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using AsbCloudDb.Model;
using AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DetectOperations.Detectors;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Background.PeriodicWorks
/// <summary>
/// задача по добавлению данных в таблицу DataSaubStat, которая используется дл построения РТК-отчета
/// </summary>
internal class WorkDataSaubStat : Work
private int MechanicalDrillingCategoryId = 4001;
public WorkDataSaubStat() : base("Generate DataSaubStat entries and save them into Db")
Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);
protected override Task Action(string id, IServiceProvider services, Action<string, double?> onProgressCallback, CancellationToken token)
//1 найти последнюю запись в кеш-таблице (по полям "Дата до")
//2 определяем дату с которой начинаем анализ
//3 находим автоопределнные операции по скважине, начиная с начальной даты из пункта 2
// 3.1 только те, которые связанные с бурением (idParent = 4001)
// 3.2 выбираем 500 операций
// 3.3. выбираем минимальную дату начала и максимальную дату окончания
//4 по полученным в пункте выше данным выбираем записи из telemetry_data_saub
// 4.1.выбираем те у которых (bit_depth == well_depth)
//5. для каждой операции из 3.2 находим соответствующий ей кусок телеметрии (по дате начала и окончания)
// и храним индексы этого куска в виде span
//6. кусок телеметрии, полученный в пункте 5 (span) и соответствующая ей операция направляется на разбивку диапазонов
//7/ разбивка диапазонов:
// параметры метода: массив из
using var db = services.GetRequiredService<IAsbCloudDbContext>();
var dateEnd = db.Set<DataSaubStat>()
.OrderByDescending(c => c.DateEnd)
?? DateTimeOffset.MinValue;
var detectedOperations = db.Set<DetectedOperation>()
.Where(o => o.DateStart > dateEnd)
.Where(o => o.OperationCategory.IdParent == MechanicalDrillingCategoryId)
.OrderBy(o => o.DateStart)
var minDate = detectedOperations.FirstOrDefault()?.DateStart;
var maxDate = detectedOperations.OrderByDescending(d => d.DateEnd).FirstOrDefault()?.DateEnd;
var telemetryDataSaub = db.Set<TelemetryDataSaub>()
.Where(t => t.DateTime >= minDate)
.Where(t => t.DateTime <= maxDate)
.Where(t => Math.Abs(t.BitDepth - t.WellDepth) < 0.0001)
.OrderBy(t => t.DateTime)
var indexStart = 0;
var indexEnd = 0;
foreach (var operation in detectedOperations)
indexStart = Array.FindIndex(telemetryDataSaub, indexEnd, t => t.DateTime >= operation.DateStart);
indexEnd = Array.FindIndex(telemetryDataSaub, indexStart, t => t.DateTime > operation.DateEnd) - 1;
if (indexStart >= 0 && indexEnd >= indexStart)
var length = indexEnd - indexStart;
var subset = telemetryDataSaub.AsSpan(indexStart, length + 1);
var result = CalcStats(operation, subset, db);
return Task.CompletedTask;
private int CalcStats(DetectedOperation operation, Span<TelemetryDataSaub> telemetryDataSaub, IAsbCloudDbContext db)
var indexStart = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < telemetryDataSaub.Length; i++)
var previous = telemetryDataSaub[i - 1];
var current = telemetryDataSaub[i];
if (IsNewCacheItem(previous, current) || i == telemetryDataSaub.Length - 1)
var length = i - indexStart;
var span = telemetryDataSaub.Slice(indexStart, length);
indexStart = i;
var dataSaubStatItem = CalcStat(operation, span);
return db.SaveChanges();
private DataSaubStat CalcStat(DetectedOperation operation, Span<TelemetryDataSaub> span)
var hasOscillation = operation.ExtraData.TryGetValue(DetectorDrilling.ExtraDataKeyHasOscillation, out object? hasOscillationObject)
&& hasOscillationObject is true;
var wavg = CalcWavg(span);
var processMapDrillingCacheItem = new DataSaubStat
DateStart = operation.DateStart,
DateEnd = operation.DateEnd,
DepthStart = operation.DepthStart,
DepthEnd = operation.DepthEnd,
Speed = (operation.DepthEnd - operation.DepthStart) / ((operation.DateEnd - operation.DateStart).TotalHours),
BlockSpeedSp = span[0].BlockSpeedSp,
Pressure = wavg.Pressure,
PressureIdle = span[0].PressureIdle,
PressureSp = span[0].PressureSp,
AxialLoad = wavg.AxialLoad,
AxialLoadSp = span[0].AxialLoadSp,
AxialLoadLimitMax = span[0].AxialLoadLimitMax,
RotorTorque = wavg.RotorTorque,
RotorTorqueSp = span[0].RotorTorqueSp,
RotorTorqueLimitMax = span[0].RotorTorqueLimitMax,
IdFeedRegulator = span[0].IdFeedRegulator,
RotorSpeed = wavg.RotorSpeed,
DetectedOperationCategoryId = operation.IdCategory,
EnabledSubsystems = operation.EnabledSubsystems,
HasOscillation = hasOscillation,
IdTelemetry = operation.IdTelemetry,
return processMapDrillingCacheItem;
private (
double Pressure,
double AxialLoad,
double RotorTorque,
double RotorSpeed
) CalcWavg(Span<TelemetryDataSaub> span)
var sumPressure = 0.0;
var sumAxialLoad = 0.0;
var sumRotorTorque = 0.0;
var sumRotorSpeed = 0.0;
var diffDepthTotal = span[^1].WellDepth - span[0].WellDepth;
for (var i = 0; i < span.Length - 1; i++)
var weigth = span[i + 1].WellDepth - span[i].WellDepth;
sumPressure += weigth * span[i].Pressure;
sumAxialLoad += weigth * span[i].AxialLoad;
sumRotorTorque += weigth * span[i].RotorTorque;
sumRotorSpeed += weigth * span[i].RotorSpeed;
return (
Pressure: sumPressure / diffDepthTotal,
AxialLoad: sumAxialLoad / diffDepthTotal,
RotorTorque: sumRotorTorque / diffDepthTotal,
RotorSpeed: sumRotorSpeed / diffDepthTotal
private bool IsNewCacheItem(TelemetryDataSaub previous, TelemetryDataSaub current)
return !(current.Mode == previous.Mode)
|| !(current.BlockSpeedSp == previous.BlockSpeedSp)
|| !(current.PressureIdle == previous.PressureIdle)
|| !(current.PressureSp == previous.PressureSp)
|| !(current.AxialLoadSp == previous.AxialLoadSp)
|| !(current.AxialLoadLimitMax == previous.AxialLoadLimitMax)
|| !(current.HookWeightIdle == previous.HookWeightIdle)
|| !(current.RotorTorqueIdle == previous.RotorTorqueIdle)
|| !(current.RotorTorqueSp == previous.RotorTorqueSp)
|| !(current.RotorTorqueLimitMax == previous.RotorTorqueLimitMax)
|| !(current.IdFeedRegulator == previous.IdFeedRegulator);