forked from ddrilling/AsbCloudServer
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using AsbCloudApp.Data;
using AsbCloudApp.Repositories;
using AsbCloudApp.Requests;
using AsbCloudApp.Services;
using AsbCloudDb;
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
using Mapster;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Repository;
/// <summary>
/// репозиторий операций по скважине
/// </summary>
public class WellOperationRepository : IWellOperationRepository
private const string KeyCacheSections = "OperationsBySectionSummarties";
private readonly IAsbCloudDbContext db;
private readonly IMemoryCache memoryCache;
private readonly IWellService wellService;
private readonly IWellOperationCategoryRepository wellOperationCategoryRepository;
public WellOperationRepository(IAsbCloudDbContext db, IMemoryCache memoryCache, IWellService wellService, IWellOperationCategoryRepository wellOperationCategoryRepository)
this.db = db;
this.memoryCache = memoryCache;
this.wellService = wellService;
this.wellOperationCategoryRepository = wellOperationCategoryRepository;
public IEnumerable<WellSectionTypeDto> GetSectionTypes() =>
.OrderBy(s => s.Order)
.Select(s => s.Adapt<WellSectionTypeDto>());
public async Task<WellOperationPlanDto> GetOperationsPlanAsync(int idWell, DateTime? currentDate, CancellationToken token)
var timezone = wellService.GetTimezone(idWell);
var request = new WellOperationRequest()
IdWell = idWell,
OperationType = WellOperation.IdOperationTypePlan,
var dtos = await BuildQuery(request)
var dateLastAssosiatedPlanOperation = await GetDateLastAssosiatedPlanOperationAsync(idWell, currentDate, timezone.Hours, token);
var result = new WellOperationPlanDto()
WellOperationsPlan = dtos.Select(Convert),
DateLastAssosiatedPlanOperation = dateLastAssosiatedPlanOperation
return result;
private async Task<DateTime?> GetDateLastAssosiatedPlanOperationAsync(
int idWell,
DateTime? lessThenDate,
double timeZoneHours,
CancellationToken token)
if (lessThenDate is null)
return null;
var currentDateOffset = lessThenDate.Value.ToUtcDateTimeOffset(timeZoneHours);
var timeZoneOffset = TimeSpan.FromHours(timeZoneHours);
var lastFactOperation = await db.WellOperations
.Where(o => o.IdWell == idWell)
.Where(o => o.IdType == WellOperation.IdOperationTypeFact)
.Where(o => o.IdPlan != null)
.Where(o => o.DateStart < currentDateOffset)
.Include(x => x.OperationPlan)
.OrderByDescending(x => x.DateStart)
if (lastFactOperation is not null)
return DateTime.SpecifyKind(lastFactOperation.OperationPlan!.DateStart.UtcDateTime + timeZoneOffset, DateTimeKind.Unspecified);
return null;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public async Task<IEnumerable<SectionByOperationsDto>> GetSectionsAsync(IEnumerable<int> idsWells, CancellationToken token)
var cache = await memoryCache.GetOrCreateAsync(KeyCacheSections, async (entry) =>
entry.AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
var query = db.Set<WellOperation>()
.GroupBy(operation => new
.Select(group => new
First = group
.OrderBy(operation => operation.DateStart)
.Select(operation => new
Last = group
.OrderByDescending(operation => operation.DateStart)
.Select(operation => new
var dbData = await query.ToArrayAsync(token);
var sections = dbData.Select(
item => new SectionByOperationsDto
IdWell = item.IdWell,
IdType = item.IdType,
IdWellSectionType = item.IdWellSectionType,
Caption = item.Caption,
DateStart = item.First.DateStart,
DepthStart = item.First.DepthStart,
DateEnd = item.Last.DateStart.AddHours(item.Last.DurationHours),
DepthEnd = item.Last.DepthEnd,
entry.Value = sections;
return sections;
var sections = cache.Where(s => idsWells.Contains(s.IdWell));
return sections;
public async Task<DatesRangeDto?> GetDatesRangeAsync(int idWell, int idType, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var timezone = wellService.GetTimezone(idWell);
var query = db.WellOperations.Where(o => o.IdWell == idWell && o.IdType == idType);
if (!await query.AnyAsync(cancellationToken))
return null;
var minDate = await query.MinAsync(o => o.DateStart, cancellationToken);
var maxDate = await query.MaxAsync(o => o.DateStart, cancellationToken);
return new DatesRangeDto
From = minDate.ToRemoteDateTime(timezone.Hours),
To = maxDate.ToRemoteDateTime(timezone.Hours)
/// <inheritdoc/>
public DateTimeOffset? FirstOperationDate(int idWell)
var sections = GetSectionsAsync(new[] { idWell }, CancellationToken.None).Result;
var first = sections.FirstOrDefault(section => section.IdType == WellOperation.IdOperationTypeFact)
?? sections.FirstOrDefault(section => section.IdType == WellOperation.IdOperationTypePlan);
return first?.DateStart;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public async Task<IEnumerable<WellOperationDto>> GetAsync(
WellOperationRequest request,
CancellationToken token)
var query = BuildQuery(request)
var dtos = await query.ToArrayAsync(token);
return dtos.Select(Convert);
public async Task<IEnumerable<WellOperationDataDto>> GetAsync(
WellsOperationRequest request,
CancellationToken token)
var query = BuildQuery(request)
var dtos = await query.ToArrayAsync(token);
return dtos;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public async Task<PaginationContainer<WellOperationDto>> GetPageAsync(
WellOperationRequest request,
CancellationToken token)
var query = BuildQuery(request);
var result = new PaginationContainer<WellOperationDto>
Skip = request.Skip ?? 0,
Take = request.Take ?? 32,
Count = await query.CountAsync(token),
var dtos = await query.ToArrayAsync(token);
result.Items = dtos.Select(Convert);
return result;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public async Task<WellOperationDto?> GetOrDefaultAsync(int id,
CancellationToken token)
var entity = await db.WellOperations
.Include(s => s.WellSectionType)
.Include(s => s.OperationCategory)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(e => e.Id == id, token)
if (entity is null)
return null;
var timezone = wellService.GetTimezone(entity.IdWell);
var dto = entity.Adapt<WellOperationDto>();
dto.WellSectionTypeName = entity.WellSectionType.Caption;
dto.DateStart = entity.DateStart.ToRemoteDateTime(timezone.Hours);
dto.CategoryName = entity.OperationCategory.Name;
return dto;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public async Task<IEnumerable<WellGroupOpertionDto>> GetGroupOperationsStatAsync(
WellOperationRequest request,
CancellationToken token)
// TODO: Rename controller method
request.OperationType = WellOperation.IdOperationTypeFact;
var query = BuildQuery(request);
var entities = await query
.Select(o => new
DurationMinutes = o.DurationHours * 60,
DurationDepth = o.DepthEnd - o.DepthStart
var parentRelationDictionary = wellOperationCategoryRepository.Get(true)
.ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => new
var dtos = entities
.GroupBy(o => o.IdCategory)
.Select(g => new WellGroupOpertionDto
IdCategory = g.Key,
Category = parentRelationDictionary[g.Key].Name,
Count = g.Count(),
MinutesAverage = g.Average(o => o.DurationMinutes),
MinutesMin = g.Min(o => o.DurationMinutes),
MinutesMax = g.Max(o => o.DurationMinutes),
TotalMinutes = g.Sum(o => o.DurationMinutes),
DeltaDepth = g.Sum(o => o.DurationDepth),
IdParent = parentRelationDictionary[g.Key].IdParent
while (dtos.All(x => x.IdParent != null))
dtos = dtos
.GroupBy(o => o.IdParent!)
.Select(g =>
var idCategory = g.Key ?? int.MinValue;
var category = parentRelationDictionary.GetValueOrDefault(idCategory);
var newDto = new WellGroupOpertionDto
IdCategory = idCategory,
Category = category?.Name ?? "unknown",
Count = g.Sum(o => o.Count),
DeltaDepth = g.Sum(o => o.DeltaDepth),
TotalMinutes = g.Sum(o => o.TotalMinutes),
Items = g.ToList(),
IdParent = category?.IdParent,
return newDto;
return dtos;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public async Task<int> InsertRangeAsync(
IEnumerable<WellOperationDto> wellOperationDtos,
CancellationToken token)
var firstOperation = wellOperationDtos
if (firstOperation is null)
return 0;
var idWell = firstOperation.IdWell;
var timezone = wellService.GetTimezone(idWell);
foreach (var dto in wellOperationDtos)
var entity = dto.Adapt<WellOperation>();
entity.Id = default;
entity.DateStart = dto.DateStart.DateTime.ToUtcDateTimeOffset(timezone.Hours);
entity.IdWell = idWell;
entity.LastUpdateDate = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
var result = await db.SaveChangesAsync(token);
if (result > 0)
return result;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public async Task<int> UpdateAsync(
WellOperationDto dto, CancellationToken token)
var timezone = wellService.GetTimezone(dto.IdWell);
var entity = dto.Adapt<WellOperation>();
entity.DateStart = dto.DateStart.DateTime.ToUtcDateTimeOffset(timezone.Hours);
entity.LastUpdateDate = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
var result = await db.SaveChangesAsync(token);
if (result > 0)
return result;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public async Task<int> DeleteAsync(IEnumerable<int> ids,
CancellationToken token)
var query = db.WellOperations.Where(e => ids.Contains(e.Id));
var result = await db.SaveChangesAsync(token);
if (result > 0)
return result;
/// <summary>
/// В результате попрежнему требуется конвертировать дату
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private IQueryable<WellOperationDto> BuildQuery(WellOperationRequest request)
var timezone = wellService.GetTimezone(request.IdWell);
var timeZoneOffset = timezone.Hours;
var query = db.WellOperations
.Include(s => s.WellSectionType)
.Include(s => s.OperationCategory)
.Where(o => o.IdWell == request.IdWell);
if (request.OperationType.HasValue)
query = query.Where(e => e.IdType == request.OperationType.Value);
if (request.SectionTypeIds?.Any() == true)
query = query.Where(e => request.SectionTypeIds.Contains(e.IdWellSectionType));
if (request.OperationCategoryIds?.Any() == true)
query = query.Where(e => request.OperationCategoryIds.Contains(e.IdCategory));
if (request.GeDepth.HasValue)
query = query.Where(e => e.DepthEnd >= request.GeDepth.Value);
if (request.LeDepth.HasValue)
query = query.Where(e => e.DepthEnd <= request.LeDepth.Value);
if (request.GeDate.HasValue)
//var geDateOffset = request.GeDate.Value.ToUtcDateTimeOffset(timeZoneOffset);
query = query.Where(e => e.DateStart >= request.GeDate);
if (request.LeDate.HasValue)
//var leDateOffset = request.LeDate.Value.ToUtcDateTimeOffset(timeZoneOffset);
query = query.Where(e => e.DateStart <= request.LeDate);
var currentWellOperations = db.WellOperations
.Where(subOp => subOp.IdWell == request.IdWell);
var wellOperationsWithCategoryNpt = currentWellOperations
.Where(subOp => subOp.IdType == 1)
.Where(subOp => WellOperationCategory.NonProductiveTimeSubIds.Contains(subOp.IdCategory));
// TODO: Вынести query.Select из метода BuildQuery
var dtos = query.Select(o => new WellOperationDto
Id = o.Id,
IdPlan = o.IdPlan,
IdType = o.IdType,
IdWell = o.IdWell,
IdWellSectionType = o.IdWellSectionType,
IdCategory = o.IdCategory,
IdParentCategory = o.OperationCategory.IdParent,
CategoryName = o.OperationCategory.Name,
WellSectionTypeName = o.WellSectionType.Caption,
DateStart = o.DateStart,
DepthStart = o.DepthStart,
DepthEnd = o.DepthEnd,
DurationHours = o.DurationHours,
CategoryInfo = o.CategoryInfo,
Comment = o.Comment,
NptHours = wellOperationsWithCategoryNpt
.Where(subOp => subOp.DateStart <= o.DateStart)
.Select(subOp => subOp.DurationHours)
Day = (o.DateStart - currentWellOperations
.Where(subOp => subOp.IdType == o.IdType)
.Where(subOp => subOp.DateStart <= o.DateStart)
.Min(subOp => subOp.DateStart))
IdUser = o.IdUser,
LastUpdateDate = o.LastUpdateDate,
if (request.SortFields?.Any() == true)
dtos = dtos.SortBy(request.SortFields);
dtos = dtos
.OrderBy(e => e.DateStart)
.ThenBy(e => e.DepthEnd)
.ThenBy(e => e.Id);
if (request.Skip.HasValue)
dtos = dtos.Skip(request.Skip.Value);
if (request.Take.HasValue)
dtos = dtos.Take(request.Take.Value);
return dtos.AsNoTracking();
/// <summary>
/// Получение данных по запросу
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request"></param>
/// <param name="token"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private IQueryable<WellOperationDataDto> BuildQuery(WellsOperationRequest request)
var query = db.WellOperations
.Where(o => request.IdsWell.Contains(o.IdWell))
.Where(o => request.OperationType == o.IdType);
if (request.SectionTypeIds?.Any() == true)
query = query.Where(o => request.SectionTypeIds.Contains(o.IdWellSectionType));
if (request.OperationCategoryIds?.Any() == true)
query = query.Where(o => request.OperationCategoryIds.Contains(o.IdCategory));
// TODO: Вынести query.Select из метода BuildQuery
var dtos = query.Select(o => new WellOperationDataDto
DepthStart = o.DepthStart,
DurationHours = o.DurationHours,
IdCategory = o.IdCategory,
IdWell = o.IdWell,
IdWellSectionType = o.IdWellSectionType,
OperationCategoryName = o.OperationCategory.Name,
WellSectionTypeCaption = o.WellSectionType.Caption,
if (request.SortFields?.Any() == true)
dtos = dtos.SortBy(request.SortFields);
if (request.Skip.HasValue)
dtos = dtos.Skip(request.Skip.Value);
if (request.Take.HasValue)
dtos = dtos.Take(request.Take.Value);
return dtos.AsNoTracking();
private WellOperationDto Convert(WellOperationDto dto)
var timezone = wellService.GetTimezone(dto.IdWell);
var timezoneOffset = TimeSpan.FromHours(timezone.Hours);
var dtoWithRemoteDateTime = dto.Adapt<WellOperationDto>();
dtoWithRemoteDateTime.DateStart = dto.DateStart.ToOffset(TimeSpan.FromHours(timezoneOffset.Hours));
dtoWithRemoteDateTime.LastUpdateDate = dto.LastUpdateDate?.ToOffset(TimeSpan.FromHours(timezoneOffset.Hours));
return dtoWithRemoteDateTime;
public async Task<int> RemoveDuplicates(Action<string, double?> onProgressCallback, CancellationToken token)
IQueryable<WellOperation> dbset = db.Set<WellOperation>();
var query = dbset
.GroupBy(o => new { o.IdWell, o.IdType })
.Select(g => new { g.Key.IdWell, g.Key.IdType });
var groups = await query
var count = groups.Count();
var i = 0;
var totalRemoved = 0;
var total = 0;
foreach (var group in groups)
var result = await RemoveDuplicatesInGroup(group.IdWell, group.IdType, token);
totalRemoved += result.removed;
total +=;
var percent = i++ / count;
var message = $"RemoveDuplicates [{i} of {count}] wellId: {group.IdWell}, opType: {group.IdType}, affected: {result.removed} of {}";
onProgressCallback?.Invoke(message, percent);
var messageDone = $"RemoveDuplicates done [{i} of {count}] totalAffected: {totalRemoved} of {total}";
onProgressCallback?.Invoke(messageDone, 1);
return totalRemoved;
private async Task<(int removed, int total)> RemoveDuplicatesInGroup(int idWell, int idType, CancellationToken token)
var dbset = db.Set<WellOperation>();
var entities = await dbset
.Where(o => o.IdWell == idWell && o.IdType == idType)
.OrderBy(o => o.DateStart)
using var entitiesEnumerator = entities.GetEnumerator();
if (!entitiesEnumerator.MoveNext())
return (0, 0);
var preEntity = entitiesEnumerator.Current;
while (entitiesEnumerator.MoveNext())
var entity = entitiesEnumerator.Current;
if (preEntity.IsSame(entity))
preEntity = entity;
var removed = await db.SaveChangesAsync(token);
return (removed, entities.Count);
public async Task<int> TrimOverlapping(DateTimeOffset? geDate, DateTimeOffset leDate, Action<string, double?> onProgressCallback, CancellationToken token)
var leDateUtc = leDate.ToUniversalTime();
IQueryable<WellOperation> query = db.Set<WellOperation>();
if (geDate.HasValue)
var geDateUtc = geDate.Value.ToUniversalTime();
query = query.Where(e => e.DateStart >= geDateUtc);
var groups = await query
.GroupBy(o => new { o.IdWell, o.IdType })
.Select(g => new{
MaxDate = g.Max(o => o.DateStart),
.Where(g => g.MaxDate <= leDateUtc)
var count = groups.Count();
var i = 0;
(int takeover, int trimmed,int total) totalResult = (0, 0, 0);
foreach (var group in groups)
var result = await TrimOverlapping(group.IdWell, group.IdType, token);
totalResult.takeover += result.takeover;
totalResult.trimmed += result.trimmed;
|| +=;
var percent = i++ / count;
var message = $"TrimOverlapping [{i} of {count}] wellId: {group.IdWell}, opType: {group.IdType}, takeover:{result.takeover}, trimmed:{result.trimmed}, of {}";
onProgressCallback?.Invoke(message, percent);
var messageDone = $"TrimOverlapping done [{i} of {count}] total takeover:{totalResult.takeover}, total trimmed:{totalResult.trimmed} of {}";
onProgressCallback?.Invoke(messageDone, 1);
return totalResult.takeover + totalResult.trimmed;
private async Task<(int takeover, int trimmed, int total)> TrimOverlapping(int idWell, int idType, CancellationToken token)
var dbset = db.Set<WellOperation>();
var query = dbset
.Where(o => o.IdWell == idWell)
.Where(o => o.IdType == idType)
.OrderBy(o => o.DateStart)
.ThenBy(o => o.DepthStart);
var entities = await query
using var entitiesEnumerator = entities.GetEnumerator();
if (!entitiesEnumerator.MoveNext())
return (0, 0, 0);
int takeover = 0;
int trimmed = 0;
var preEntity = entitiesEnumerator.Current;
while (entitiesEnumerator.MoveNext())
var entity = entitiesEnumerator.Current;
var preDepth = preEntity.DepthEnd;
if (preEntity.DepthEnd >= entity.DepthEnd)
if (preEntity.DepthEnd > entity.DepthStart)
entity.DepthStart = preEntity.DepthEnd;
var preDate = preEntity.DateStart.AddHours(preEntity.DurationHours);
if (preDate >= entity.DateStart.AddHours(entity.DurationHours))
if (preDate > entity.DateStart)
var entityDateEnd = entity.DateStart.AddHours(entity.DurationHours);
entity.DateStart = preDate;
entity.DurationHours = (entityDateEnd - entity.DateStart).TotalHours;
preEntity = entity;
var affected = await db.SaveChangesAsync(token);
return (takeover, trimmed, entities.Count);