Степанов Дмитрий b58cd2d636 Запрет на редактирование завершенных скважин для инженеров
1. Добавил новые права для координаторов и тех.поддержки
2. Переименовал ProcessMapReportService.cs -> ProcessMapService.cs
3. Добавил ProcessMapService.cs метод удаления записи РТК
4. Добавил проверки на наличие прав в контроллерах
5. Накатил новые миграции
2023-09-05 16:23:40 +05:00

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using AsbCloudApp.Data.ProcessMap;
using AsbCloudApp.Data.SAUB;
using AsbCloudApp.Exceptions;
using AsbCloudApp.Repositories;
using AsbCloudApp.Services;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.ProcessMap
public partial class ProcessMapService : IProcessMapService
private readonly IWellService wellService;
private readonly IWellOperationRepository wellOperationRepository;
private readonly IProcessMapPlanRepository processMapPlanRepository;
private readonly ITelemetryDataSaubService telemetryDataSaubService;
public ProcessMapService(
IWellService wellService,
IWellOperationRepository wellOperationRepository,
IProcessMapPlanRepository processMapPlanRepository,
ITelemetryDataSaubService telemetryDataSaubService)
this.wellService = wellService;
this.wellOperationRepository = wellOperationRepository;
this.processMapPlanRepository = processMapPlanRepository;
this.telemetryDataSaubService = telemetryDataSaubService;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public async Task<IEnumerable<ProcessMapReportDto>> GetProcessMapReportAsync(int idWell, CancellationToken token)
var well = wellService.GetOrDefault(idWell)
?? throw new ArgumentInvalidException("idWell not found", nameof(idWell));
var idTelemetry = well.IdTelemetry
?? throw new ArgumentInvalidException("telemetry by well not found", nameof(idWell));
var processMapPlan = await processMapPlanRepository.GetByIdWellAsync(idWell, token);
if (!processMapPlan.Any())
return Enumerable.Empty<ProcessMapReportDto>();
var telemetryDataStat = (await telemetryDataSaubService.GetTelemetryDataStatAsync(idTelemetry, token)).ToArray();
if (!telemetryDataStat.Any())
return Enumerable.Empty<ProcessMapReportDto>();
var result = CalcByIntervals(processMapPlan, telemetryDataStat);
return result;
public async Task<int> DeleteAsync(int id, int idWell, CancellationToken token)
var processMap = await processMapPlanRepository.GetOrDefaultAsync(id, token);
if (processMap?.IdWell != idWell)
throw new ArgumentInvalidException("Запись РТК принадлежит другой скважине", nameof(idWell));
return await processMapPlanRepository.DeleteAsync(id, token);
private IEnumerable<ProcessMapReportDto> CalcByIntervals(IEnumerable<ProcessMapPlanDto> processMapPlan, TelemetryDataSaubStatDto[] telemetryDataStat)
var processMapIntervals = CalcDepthIntervals(processMapPlan);
var result = new List<ProcessMapReportDto>(processMapIntervals.Count() * 4);
var telemetryIndexStart = Array.FindIndex(telemetryDataStat, t => t.WellDepthMin >= processMapIntervals.First().DepthStart);
if (telemetryIndexStart < 0)
return Enumerable.Empty<ProcessMapReportDto>();
IDictionary<int, string> sectionTypes = wellOperationRepository
.ToDictionary(s => s.Id, s => s.Caption);
foreach (var interval in processMapIntervals)
// plans [ ][ ]
// interval [ ]
var processMapPlanInterval = processMapPlan
.Where(p => p.DepthStart <= interval.DepthEnd && p.DepthEnd >= interval.DepthStart);
if (!processMapPlanInterval.Any())
var telemetryIndexEnd = Array.FindIndex(telemetryDataStat, telemetryIndexStart, t => t.WellDepthMin >= interval.DepthEnd);
if (telemetryIndexEnd < 0)
telemetryIndexEnd = telemetryDataStat.Length - 1;
var telemetryDataInterval = telemetryDataStat.AsSpan(telemetryIndexStart, telemetryIndexEnd - telemetryIndexStart);
IEnumerable<ProcessMapReportDto> subIntervalsResult = CalcSubIntervals(interval, processMapPlanInterval, telemetryDataInterval, sectionTypes);
telemetryIndexStart = telemetryIndexEnd;
return result;
private static IEnumerable<(double DepthStart, double DepthEnd)> CalcDepthIntervals(IEnumerable<ProcessMapPlanDto> processMapPlan)
yield break;
var intervalStarts = processMapPlan
.OrderBy(i => i.DepthStart)
.Select(p => p.DepthStart)
for (var i = 1; i < intervalStarts.Length; i++)
yield return (intervalStarts[i - 1], intervalStarts[i]);
yield return (intervalStarts[^1], processMapPlan.Max(p=>p.DepthEnd));
private static IEnumerable<ProcessMapReportDto> CalcSubIntervals(
(double DepthStart, double DepthEnd) interval,
IEnumerable<ProcessMapPlanDto> processMapPlanInterval,
Span<TelemetryDataSaubStatDto> telemetryDataInterval,
IDictionary<int, string> sectionTypes)
var telemetryDataIntervalLength = telemetryDataInterval.Length;
if (telemetryDataInterval.Length == 0)
return Enumerable.Empty<ProcessMapReportDto>();
var result = new List<ProcessMapReportDto>();
var telemetryIndexStart = 0;
var subInterval = interval;
for (var i = telemetryIndexStart + 1; i < telemetryDataIntervalLength; i++)
if (IsDifferent(telemetryDataInterval[telemetryIndexStart], telemetryDataInterval[i]))
subInterval.DepthEnd = telemetryDataInterval[i - 1].WellDepthMax;
var telemetryRowSpan = telemetryDataInterval[telemetryIndexStart..(i - 1)];
if (!telemetryRowSpan.IsEmpty)
var intervalReportRow = CalcSubIntervalReportRow(subInterval, processMapPlanInterval, telemetryRowSpan, sectionTypes);
telemetryIndexStart = i;
subInterval.DepthStart = subInterval.DepthEnd;
subInterval.DepthEnd = interval.DepthEnd;
var intervalReportRowLast = CalcSubIntervalReportRow(subInterval, processMapPlanInterval, telemetryDataInterval[telemetryIndexStart..telemetryDataIntervalLength], sectionTypes);
return result;
private static ProcessMapReportDto CalcSubIntervalReportRow(
(double DepthStart, double DepthEnd) subInterval,
IEnumerable<ProcessMapPlanDto> processMap,
Span<TelemetryDataSaubStatDto> telemetryRowSpan,
IDictionary<int, string> sectionTypes)
var telemetryStat = new TelemetryStat(telemetryRowSpan);
var processMapByMode = processMap.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IdMode == telemetryStat.IdMode);
var processMapFirst = processMap.First();
var idWellSectionType = processMapByMode?.IdWellSectionType ?? processMapFirst.IdWellSectionType;
var result = new ProcessMapReportDto
IdWell = processMapByMode?.IdWell ?? processMapFirst.IdWell,
IdWellSectionType = idWellSectionType,
WellSectionTypeName = sectionTypes[idWellSectionType],
DepthStart = subInterval.DepthStart,
DepthEnd = subInterval.DepthEnd,
DateStart = telemetryStat.DateStart,
MechDrillingHours = telemetryStat.MechDrillingHours,
DrillingMode = telemetryStat.ModeName,
DeltaDepth = telemetryStat.DeltaDepth,
PressureDiff = telemetryStat.Pressure.MakeParams(processMapByMode?.Pressure.Plan),
AxialLoad = telemetryStat.AxialLoad.MakeParams(processMapByMode?.AxialLoad.Plan),
TopDriveTorque = telemetryStat.RotorTorque.MakeParams(processMapByMode?.TopDriveTorque.Plan),
SpeedLimit = telemetryStat.BlockSpeed.MakeParams(processMapByMode?.RopPlan),
Rop = telemetryStat.Rop,
UsagePlan = processMapByMode?.UsageSaub ?? telemetryStat.UsagePredictPlan,
UsageFact = telemetryStat.UsageSaub,
return result;
private static bool IsDifferent(TelemetryDataSaubStatDto intervalStart, TelemetryDataSaubStatDto current)
if (intervalStart.WellDepthMin > current.WellDepthMin)
return true;
if (intervalStart.IdMode != current.IdMode)
return true;
if (Math.Abs(intervalStart.PressureSp - current.PressureSp) > 5d)
return true;
if (Math.Abs(intervalStart.AxialLoadSp - current.AxialLoadSp) > 1d)
return true;
if (Math.Abs(intervalStart.RotorTorqueSp - current.RotorTorqueSp) > 5d)
return true;
var blockSpeedSpDiff = Math.Abs(intervalStart.BlockSpeedSp - current.BlockSpeedSp);
if (blockSpeedSpDiff > 5d)
if (intervalStart.BlockSpeedSp <= 30)
return true;
else if (intervalStart.BlockSpeedSp > 30 && blockSpeedSpDiff > 15d)
return true;
else if (intervalStart.BlockSpeedSp > 80 && blockSpeedSpDiff > 20d)
return true;
return false;
class ParamStat
private double spWSum;
private double pvWSum;
private double limitMaxWSum;
private double deltaDepthSum;
private readonly Func<TelemetryDataSaubStatDto, double> getterSp;
private readonly Func<TelemetryDataSaubStatDto, double> getterPv;
private readonly Func<TelemetryDataSaubStatDto, double>? getterLimitMax;
private readonly int idFeedRegulator;
private readonly int idMode;
private TelemetryDataSaubStatDto? previous;
public double SpUsageDepth { get; private set; }
private static double spUsageTotal;
public ParamStat(Func<TelemetryDataSaubStatDto, double> getterSp,
Func<TelemetryDataSaubStatDto, double> getterPv,
Func<TelemetryDataSaubStatDto, double>? getterLimitMax,
int idFeedRegulator,
int idMode)
this.getterSp = getterSp;
this.getterPv = getterPv;
this.getterLimitMax = getterLimitMax;
this.idFeedRegulator = idFeedRegulator;
this.idMode = idMode;
spUsageTotal = 0d;
public void UpdateStat(TelemetryDataSaubStatDto current)
if(previous is not null)
var deltaDepth = current.WellDepthMin - previous.WellDepthMin;
if (deltaDepth > 0)
var deltaDepthHalf = deltaDepth / 2;
double CalculateWeight(Func<TelemetryDataSaubStatDto, double> getter) => (getter(previous!) + getter(current)) * deltaDepthHalf;
spWSum += CalculateWeight(getterSp);
pvWSum += CalculateWeight(getterPv);
if(getterLimitMax is not null)
limitMaxWSum += CalculateWeight(getterLimitMax!);
if (current.IdFeedRegulator is not null)
if (current.IdFeedRegulator == idFeedRegulator)
SpUsageDepth += deltaDepth;
spUsageTotal += deltaDepth;
var pvErr = (getterSp(current) - getterPv(current)) / getterSp(current);
if (pvErr < 0.03d) //3%
SpUsageDepth += deltaDepth;
spUsageTotal += deltaDepth;
deltaDepthSum += deltaDepth;
previous = current;
public ProcessMapReportParamsDto MakeParams(double? spPlan)
var result = new ProcessMapReportParamsDto
SetpointPlan = spPlan,
Fact = DivideValByDepth(pvWSum),
if (idMode == 0)
result.SetpointFact = null;
result.Limit = null;
result.SetpointUsage = null;
result.SetpointFact = DivideValByDepth(spWSum);
result.Limit = (getterLimitMax is not null) ? DivideValByDepth(limitMaxWSum) : null;
result.SetpointUsage = deltaDepthSum > 0d ? 100d * SpUsageDepth / spUsageTotal : null;
return result;
private double? DivideValByDepth(double? val)
if(val is null || val == 0d || deltaDepthSum == 0d)
return null;
return val / deltaDepthSum;
class TelemetryStat {
public ParamStat Pressure { get; }
public ParamStat AxialLoad {get; }
public ParamStat RotorTorque {get; }
public ParamStat BlockSpeed {get; }
private TelemetryDataSaubStatDto? previous;
private double depthSum = 0d;
private double hoursSum = 0d;
public double? Rop => hoursSum == 0d ? null : depthSum / hoursSum;
private double depthWithSaub = 0d;
public double UsageSaub { get; }
public double UsagePredictPlan { get; }
public DateTime DateStart { get; }
public float DeltaDepth { get; }
public int IdMode { get; }
public string ModeName { get; }
public double MechDrillingHours { get; }
public TelemetryStat(Span<TelemetryDataSaubStatDto> telemetry)
var telemetryFirst = telemetry[0];
var telemetryLast = telemetry[^1];
IdMode = telemetryFirst.IdMode;
ModeName = GetModeName(IdMode);
DateStart = telemetryFirst.DateMin;
DeltaDepth = telemetryLast.WellDepthMax - telemetryFirst.WellDepthMin;
MechDrillingHours = (telemetryLast.DateMax - telemetryFirst.DateMin).TotalHours;
BlockSpeed = new(t => t.BlockSpeedSp, t => t.BlockSpeed, null, 1, IdMode);
Pressure = new(t => t.PressureSpDelta, t => t.PressureDelta, t=>t.PressureDeltaLimitMax, 2, IdMode);
RotorTorque = new(t => t.RotorTorqueSp, t => t.RotorTorque, t=>t.RotorTorqueLimitMax, 3, IdMode);
AxialLoad = new(t => t.AxialLoadSp, t => t.AxialLoad, t=>t.AxialLoadLimitMax, 4, IdMode);
for (int i = 0; i < telemetry.Length; i++)
UsageSaub = 100d * depthWithSaub / depthSum;
UsagePredictPlan = IdMode != 0 ? 100d : 0d;
private void UpdateStat(TelemetryDataSaubStatDto current)
if(previous is not null)
var deltaDepth = current.WellDepthMin - previous.WellDepthMin;
if(deltaDepth > 0)
var deltaHours = (current.DateMin - previous.DateMax).TotalHours;
depthSum += deltaDepth;
hoursSum += deltaHours;
if(current.IdMode == 1 || current.IdMode == 3)
depthWithSaub += deltaDepth;
previous = current;
private static string GetModeName(int idMode)
=> idMode switch
1 => "Ротор",
3 => "Слайд",
_ => "Ручной",