IProcessMapService processMapService;
- public ProcessMapReportMakerService(IProcessMapService processMapService)
- {
- this.processMapService = processMapService;
- }
- public async Task MakeReportAsync(int idWell, CancellationToken token)
- {
- var stream = GetExcelTemplateStream();
- using var workbook = new XLWorkbook(stream, XLEventTracking.Disabled);
- var data = await processMapService.GetProcessMapReportAsync(idWell, token);
- FillProcessMapToWorkbook(workbook, data);
- MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
- workbook.SaveAs(memoryStream, new SaveOptions { });
- memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
- return memoryStream;
- }
- private static void FillProcessMapToWorkbook(XLWorkbook workbook, IEnumerable data)
- {
- var sheet = workbook.Worksheets.FirstOrDefault();
- if (sheet is null)
- return;
- var dataBySections = data.GroupBy(p => p.IdWellSectionType);
- FillSheet(sheet, dataBySections);
- }
- private static void FillSheet(IXLWorksheet sheet, IEnumerable> dataBySections)
- {
- var startRow = headerRowsCount + 1;
- foreach (var sectionData in dataBySections)
- {
- if(sectionData.Any())
- startRow = FillSection(sheet, sectionData, startRow);
- }
- }
- private static int FillSection(IXLWorksheet sheet, IGrouping sectionData, int row)
- {
- var rowStart = row;
- var sectionName = sectionData.FirstOrDefault()?.WellSectionTypeName
- ?? sectionData.Key.ToString();
- sheet.Range(row, firstColumn, row, lastColumn)
- .Merge()
- .FirstCell()
- .SetVal(sectionName)
- .Style
- .Fill.SetBackgroundColor(XLColor.LightGray);
- row++;
- foreach (var interval in sectionData)
- row = FillIntervalData(sheet, interval, row);
- var sectionStyle = sheet.Range(rowStart, firstColumn, row - 1, lastColumn).Style;
- SetBorders(sectionStyle);
- return row;
- }
- private static int FillIntervalData(IXLWorksheet sheet, ProcessMapReportDto interval, int row)
- {
- const int columnDepth = firstColumn + 1;
- const int columnDate = firstColumn + 2;
- const int columnRopTime = firstColumn + 3;
- const int columnMode = firstColumn + 4;
- sheet.Cell(row, firstColumn)
- .SetVal(interval.DepthStart, "0.0");
- sheet.Cell(row, columnDepth)
- .SetVal(interval.DepthEnd, "0.0");
- sheet.Cell(row, columnDate)
- .SetVal(interval.DateStart);
- sheet.Cell(row, columnRopTime)
- .SetVal(interval.MechDrillingHours);
- row = FillIntervalModeData(sheet, interval, columnMode, row);
- return row;
- }
- private static int FillIntervalModeData(IXLWorksheet sheet, ProcessMapReportDto modeData, int column, int row)
- {
- int columnDeltaDepth = column + 1;
- int columnPressure = columnDeltaDepth + 1;
- int columnLoad = columnPressure + 5;
- int columnTorque = columnLoad + 5;
- int columnSpeed = columnTorque + 5;
- int columnUsagePlan = columnSpeed + 5;
- int columnUsageFact = columnUsagePlan + 1;
- int columnRop = columnUsageFact + 12;
- sheet.Cell(row, column)
- .SetVal(modeData.DrillingMode);
- sheet.Cell(row, columnDeltaDepth)
- .SetVal(modeData.DeltaDepth);
- FillIntervalModeDataParam(sheet, modeData.PressureDiff, columnPressure, row);
- FillIntervalModeDataParam(sheet, modeData.AxialLoad, columnLoad, row);
- FillIntervalModeDataParam(sheet, modeData.TopDriveTorque, columnTorque, row);
- FillIntervalModeDataSpeed(sheet, modeData.SpeedLimit, columnSpeed, row);
- sheet.Cell(row, columnUsagePlan)
- .SetVal(modeData.UsagePlan);
- sheet.Cell(row, columnUsageFact)
- .SetVal(modeData.UsageFact);
- sheet.Cell(row, columnRop)
- .SetVal(modeData.Rop);
- return row + 1;
- }
- private static void FillIntervalModeDataParam(IXLWorksheet sheet, ProcessMapReportParamsDto dataParam, int column, int row)
- {
- const int columnOffsetSpPlan = 0;
- const int columnOffsetSpFact = 1;
- const int columnOffsetFact = 2;
- const int columnOffsetLimit = 3;
- const int columnOffsetPercent = 4;
- sheet.Cell(row, column + columnOffsetSpPlan)
- .SetVal(dataParam.SetpointPlan);
- sheet.Cell(row, column + columnOffsetSpFact)
- .SetVal(dataParam.SetpointFact);
- sheet.Cell(row, column + columnOffsetFact)
- .SetVal(dataParam.Fact);
- sheet.Cell(row, column + columnOffsetLimit)
- .SetVal(dataParam.Limit);
- sheet.Cell(row, column + columnOffsetPercent)
- .SetVal(dataParam.SetpointUsage, format: "0.0");
- }
- private static void FillIntervalModeDataSpeed(IXLWorksheet sheet, ProcessMapReportParamsDto dataParam, int column, int row)
- {
- const int columnOffsetSpPlan = 0;
- const int columnOffsetSpFact = 1;
- const int columnOffsetFact = 2;
- const int columnOffsetLimit = 3;
- const int columnOffsetPercent = 4;
- sheet.Cell(row, column + columnOffsetSpPlan)
- .SetVal(dataParam.SetpointPlan);
- sheet.Cell(row, column + columnOffsetSpFact)
- .SetVal(dataParam.SetpointFact);
- sheet.Cell(row, column + columnOffsetFact)
- .SetVal(dataParam.Fact);
- sheet.Cell(row, column + columnOffsetLimit)
- .SetVal(dataParam.Limit);
- sheet.Cell(row, column + columnOffsetPercent)
- .SetVal(dataParam.SetpointUsage, format: "0.0");
- }
- private static Stream GetExcelTemplateStream()
- {
- var stream = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
- .GetManifestResourceStream("AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.ProcessMap.ProcessMapReportTemplate.xlsx");
- return stream!;
- }
- private static IXLStyle SetBorders(IXLStyle style)
- {
- style.Border.RightBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin ;
- style.Border.LeftBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
- style.Border.TopBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin ;
- style.Border.BottomBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin ;
- style.Border.InsideBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin ;
- return style;
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ProcessMap/ProcessMapService.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ProcessMap/ProcessMapService.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 97df17ed..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ProcessMap/ProcessMapService.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMap;
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.SAUB;
-using AsbCloudApp.Exceptions;
-using AsbCloudApp.Repositories;
-using AsbCloudApp.Services;
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.ProcessMap
- public partial class ProcessMapService : IProcessMapService
- {
- private readonly IWellService wellService;
- private readonly IWellOperationRepository wellOperationRepository;
- private readonly IProcessMapPlanRepository processMapPlanRepository;
- private readonly ITelemetryDataSaubService telemetryDataSaubService;
- public ProcessMapService(
- IWellService wellService,
- IWellOperationRepository wellOperationRepository,
- IProcessMapPlanRepository processMapPlanRepository,
- ITelemetryDataSaubService telemetryDataSaubService)
- {
- this.wellService = wellService;
- this.wellOperationRepository = wellOperationRepository;
- this.processMapPlanRepository = processMapPlanRepository;
- this.telemetryDataSaubService = telemetryDataSaubService;
- }
- ///
- public async Task> GetProcessMapReportAsync(int idWell, CancellationToken token)
- {
- var well = wellService.GetOrDefault(idWell)
- ?? throw new ArgumentInvalidException(nameof(idWell), "idWell not found");
- var idTelemetry = well.IdTelemetry
- ?? throw new ArgumentInvalidException(nameof(idWell), "telemetry by well not found");
- var processMapPlan = await processMapPlanRepository.GetByIdWellAsync(idWell, token);
- if (!processMapPlan.Any())
- return Enumerable.Empty();
- var telemetryDataStat = (await telemetryDataSaubService.GetTelemetryDataStatAsync(idTelemetry, token)).ToArray();
- if (!telemetryDataStat.Any())
- return Enumerable.Empty();
- var result = CalcByIntervals(processMapPlan, telemetryDataStat);
- return result;
- }
- private IEnumerable CalcByIntervals(IEnumerable processMapPlan, TelemetryDataSaubStatDto[] telemetryDataStat)
- {
- var processMapIntervals = CalcDepthIntervals(processMapPlan);
- var result = new List(processMapIntervals.Count() * 4);
- var telemetryIndexStart = Array.FindIndex(telemetryDataStat, t => t.WellDepthMin >= processMapIntervals.First().DepthStart);
- if (telemetryIndexStart < 0)
- return Enumerable.Empty();
- IDictionary sectionTypes = wellOperationRepository
- .GetSectionTypes()
- .ToDictionary(s => s.Id, s => s.Caption);
- foreach (var interval in processMapIntervals)
- {
- // plans [ ][ ]
- // interval [ ]
- var processMapPlanInterval = processMapPlan
- .Where(p => p.DepthStart <= interval.DepthEnd && p.DepthEnd >= interval.DepthStart);
- if (!processMapPlanInterval.Any())
- continue;
- var telemetryIndexEnd = Array.FindIndex(telemetryDataStat, telemetryIndexStart, t => t.WellDepthMin >= interval.DepthEnd);
- if (telemetryIndexEnd < 0)
- telemetryIndexEnd = telemetryDataStat.Length - 1;
- var telemetryDataInterval = telemetryDataStat.AsSpan(telemetryIndexStart, telemetryIndexEnd - telemetryIndexStart);
- IEnumerable subIntervalsResult = CalcSubIntervals(interval, processMapPlanInterval, telemetryDataInterval, sectionTypes);
- result.AddRange(subIntervalsResult);
- telemetryIndexStart = telemetryIndexEnd;
- }
- return result;
- }
- private static IEnumerable<(double DepthStart, double DepthEnd)> CalcDepthIntervals(IEnumerable processMapPlan)
- {
- if(!processMapPlan.Any())
- yield break;
- var intervalStarts = processMapPlan
- .OrderBy(i => i.DepthStart)
- .Select(p => p.DepthStart)
- .Distinct()
- .ToArray();
- for (var i = 1; i < intervalStarts.Length; i++)
- yield return (intervalStarts[i - 1], intervalStarts[i]);
- yield return (intervalStarts[^1], processMapPlan.Max(p=>p.DepthEnd));
- }
- private static IEnumerable CalcSubIntervals(
- (double DepthStart, double DepthEnd) interval,
- IEnumerable processMapPlanInterval,
- Span telemetryDataInterval,
- IDictionary sectionTypes)
- {
- var telemetryDataIntervalLength = telemetryDataInterval.Length;
- if (telemetryDataInterval.Length == 0)
- return Enumerable.Empty();
- var result = new List();
- var telemetryIndexStart = 0;
- var subInterval = interval;
- for (var i = telemetryIndexStart + 1; i < telemetryDataIntervalLength; i++)
- {
- if (IsDifferent(telemetryDataInterval[telemetryIndexStart], telemetryDataInterval[i]))
- {
- subInterval.DepthEnd = telemetryDataInterval[i - 1].WellDepthMax;
- var telemetryRowSpan = telemetryDataInterval[telemetryIndexStart..(i - 1)];
- if (!telemetryRowSpan.IsEmpty)
- {
- var intervalReportRow = CalcSubIntervalReportRow(subInterval, processMapPlanInterval, telemetryRowSpan, sectionTypes);
- result.Add(intervalReportRow);
- }
- telemetryIndexStart = i;
- subInterval.DepthStart = subInterval.DepthEnd;
- }
- }
- subInterval.DepthEnd = interval.DepthEnd;
- var intervalReportRowLast = CalcSubIntervalReportRow(subInterval, processMapPlanInterval, telemetryDataInterval[telemetryIndexStart..telemetryDataIntervalLength], sectionTypes);
- result.Add(intervalReportRowLast);
- return result;
- }
- private static ProcessMapReportDto CalcSubIntervalReportRow(
- (double DepthStart, double DepthEnd) subInterval,
- IEnumerable processMap,
- Span telemetryRowSpan,
- IDictionary sectionTypes)
- {
- var telemetryStat = new TelemetryStat(telemetryRowSpan);
- var processMapByMode = processMap.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IdMode == telemetryStat.IdMode);
- var processMapFirst = processMap.First();
- var idWellSectionType = processMapByMode?.IdWellSectionType ?? processMapFirst.IdWellSectionType;
- var result = new ProcessMapReportDto
- {
- IdWell = processMapByMode?.IdWell ?? processMapFirst.IdWell,
- IdWellSectionType = idWellSectionType,
- WellSectionTypeName = sectionTypes[idWellSectionType],
- DepthStart = subInterval.DepthStart,
- DepthEnd = subInterval.DepthEnd,
- DateStart = telemetryStat.DateStart,
- MechDrillingHours = telemetryStat.MechDrillingHours,
- DrillingMode = telemetryStat.ModeName,
- DeltaDepth = telemetryStat.DeltaDepth,
- PressureDiff = telemetryStat.Pressure.MakeParams(processMapByMode?.Pressure.Plan),
- AxialLoad = telemetryStat.AxialLoad.MakeParams(processMapByMode?.AxialLoad.Plan),
- TopDriveTorque = telemetryStat.RotorTorque.MakeParams(processMapByMode?.TopDriveTorque.Plan),
- SpeedLimit = telemetryStat.BlockSpeed.MakeParams(processMapByMode?.RopPlan),
- Rop = telemetryStat.Rop,
- UsagePlan = processMapByMode?.UsageSaub ?? telemetryStat.UsagePredictPlan,
- UsageFact = telemetryStat.UsageSaub,
- };
- return result;
- }
- private static bool IsDifferent(TelemetryDataSaubStatDto intervalStart, TelemetryDataSaubStatDto current)
- {
- if (intervalStart.WellDepthMin > current.WellDepthMin)
- return true;
- if (intervalStart.IdMode != current.IdMode)
- return true;
- if (Math.Abs(intervalStart.PressureSp - current.PressureSp) > 5d)
- return true;
- if (Math.Abs(intervalStart.AxialLoadSp - current.AxialLoadSp) > 1d)
- return true;
- if (Math.Abs(intervalStart.RotorTorqueSp - current.RotorTorqueSp) > 5d)
- return true;
- var blockSpeedSpDiff = Math.Abs(intervalStart.BlockSpeedSp - current.BlockSpeedSp);
- if (blockSpeedSpDiff > 5d)
- {
- if (intervalStart.BlockSpeedSp <= 30)
- return true;
- else if (intervalStart.BlockSpeedSp > 30 && blockSpeedSpDiff > 15d)
- return true;
- else if (intervalStart.BlockSpeedSp > 80 && blockSpeedSpDiff > 20d)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- class ParamStat
- {
- private double spWSum;
- private double pvWSum;
- private double limitMaxWSum;
- private double deltaDepthSum;
- private readonly Func getterSp;
- private readonly Func getterPv;
- private readonly Func? getterLimitMax;
- private readonly int idFeedRegulator;
- private readonly int idMode;
- private TelemetryDataSaubStatDto? previous;
- public double SpUsageDepth { get; private set; }
- private static double spUsageTotal;
- public ParamStat(Func getterSp,
- Func getterPv,
- Func? getterLimitMax,
- int idFeedRegulator,
- int idMode)
- {
- this.getterSp = getterSp;
- this.getterPv = getterPv;
- this.getterLimitMax = getterLimitMax;
- this.idFeedRegulator = idFeedRegulator;
- this.idMode = idMode;
- spUsageTotal = 0d;
- }
- public void UpdateStat(TelemetryDataSaubStatDto current)
- {
- if(previous is not null)
- {
- var deltaDepth = current.WellDepthMin - previous.WellDepthMin;
- if (deltaDepth > 0)
- {
- var deltaDepthHalf = deltaDepth / 2;
- double CalculateWeight(Func getter) => (getter(previous!) + getter(current)) * deltaDepthHalf;
- spWSum += CalculateWeight(getterSp);
- pvWSum += CalculateWeight(getterPv);
- if(getterLimitMax is not null)
- limitMaxWSum += CalculateWeight(getterLimitMax!);
- if (current.IdFeedRegulator is not null)
- {
- if (current.IdFeedRegulator == idFeedRegulator)
- {
- SpUsageDepth += deltaDepth;
- spUsageTotal += deltaDepth;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- var pvErr = (getterSp(current) - getterPv(current)) / getterSp(current);
- if (pvErr < 0.03d) //3%
- {
- SpUsageDepth += deltaDepth;
- spUsageTotal += deltaDepth;
- }
- }
- deltaDepthSum += deltaDepth;
- }
- }
- previous = current;
- }
- public ProcessMapReportParamsDto MakeParams(double? spPlan)
- {
- var result = new ProcessMapReportParamsDto
- {
- SetpointPlan = spPlan,
- Fact = DivideValByDepth(pvWSum),
- };
- if (idMode == 0)
- {
- result.SetpointFact = null;
- result.Limit = null;
- result.SetpointUsage = null;
- }
- else
- {
- result.SetpointFact = DivideValByDepth(spWSum);
- result.Limit = (getterLimitMax is not null) ? DivideValByDepth(limitMaxWSum) : null;
- result.SetpointUsage = deltaDepthSum > 0d ? 100d * SpUsageDepth / spUsageTotal : null;
- }
- return result;
- }
- private double? DivideValByDepth(double? val)
- {
- if(val is null || val == 0d || deltaDepthSum == 0d)
- return null;
- return val / deltaDepthSum;
- }
- }
- class TelemetryStat {
- public ParamStat Pressure { get; }
- public ParamStat AxialLoad {get; }
- public ParamStat RotorTorque {get; }
- public ParamStat BlockSpeed {get; }
- private TelemetryDataSaubStatDto? previous;
- private double depthSum = 0d;
- private double hoursSum = 0d;
- public double? Rop => hoursSum == 0d ? null : depthSum / hoursSum;
- private double depthWithSaub = 0d;
- public double UsageSaub { get; }
- public double UsagePredictPlan { get; }
- public DateTime DateStart { get; }
- public float DeltaDepth { get; }
- public int IdMode { get; }
- public string ModeName { get; }
- public double MechDrillingHours { get; }
- public TelemetryStat(Span telemetry)
- {
- var telemetryFirst = telemetry[0];
- var telemetryLast = telemetry[^1];
- IdMode = telemetryFirst.IdMode;
- ModeName = GetModeName(IdMode);
- DateStart = telemetryFirst.DateMin;
- DeltaDepth = telemetryLast.WellDepthMax - telemetryFirst.WellDepthMin;
- MechDrillingHours = (telemetryLast.DateMax - telemetryFirst.DateMin).TotalHours;
- BlockSpeed = new(t => t.BlockSpeedSp, t => t.BlockSpeed, null, 1, IdMode);
- Pressure = new(t => t.PressureSpDelta, t => t.PressureDelta, t=>t.PressureDeltaLimitMax, 2, IdMode);
- RotorTorque = new(t => t.RotorTorqueSp, t => t.RotorTorque, t=>t.RotorTorqueLimitMax, 3, IdMode);
- AxialLoad = new(t => t.AxialLoadSp, t => t.AxialLoad, t=>t.AxialLoadLimitMax, 4, IdMode);
- for (int i = 0; i < telemetry.Length; i++)
- UpdateStat(telemetry[i]);
- UsageSaub = 100d * depthWithSaub / depthSum;
- UsagePredictPlan = IdMode != 0 ? 100d : 0d;
- }
- private void UpdateStat(TelemetryDataSaubStatDto current)
- {
- if(previous is not null)
- {
- var deltaDepth = current.WellDepthMin - previous.WellDepthMin;
- if(deltaDepth > 0)
- {
- var deltaHours = (current.DateMin - previous.DateMax).TotalHours;
- depthSum += deltaDepth;
- hoursSum += deltaHours;
- if(current.IdMode == 1 || current.IdMode == 3)
- depthWithSaub += deltaDepth;
- }
- }
- previous = current;
- Pressure.UpdateStat(current);
- AxialLoad.UpdateStat(current);
- RotorTorque.UpdateStat(current);
- BlockSpeed.UpdateStat(current);
- }
- private static string GetModeName(int idMode)
- => idMode switch
- {
- 1 => "Ротор",
- 3 => "Слайд",
- _ => "Ручной",
- };
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ProcessMap/ProcessMapWellboreDevelopment/ProcessMapWellboreDevelopmentService.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ProcessMap/ProcessMapWellboreDevelopment/ProcessMapWellboreDevelopmentService.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a709cda..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ProcessMap/ProcessMapWellboreDevelopment/ProcessMapWellboreDevelopmentService.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMap;
-using AsbCloudApp.Exceptions;
-using AsbCloudApp.Repositories;
-using AsbCloudApp.Services;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.ProcessMap.ProcessMapWellboreDevelopment;
-public class ProcessMapWellboreDevelopmentService : IProcessMapWellboreDevelopmentService
- private readonly ITelemetryService telemetryService;
- private readonly IWellService wellService;
- private readonly IProcessMapWellboreDevelopmentRepository processMapWellboreDevelopmentRepository;
- public ProcessMapWellboreDevelopmentService(ITelemetryService telemetryService,
- IWellService wellService,
- IProcessMapWellboreDevelopmentRepository processMapWellboreDevelopmentRepository)
- {
- this.telemetryService = telemetryService;
- this.wellService = wellService;
- this.processMapWellboreDevelopmentRepository = processMapWellboreDevelopmentRepository;
- }
- public async Task InsertAsync(ProcessMapWellboreDevelopmentDto processMapWellboreDevelopment, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- var well = await wellService.GetOrDefaultAsync(processMapWellboreDevelopment.IdWell, cancellationToken)
- ?? throw new ArgumentInvalidException(nameof(processMapWellboreDevelopment.IdWell),
- $"Скважины с Id: {processMapWellboreDevelopment.IdWell} не существует");
- processMapWellboreDevelopment.LastUpdate = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
- return await processMapWellboreDevelopmentRepository.InsertAsync(processMapWellboreDevelopment, cancellationToken);
- }
- public async Task UpdateAsync(ProcessMapWellboreDevelopmentDto processMapWellboreDevelopment, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- var well = await wellService.GetOrDefaultAsync(processMapWellboreDevelopment.IdWell, cancellationToken);
- if (well is null)
- throw new ArgumentInvalidException(nameof(processMapWellboreDevelopment.IdWell),
- $"Скважины с Id: {processMapWellboreDevelopment.IdWell} не существует");
- processMapWellboreDevelopment.LastUpdate = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
- var result = await processMapWellboreDevelopmentRepository.UpdateAsync(processMapWellboreDevelopment, cancellationToken);
- if (result == ICrudRepository.ErrorIdNotFound)
- throw new ArgumentInvalidException(nameof(processMapWellboreDevelopment.Id),
- $"Проработки с Id: {processMapWellboreDevelopment.Id} не существует");
- return result;
- }
- public async Task> GetByTelemetryAsync(string uid, DateTime updateFrom,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- var idWell = telemetryService.GetIdWellByTelemetryUid(uid);
- if (!idWell.HasValue)
- throw new ArgumentInvalidException(nameof(uid), $"Неправильный телеметрии. Uid: {uid}");
- return await processMapWellboreDevelopmentRepository.GetAllAsync(idWell.Value, updateFrom, cancellationToken);
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ProcessMap/XLExtentions.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ProcessMap/XLExtentions.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index fdf830e7..00000000
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/ProcessMap/XLExtentions.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-using ClosedXML.Excel;
-using System;
-namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.ProcessMap;
-internal static class XLExtentions
- public static IXLCell SetVal(this IXLCell cell, string value, bool adaptRowHeight = false)
- {
- cell.Value = value;
- if (adaptRowHeight)
- {
- var colWidth = cell.WorksheetColumn().Width;
- var maxCharsToWrap = colWidth / (0.1d * cell.Style.Font.FontSize);
- if (value.Length > maxCharsToWrap)
- {
- var row = cell.WorksheetRow();
- var baseHeight = row.Height;
- row.Height = 0.5d * baseHeight * Math.Ceiling(1d + value.Length / maxCharsToWrap);
- }
- }
- return cell;
- }
- public static IXLCell SetVal(this IXLCell cell, DateTime value, string dateFormat = "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS")
- {
- cell.Value = value;
- cell.DataType = XLDataType.DateTime;
- cell.Style.DateFormat.Format = dateFormat;
- return cell;
- }
- public static IXLCell SetVal(this IXLCell cell, int? value, string format = "0.00")
- {
- cell.Value = value;
- cell.DataType = XLDataType.Number;
- cell.Style.NumberFormat.Format = format;
- return cell;
- }
- public static IXLCell SetVal(this IXLCell cell, double? value, string format = "0.00")
- {
- cell.Value = (value is not null && double.IsFinite(value.Value)) ? value : null;
- cell.DataType = XLDataType.Number;
- cell.Style.NumberFormat.Format = format;
- return cell;
- }
diff --git a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/WellInfoService.cs b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/WellInfoService.cs
index eea573cc..bbe261bf 100644
--- a/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/WellInfoService.cs
+++ b/AsbCloudInfrastructure/Services/WellInfoService.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Data;
-using AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMap;
using AsbCloudApp.Data.SAUB;
using AsbCloudApp.Data.WITS;
using AsbCloudApp.Repositories;
@@ -15,6 +14,7 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMaps;
using AsbCloudApp.IntegrationEvents;
using AsbCloudApp.IntegrationEvents.Interfaces;
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
var wellService = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService();
var operationsStatService = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService();
- var processMapRepository = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService();
+ var wellDrillingProcessMapRepository = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService();
var subsystemOperationTimeService = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService();
var telemetryDataSaubCache = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService>();
var messageHub = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService>();
@@ -75,10 +75,10 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
var wellsIds = wells.Select(w => w.Id);
- var processMapRequests = wellsIds.Select(id => new ProcessMapRequest { IdWell = id });
- var processMaps = await processMapRepository.GetProcessMapAsync(processMapRequests, token);
+ var wellDrillingProcessMapRequests = wellsIds.Select(id => new WellDrillingProcessMapRequest { IdWell = id });
+ var wellDrillingProcessMaps = await wellDrillingProcessMapRepository.GetAsync(wellDrillingProcessMapRequests, token);
- var wellDepthByProcessMap = processMaps
+ var wellDepthByProcessMap = wellDrillingProcessMaps
.GroupBy(p => p.IdWell)
.Select(g => new
@@ -113,20 +113,20 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
var wellLastFactSection = wellOperationsStat?.Sections.LastOrDefault(s => s.Fact is not null);
currentDepth ??= wellLastFactSection?.Fact?.WellDepthEnd;
- var wellProcessMaps = processMaps
+ var wellProcessMaps = wellDrillingProcessMaps
.Where(p => p.IdWell == well.Id)
.OrderBy(p => p.DepthEnd);
int? idSection = wellLastFactSection?.Id;
- ProcessMapPlanDto? wellProcessMap = null;
+ WellDrillingProcessMapDto? wellDrillingProcessMap = null;
if (idSection.HasValue)
- wellProcessMap = wellProcessMaps.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IdWellSectionType == idSection);
+ wellDrillingProcessMap = wellProcessMaps.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IdWellSectionType == idSection);
else if(currentDepth.HasValue)
- wellProcessMap = wellProcessMaps.FirstOrDefault(p => p.DepthStart <= currentDepth.Value && p.DepthEnd >= currentDepth.Value);
+ wellDrillingProcessMap = wellProcessMaps.FirstOrDefault(p => p.DepthStart <= currentDepth.Value && p.DepthEnd >= currentDepth.Value);
double? planTotalDepth = null;
@@ -142,25 +142,25 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
wellMapInfo.AxialLoad = new()
- Plan = wellProcessMap?.AxialLoad.Plan,
+ Plan = wellDrillingProcessMap?.AxialLoad.Plan,
Fact = lastSaubTelemetry?.AxialLoad
wellMapInfo.TopDriveSpeed = new()
- Plan = wellProcessMap?.TopDriveSpeed.Plan,
+ Plan = wellDrillingProcessMap?.TopDriveSpeed.Plan,
Fact = lastSaubTelemetry?.RotorSpeed
wellMapInfo.TopDriveTorque = new()
- Plan = wellProcessMap?.TopDriveTorque.Plan,
+ Plan = wellDrillingProcessMap?.TopDriveTorque.Plan,
Fact = lastSaubTelemetry?.RotorTorque
wellMapInfo.Pressure = new()
- Plan = wellProcessMap?.Pressure.Plan,
+ Plan = wellDrillingProcessMap?.Pressure.Plan,
Fact = lastSaubTelemetry?.Pressure
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services
wellMapInfo.ROP = new()
- Plan = wellProcessMap?.RopPlan,
+ Plan = wellDrillingProcessMap?.RopPlan,
Fact = wellOperationsStat?.Total.Fact?.Rop,