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using AsbCloudApp.Data;
using AsbCloudApp.Exceptions;
using AsbCloudApp.Services;
using AsbCloudDb.Model;
using Mapster;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace AsbCloudInfrastructure.Services.DrillingProgram
public class DrillingProgramService : IDrillingProgramService
private readonly IAsbCloudDbContext context;
private readonly IFileService fileService;
private readonly IUserService userService;
private const int idFileCategoryDrillingProgram = 1000;
private const int idFileCategoryDrillingProgramPartsStart = 1001;
private const int idFileCategoryDrillingProgramPartsEnd = 1100;
private const int idPartStateNoFile = 0;
private const int idPartStateApproving = 1;
private const int idPartStateApproved = 2;
private const int idMarkTypeReject = 0;
private const int idMarkTypeApprove = 1;
private const int idUserRolePublisher = 1;
private const int idUserRoleApprover = 2;
private const int idStateNotInitialized = 0;
private const int idStateApproving = 1;
private const int idStateCreating = 2;
private const int idStateReady = 3;
public DrillingProgramService(IAsbCloudDbContext context, IFileService fileService, IUserService userService)
this.context = context;
this.fileService = fileService;
this.userService = userService;
public async Task<IEnumerable<FileCategoryDto>> GetCategoriesAsync(CancellationToken token = default)
var result = await context.FileCategories
.Where(c=>c.Id > idFileCategoryDrillingProgramPartsStart && c.Id < idFileCategoryDrillingProgramPartsEnd)
return result.Select(c => c.Adapt<FileCategoryDto>());
public async Task<DrillingProgramStateDto> GetStateAsync(int idWell, int idUser, CancellationToken token = default)
// Задание от геологов
// Профиль ствола скважины(ННБ)
// Технологические расчеты(ННБ)
// Долотная программа
// Программа по растворам
// Программа геофизических исследований
// Планы спусков обсадных колонн
// Программы цементирования обсадных колонн
var fileCategories = await context.FileCategories
.Where(c => c.Id >= idFileCategoryDrillingProgramPartsStart &&
c.Id < idFileCategoryDrillingProgramPartsEnd)
var files = await context.Files
.Include(f => f.FileMarks)
.ThenInclude(m => m.User)
.Include(f => f.Author)
.Include(f => f.FileCategory)
.Where(f => f.IdWell == idWell &&
f.IdCategory >= idFileCategoryDrillingProgram &&
f.IdCategory < idFileCategoryDrillingProgramPartsEnd &&
f.IsDeleted == false)
.OrderBy(f => f.UploadDate)
var partEntities = await context.DrillingProgramParts
.Include(p => p.RelatedUsers)
.ThenInclude(r => r.User)
.Where(p => p.IdWell == idWell)
var parts = new List<DrillingProgramPartDto>(partEntities.Count);
foreach (var partEntity in partEntities)
var part = ConvertPart(idUser, fileCategories, files, partEntity);
var state = new DrillingProgramStateDto();
state.Parts = parts;
state.Program = files.FirstOrDefault(f => f.IdCategory == idFileCategoryDrillingProgram)
if (parts.Any())
if(parts.All(p=>p.IdState == idPartStateApproved))
if (state.Program is not null)
state.IdState = idStateReady;
state.IdState = idStateCreating;
state.IdState = idStateApproving;
state.IdState = idStateNotInitialized;
return state;
public async Task<int> AddFile(int idPart, int idUser, string fileFullName, System.IO.Stream fileStream, CancellationToken token = default)
var part = await context.DrillingProgramParts
.Include(p => p.RelatedUsers)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == idPart);
if (part == null)
throw new ArgumentInvalidException($"DrillingProgramPart id == {idPart} does not exist", nameof(idPart));
if (! part.RelatedUsers.Any(r => r.IdUser == idUser && r.IdUserRole == idUserRolePublisher))
throw new ForbidException($"User {idUser} is not in the publisher list.");
var result = await fileService.SaveAsync(
await RemoveDrillingProgramAsync(part.IdWell, token);
return result.Id;
public async Task<int> AddPartAsync(int idWell, int idFileCategory, CancellationToken token = default)
var part = new DrillingProgramPart
IdWell = idWell,
IdFileCategory = idFileCategory,
var entry = context.DrillingProgramParts.Add(part);
await context.SaveChangesAsync(token);
await RemoveDrillingProgramAsync(part.IdWell, token);
return entry.Entity.Id;
public async Task<int> RemovePartAsync(int idWell, int idFileCategory, CancellationToken token = default)
var whereQuery = context.DrillingProgramParts
.Where(r => r.IdWell == idWell &&
r.IdFileCategory == idFileCategory);
await RemoveDrillingProgramAsync(idWell, token);
return await context.SaveChangesAsync(token);
public async Task<int> AddUserAsync(int idUser, int idPart, int idUserRole, CancellationToken token = default)
var user = await userService.GetAsync(idUser, token);
if (user is null)
throw new ArgumentInvalidException($"User id == {idUser} does not exist", nameof(idUser));
var drillingProgramPart = await context.DrillingProgramParts.FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == idPart, token);
if (drillingProgramPart is null)
throw new ArgumentInvalidException($"DrillingProgramPart id == {idPart} does not exist", nameof(idPart));
if (idUserRole != idUserRoleApprover && idUserRole != idUserRolePublisher)
throw new ArgumentInvalidException($"idUserRole ({idPart}), should be approver ({idUserRoleApprover}) or publisher({idUserRolePublisher})", nameof(idPart));
var newRelation = new RelationUserDrillingProgramPart
IdUser = idUser,
IdDrillingProgramPart = idPart,
IdUserRole = idUserRole,
if(idUserRole == idUserRoleApprover)
await RemoveDrillingProgramAsync(drillingProgramPart.IdWell, token);
return await context.SaveChangesAsync(token);
public async Task<int> RemoveUserAsync(int idUser, int idPart, int idUserRole, CancellationToken token = default)
var whereQuery = context.RelationDrillingProgramPartUsers
.Where(r => r.IdUser == idUser &&
r.IdDrillingProgramPart == idPart &&
r.IdUserRole == idUserRole);
if (idUserRole == idUserRoleApprover)
var part = await context.DrillingProgramParts.FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == idPart, token);
await CheckAndEnqueueMakeProgramAsync(part.IdWell, token);
return await context.SaveChangesAsync(token);
public async Task<int> AddOrReplaceFileMarkAsync(FileMarkDto fileMarkDto, int idUser, CancellationToken token)
if(fileMarkDto.IdMarkType != idMarkTypeApprove &&
fileMarkDto.IdMarkType != idMarkTypeReject)
throw new ArgumentInvalidException($"В этом методе допустимы только отметки о принятии или отклонении.", nameof(fileMarkDto));
var fileInfo = await fileService.GetInfoAsync(fileMarkDto.IdFile, token)
if (fileInfo is null)
throw new ArgumentInvalidException($"Файла для такой отметки не существует.", nameof(fileMarkDto));
if (fileInfo.IdCategory < idFileCategoryDrillingProgramPartsStart ||
fileInfo.IdCategory > idFileCategoryDrillingProgramPartsEnd)
throw new ArgumentInvalidException($"Этот метод допустим только для файлов-частей программы бурения.", nameof(fileMarkDto));
var part = await context.DrillingProgramParts
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.IdWell == fileInfo.IdWell && p.IdFileCategory == fileInfo.IdCategory, token);
if (!part.RelatedUsers.Any(r => r.IdUser == idUser && r.IdUserRole == idUserRoleApprover))
throw new ForbidException($"User {idUser} is not in the approvers list.");
var oldMarksIds = fileInfo.FileMarks
?.Where(m => m.User.Id == idUser)
.Select(m => m.Id);
if(oldMarksIds?.Any() == true)
await fileService.MarkFileMarkAsDeletedAsync(oldMarksIds, token);
var result = await fileService.CreateFileMarkAsync(fileMarkDto, idUser, token)
if(fileMarkDto.IdMarkType == idMarkTypeApprove)
await CheckAndEnqueueMakeProgramAsync(fileInfo.IdWell, token);
await RemoveDrillingProgramAsync(fileInfo.IdWell, token);
return result;
public async Task<int> MarkAsDeletedFileMarkAsync(int idMark,
CancellationToken token)
var fileInfo = await fileService.GetByMarkId(idMark, token)
if (fileInfo.IdCategory < idFileCategoryDrillingProgramPartsStart ||
fileInfo.IdCategory > idFileCategoryDrillingProgramPartsEnd)
throw new ArgumentInvalidException($"Этот метод допустим только для файлов-частей программы бурения.", nameof(idMark));
var result = await fileService.MarkFileMarkAsDeletedAsync(idMark, token)
await RemoveDrillingProgramAsync(fileInfo.IdWell, token);
return result;
private static DrillingProgramPartDto ConvertPart(int idUser, List<FileCategory> fileCategories, List<FileInfo> files, DrillingProgramPart partEntity)
var part = new DrillingProgramPartDto
IdFileCategory = partEntity.IdFileCategory,
Name = fileCategories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == partEntity.IdFileCategory).Name,
Approvers = partEntity.RelatedUsers
.Where(u => u.IdUserRole == idUserRoleApprover)
.Select(u => u.Adapt<UserDto>()),
Publishers = partEntity.RelatedUsers
.Where(u => u.IdUserRole == idUserRolePublisher)
.Select(u => u.Adapt<UserDto>()),
PermissionToApprove = partEntity.RelatedUsers
.Any(u => u.IdUserRole == idUserRoleApprover && u.IdUser == idUser),
PermissionToUpload = partEntity.RelatedUsers
.Any(u => u.IdUserRole == idUserRolePublisher && u.IdUser == idUser),
var fileEntity = files.LastOrDefault(f => f.IdCategory == partEntity.IdFileCategory);
if (fileEntity is not null)
part.File = fileEntity.Adapt<FileInfoDto>();
var marks = fileEntity.FileMarks.Where(m => !m.IsDeleted);
if (marks.Any())
var hasReject = marks.Any(m => m.IdMarkType == idMarkTypeReject);
if (!hasReject)
var allAproved = part.Approvers.All(a => marks.Any(m => m.IdUser == a.Id && m.IdMarkType == idMarkTypeApprove));
if (allAproved)
part.IdState = idPartStateApproved;
part.IdState = idPartStateApproving;
part.IdState = idPartStateNoFile;
return part;
private async Task CheckAndEnqueueMakeProgramAsync(int idWell, CancellationToken token)
var state = await GetStateAsync(idWell, 0, token);
if(state.IdState == idStateCreating)
// TODO: check if task is running else enqueue task
throw new NotImplementedException();
private async Task<int> RemoveDrillingProgramAsync(int idWell, CancellationToken token)
// TODO: dequeue task if it exist
var filesIds = await context.Files
.Where(f => f.IdWell == idWell &&
f.IdCategory == idFileCategoryDrillingProgram)
.Select(f => f.Id)
if (filesIds.Any())
return await fileService.DeleteAsync(filesIds, token);
return 0;