DD.WellWorkover.Cloud/AsbCloudDb/install pg timescale.md

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install postgresql

sudo apt install postgresql-common
sudo sh /usr/share/postgresql-common/pgdg/apt.postgresql.org.sh
sudo apt install postgresql-14

install timescaledb

Add repo:

sudo sh -c "echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/timescale.keyring] https://packagecloud.io/timescale/timescaledb/ubuntu/ $(lsb_release -c -s) main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/timescaledb.list"
wget --quiet -O - https://packagecloud.io/timescale/timescaledb/gpgkey | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/timescale.keyring
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install timescaledb-2-postgresql-14

config timescale

Run configurator/installer

sudo service postgresql stop
sudo timescaledb-tune

change postgres default password

sudo service postgresql start
sudo -u postgres psql postgres -p 5499
alter user postgres with password 'q';

External access to postgres

in config file


allow external access - replace listen_addresses = 'local' to listen_addresses = '*'

change port - replace port = '5433' to port = '5499'

in config file


Add line to allow your IP: host all all <your ip>/32 scram-sha-256

check connection:

psql -h <server ip> -p 5499 -d postgres -U postgres -W