forked from ddrilling/AsbCloudServer
FilesService move FileSharing functions to GoogleDriveService; FilesService.CreateFileMarkAsync() Move drillingProgram related logic into DrillingProgramService.CreateFileMarkAsync(); FilesService.MarkFileMarkAsDeletedAsync() Move drillingProgram related logic into DrillingProgramService.MarkFileMarkAsDeletedAsync(); IGoogleDriveService cleanup and rename to IFileShareService; GoogleDriveService check token before usage and resresh it id needeed; DrillingProgramController move logic to service; DrillingProgramController use dto; FileController remove unused method;
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using AsbCloudApp.Data;
using AsbCloudApp.Services;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace AsbCloudWebApi.Controllers
public class FileController : ControllerBase
private readonly IFileService fileService;
private readonly IWellService wellService;
public FileController(IFileService fileService, IWellService wellService)
this.fileService = fileService;
this.wellService = wellService;
/// <summary>
/// Сохраняет переданные файлы и информацию о них
/// </summary>
/// <param name="idWell">id скважины</param>
/// <param name="idCategory">id категории файла</param>
/// <param name="files">Коллекция файлов</param>
/// <param name="token"> Токен отмены задачи </param>
/// <returns></returns>
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(int), (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)]
public async Task<IActionResult> SaveFilesAsync(int idWell, int idCategory,
[FromForm] IFormFileCollection files, CancellationToken token = default)
int? idCompany = User.GetCompanyId();
int? idUser = User.GetUserId();
if (idCompany is null || idUser is null)
return Forbid();
if (!await wellService.IsCompanyInvolvedInWellAsync((int)idCompany,
idWell, token).ConfigureAwait(false))
return Forbid();
var fileInfoCollection = files.Select(f => new FileInfoDto
Name = f.FileName,
IdCategory = idCategory,
UploadDate = DateTime.Now
foreach (var file in files)
var fileStream = file.OpenReadStream();
await fileService.SaveAsync(idWell, idUser??0, idCategory, file.FileName,
return Ok();
/// <summary>
/// Возвращает информацию о файлах для скважины в выбраной категории
/// </summary>
/// <param name="idWell">id скважины</param>
/// <param name="idCategory">id категории файла</param>
/// <param name="companyName">id компаний для фильтрации возвращаемых файлов</param>
/// <param name="fileName">часть имени файла для поиска</param>
/// <param name="begin">дата начала</param>
/// <param name="end">дата окончания</param>
/// <param name="skip">для пагинации кол-во записей пропустить</param>
/// <param name="take">для пагинации кол-во записей взять </param>
/// <param name="token"> Токен отмены задачи </param>
/// <returns>Список информации о файлах в этой категории</returns>
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(PaginationContainer<FileInfoDto>), (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetFilesInfoAsync(
[FromRoute] int idWell,
int idCategory = default,
string companyName = default,
string fileName = default,
DateTime begin = default,
DateTime end = default,
int skip = 0,
int take = 32,
CancellationToken token = default)
int? idCompany = User.GetCompanyId();
if (idCompany is null || !await wellService.IsCompanyInvolvedInWellAsync((int)idCompany,
idWell, token).ConfigureAwait(false))
return Forbid();
var filesInfo = await fileService.GetInfosAsync(idWell, idCategory,
companyName, fileName, begin, end, skip, take, token).ConfigureAwait(false);
return Ok(filesInfo);
/// <summary>
/// Возвращает файл с диска на сервере
/// </summary>
/// <param name="idWell">id скважины</param>
/// <param name="fileId">id запрашиваемого файла</param>
/// <param name="token"> Токен отмены задачи </param>
/// <returns>Запрашиваемый файл</returns>
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(PhysicalFileResult), (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetFileAsync([FromRoute] int idWell,
int fileId, CancellationToken token = default)
int? idCompany = User.GetCompanyId();
if (idCompany is null)
return Forbid();
if (!await wellService.IsCompanyInvolvedInWellAsync((int)idCompany,
idWell, token).ConfigureAwait(false))
return Forbid();
var fileInfo = await fileService.GetInfoAsync(fileId, token);
if (fileInfo is null)
throw new FileNotFoundException();
var relativePath = fileService.GetUrl(fileInfo);
return PhysicalFile(Path.GetFullPath(relativePath), "application/octet-stream", fileInfo.Name);
catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
return NotFound($"Файл не найден. Текст ошибки: {ex.Message}");
/// <summary>
/// Помечает файл как удаленный
/// </summary>
/// <param name="idWell">id скважины</param>
/// <param name="idFile">id запрашиваемого файла</param>
/// <param name="token">Токен отмены задачи </param>
/// <returns></returns>
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(int), (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)]
public async Task<IActionResult> DeleteAsync(int idWell, int idFile,
CancellationToken token = default)
int? idCompany = User.GetCompanyId();
if (idCompany is null || !await wellService.IsCompanyInvolvedInWellAsync((int)idCompany,
idWell, token).ConfigureAwait(false))
return Forbid();
var result = await fileService.MarkAsDeletedAsync(idFile, token);
return Ok(result);
/// <summary>
/// Создает метку для файла
/// </summary>
/// <param name="idWell">id скважины </param>
/// <param name="markDto">метка файла</param>
/// <param name="token">Токен отмены задачи </param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<IActionResult> CreateFileMarkAsync(int idWell, FileMarkDto markDto, CancellationToken token = default)
var idCompany = User.GetCompanyId();
var idUser = User.GetUserId();
if (idCompany is null || idUser is null ||
!await wellService.IsCompanyInvolvedInWellAsync((int)idCompany,
idWell, token).ConfigureAwait(false))
return Forbid();
var result = await fileService.CreateFileMarkAsync(markDto, (int)idUser, token)
return Ok(result);
/// <summary>
/// Помечает метку у файла как удаленную
/// </summary>
/// <param name="idWell">id скважины </param>
/// <param name="idMark">id метки </param>
/// <param name="token">Токен отмены задачи </param>
/// <returns></returns>
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(int), (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)]
public async Task<IActionResult> DeleteFileMarkAsync(int idWell, int idMark,
CancellationToken token = default)
var idCompany = User.GetCompanyId();
if (idCompany is null || !await wellService.IsCompanyInvolvedInWellAsync((int)idCompany,
idWell, token).ConfigureAwait(false))
return Forbid();
var result = await fileService.MarkFileMarkAsDeletedAsync(idMark, token)
return Ok(result);