Интеграционный тест для получения ртк-отчета

This commit is contained in:
Olga Nemt 2024-02-28 13:11:44 +05:00
parent 6cf23e3e8c
commit f570e82b41
2 changed files with 253 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Data;
using AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMaps;
using AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMaps.Report;
using AsbCloudApp.Requests;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Refit;
namespace AsbCloudWebApi.IntegrationTests.Clients;
public interface IProcessMapReportDrilling
private const string BaseRoute = "/api/well/{idWell}/ProcessMapReportDrilling";
Task<IApiResponse<IEnumerable<ProcessMapReportDataSaubStatDto>>> GetReportAsync(int idWell, [FromQuery] DataSaubStatRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken);

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@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
using AsbCloudApp.Requests;
using AsbCloudDb.Model.ProcessMapPlan;
using AsbCloudWebApi.IntegrationTests.Clients;
using Mapster;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using System.Net;
using System.Reflection;
using AsbCloudDb.Model.ProcessMaps;
using AsbCloudWebApi.IntegrationTests.Data;
using Refit;
using Xunit;
using AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMaps;
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
namespace AsbCloudWebApi.IntegrationTests.Controllers.ProcessMapPlan;
public class ProcessMapReportDrillingControllerTest: BaseIntegrationTest
private readonly WellSectionType wellSection = new WellSectionType()
Id = 1,
Caption = "Секция 1",
Order = 1
private readonly WellOperationCategory wellOperationCategory = new WellOperationCategory()
Id = 1,
IdParent = null,
KeyValueName = "Name",
Name = "Name"
private readonly WellOperation wellOperation = new WellOperation()
CategoryInfo= "CategoryInfo",
Id = 10,
Comment = "Comment",
DateStart = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
DepthEnd = 1,
DepthStart = 0.6,
DurationHours = 10,
IdCategory = 1,
IdPlan = null,
IdType = 1,
IdUser = 1,
IdWell = 1,
IdWellSectionType = 1,
LastUpdateDate = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow
private readonly List<DataSaubStat> dataSaubStats = new List<DataSaubStat>()
new DataSaubStat()
AxialLoad = 0,
AxialLoadLimitMax = 10,
AxialLoadSp = 8,
BlockSpeedSp = 50.0,
DateEnd = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
DateStart = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(-1),
DepthEnd = 85.99299621582031,
DepthStart = 85.9260025024414,
EnabledSubsystems = 0,
Flow = 10,
HasOscillation = true,
Id = 1,
IdCategory = 1,
IdFeedRegulator = 0,
IdTelemetry = 1,
Pressure = 24,
PressureIdle = 0,
PressureSp = 40,
RotorSpeed = 11.3,
RotorTorque = 1,
RotorTorqueLimitMax = 26.5,
RotorTorqueSp = 5,
Speed = 80.3924560546875
new DataSaubStat()
AxialLoad = 2,
AxialLoadLimitMax = 10.0,
AxialLoadSp = 8,
BlockSpeedSp = 20,
DateEnd = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(-1),
DateStart = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(-2),
DepthEnd = 86.28099822998047,
DepthStart = 86.21900177001953,
EnabledSubsystems = 1,
Flow = 20,
HasOscillation = true,
Id = 2,
IdCategory = 1,
IdFeedRegulator = 1,
IdTelemetry = 1,
Pressure = 30,
PressureIdle = 20,
PressureSp = 40,
RotorSpeed = 11.251153300212916,
RotorTorque = 7,
RotorTorqueLimitMax = 26.5,
RotorTorqueSp = 9,
Speed = 74.395751953125
new DataSaubStat()
AxialLoad = 4,
AxialLoadLimitMax = 15.0,
AxialLoadSp = 8,
BlockSpeedSp = 110.0,
DateEnd = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(-2),
DateStart = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(-3),
DepthEnd = 106.7490005493164,
DepthStart = 106.47899627685547,
EnabledSubsystems = 1,
Flow = 30,
HasOscillation = true,
Id = 3,
IdCategory = 1,
IdFeedRegulator = 1,
IdTelemetry = 1,
Pressure = 36,
PressureIdle = 23.0,
PressureSp = 63.0,
RotorSpeed = 11.334207942999628,
RotorTorque = 14,
RotorTorqueLimitMax = 15.0,
RotorTorqueSp = 13,
Speed = 108.001708984375
private readonly ProcessMapPlanDrilling entity = new ()
Id = 0,
IdAuthor = 1,
IdEditor = null,
Creation = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
Obsolete = null,
IdState = AsbCloudDb.Model.ChangeLogAbstract.IdStateActual,
IdPrevious = null,
IdWell = 1,
IdWellSectionType = 1,
DepthStart = 0.5,
DepthEnd = 1.5,
IdMode = 1,
AxialLoadPlan = 2.718281,
AxialLoadLimitMax = 3.1415926,
DeltaPressurePlan = 4,
DeltaPressureLimitMax = 5,
TopDriveTorquePlan = 6,
TopDriveTorqueLimitMax = 7,
TopDriveSpeedPlan = 8,
TopDriveSpeedLimitMax = 9,
FlowPlan = 10,
FlowLimitMax = 11,
RopPlan = 12,
UsageSaub = 13,
UsageSpin = 14,
Comment = "это тестовая запись",
private IProcessMapReportDrilling client;
public ProcessMapReportDrillingControllerTest(WebAppFactoryFixture factory) : base(factory)
client = factory.GetAuthorizedHttpClient<IProcessMapReportDrilling>();
public async Task Get_rtk_report_returns_success()
var dbset = dbContext.Set<ProcessMapPlanDrilling>();
entity.Id = 1;
entity.Id = 2;
var dbSetWellOperationCategory = dbContext.Set<WellOperationCategory>();
var dbSetWellOperation = dbContext.Set<WellOperation>();
var dbSetDataSaubStat = dbContext.Set<DataSaubStat>();
var request = new DataSaubStatRequest();
var response = await client.GetReportAsync(1, request, CancellationToken.None);
Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);
Assert.Equal(dataSaubStats.Count() - 1, response.Content.Count());
request = new DataSaubStatRequest() {
DeltaAxialLoad = 5,
DeltaPressure = 15,
DeltaRotorTorque = 10
response = await client.GetReportAsync(1, request, CancellationToken.None);
Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);
Assert.Equal(1, response.Content.Count());
request = new DataSaubStatRequest()
DeltaAxialLoad = 15,
DeltaPressure = 25,
DeltaRotorTorque = 20
response = await client.GetReportAsync(1, request, CancellationToken.None);
Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, response.StatusCode);