using System; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations; using Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL.Metadata; #nullable disable namespace AsbCloudDb.Migrations { public partial class Add_Table_DataSaubStat : Migration { protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder) { migrationBuilder.CreateTable( name: "t_data_saub_stat", columns: table => new { id = table.Column(type: "integer", nullable: false) .Annotation("Npgsql:ValueGenerationStrategy", NpgsqlValueGenerationStrategy.IdentityByDefaultColumn), date_start = table.Column(type: "timestamp with time zone", nullable: false, comment: "Дата и время начала"), date_end = table.Column(type: "timestamp with time zone", nullable: false, comment: "Дата и время окончания"), depth_start = table.Column(type: "double precision", nullable: false, comment: "Глубина забоя по стволу начальная"), depth_end = table.Column(type: "double precision", nullable: false, comment: "Глубина забоя по стволу конечная"), speed = table.Column(type: "double precision", nullable: false, comment: "Скорость бурения"), block_speed_sp = table.Column(type: "double precision", nullable: true, comment: "Ограничение скорости блока"), pressure = table.Column(type: "double precision", nullable: false, comment: "Давление"), pressure_idle = table.Column(type: "double precision", nullable: true, comment: "Давление холостого хода"), pressure_sp = table.Column(type: "double precision", nullable: true, comment: "Ограничение фактического давления"), axial_load = table.Column(type: "double precision", nullable: false, comment: "Фактическая нагрузка"), axial_load_sp = table.Column(type: "double precision", nullable: true, comment: "Ограничение факт. нагрузки"), axial_load_limit_max = table.Column(type: "double precision", nullable: true, comment: "Максимально допустимая нагрузка"), rotor_torque = table.Column(type: "double precision", nullable: false, comment: "Фактический момент"), rotor_torque_sp = table.Column(type: "double precision", nullable: true, comment: "Ограничение факт. момента"), rotor_torque_limit_max = table.Column(type: "double precision", nullable: true, comment: "Максимально допустимый момент"), id_feed_regulator = table.Column(type: "smallint", nullable: true, comment: "Работа при достижении ограничения"), rotor_speed = table.Column(type: "double precision", nullable: false, comment: "Фактическая скорость оборотов ВСП"), detected_operation_category_id = table.Column(type: "integer", nullable: false, comment: "Название автоопределённой операции"), enabled_subsystems = table.Column(type: "integer", nullable: false, comment: "Флаги подсистем"), has_oscillation = table.Column(type: "boolean", nullable: false, comment: "Наличие или отсутствие осцилляции"), flow = table.Column(type: "double precision", nullable: false, comment: "Фактический расход"), id_telemetry = table.Column(type: "integer", nullable: false, comment: "Ключ телеметрии") }, constraints: table => { table.PrimaryKey("PK_t_data_saub_stat", x =>; table.ForeignKey( name: "FK_t_data_saub_stat_t_telemetry_id_telemetry", column: x => x.id_telemetry, principalTable: "t_telemetry", principalColumn: "id", onDelete: ReferentialAction.Cascade); }, comment: "Кеш-таблица для хранения данных для РТК-отчета"); migrationBuilder.CreateIndex( name: "IX_t_data_saub_stat_id_telemetry", table: "t_data_saub_stat", column: "id_telemetry"); } protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder) { migrationBuilder.DropTable( name: "t_data_saub_stat"); } } }